2,681 research outputs found

    Country differences in technology experience: The effect of teletext on iTV adoption in the United Kingdom

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    This study found that participant’s previous teletext experience and previous iTV experience influenced their openness towards using interactive television in planning independent longhaul holidays. The study surveyed participants for their previous interactive media experience (internet, iTV and teletext) before viewing a linear or interactive television destination promotion. Two ad models (impulse and telescopic) were tested from two program formats (travel program segment and ad break in a lifestyle program). These were aired on a video-on-demand network in London (UK) with 164 people out of a total of 375 participating all the way to the final steps of the study. Participants were most experienced with the Internet (mean 6.29 on 1-7scale) and 50% had had experience with an interactive television provider other than the VOD network. 70% had experience with teletext. Overall, participants felt positively towards interactive television as an information source for holiday planning. Those with teletext experience or iTV experience were more open to iTV than those without such experience. Furthermore, actual interaction with the treatment seemed to moderate the previous experience – iTV attractiveness link. This demonstrated that although previous technology experiences can transfer to new media, the actual experience of using the new media is also a powerful factor

    A comparison of three interactive television AD formats

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    This study explores the effects of interacting with three current interactive television (iTV) ad formats, using an Australian audience panel. Interaction with iTV ads has positive effects on awareness and net positive thoughts, which increase purchase intentions compared with the influence of regular ads. The telescopic format represents the best format, likely because it makes the most of the entertaining possibilities of iTV by offering additional long-form video; its superior performance cannot be explained readily by self-selection effects. The results suggest that the effectiveness of iTV ads should be measured by their interaction rate rather than the much smaller response rate, and iTV advertisers should consider ways to maximize interaction and response rates

    The three-dimensional BF Model with Cosmological Term in the Axial Gauge

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    We quantize the three-dimensional BFBF-model using axial gauge conditions. Exploiting the rich symmetry-structure of the model we show that the Green-functions correspond to tree graphs and can be obtained as the unique solution of the Ward-Identities. Furthermore, we will show that the theory can be uniquely determined by symmetry considerations without the need of an action principle.Comment: one reference added, transmission errors correcte

    Noncommutative Lorentz Symmetry and the Origin of the Seiberg-Witten Map

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    We show that the noncommutative Yang-Mills field forms an irreducible representation of the (undeformed) Lie algebra of rigid translations, rotations and dilatations. The noncommutative Yang-Mills action is invariant under combined conformal transformations of the Yang-Mills field and of the noncommutativity parameter \theta. The Seiberg-Witten differential equation results from a covariant splitting of the combined conformal transformations and can be computed as the missing piece to complete a covariant conformal transformation to an invariance of the action.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX. v2: Streamlined proofs and extended discussion of Lorentz transformation

    The effects of psychosocial stress on intergroup resource allocation

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Stress changes our social behavior. Traditionally, stress has been associated with “fight-or-flight” – the tendency to attack an aggressor, or escape the stressor. But stress may also promote the opposite pattern, i.e., “tend-and-befriend” – increased prosociality toward others. It is currently unclear which situational or physiological factors promote one or the other. Here, we hypothesized that stress stimulates both tendencies, but that fight-or-flight is primarily directed against a potentially hostile outgroup, moderated by rapid-acting catecholamines, while tend-and-befriend is mainly shown towards a supportive ingroup, regulated by cortisol. To test this hypothesis, we measured stress-related neurohormonal modulators and sex hormones in male and female participants who were exposed to a psychosocial stressor, and subsequently played an intergroup social dilemma game in which they could reveal prosocial motives towards an ingroup (ingroup-love) and hostility towards an outgroup (outgroup-hate). We found no significant effects of stress on social preferences, but stress-related heart-rate increases predicted outgroup-hostile behavior. Furthermore, when controlling for testosterone, cortisol was associated with increased ingroup-love. Other-regarding behavior was overall higher in male than female participants. Our mixed results are of interest to scholars of the effects of stress on prosocial and aggressive behavior, but call for refinement in future replications

    Perturbative Chern-Simons Theory on Noncommutative R^3

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    A U(N) Chern-Simons theory on noncommutative R3\mathbb{R}^{3} is constructed as a \q-deformed field theory. The model is characterized by two symmetries: the BRST-symmetry and the topological linear vector supersymmetry. It is shown that the theory is finite and \q_{\m\n}-independent at the one loop level and that the calculations respect the restriction of the topological supersymmetry. Thus the topological \q-deformed Chern-Simons theory is an example of a model which is non-singular in the limit \q \to 0.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Added loop calculation, conclusions unchanged, some references adde

    A Renormalized Supersymmetry in the Topological Yang-Mills Field Theory

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    We reconsider the algebraic BRS renormalization of Witten's topological Yang-Mills field theory by making use of a vector supersymmetry Ward identity which improves the finiteness properties of the model. The vector supersymmetric structure is a common feature of several topological theories. The most general local counterterm is determined and is shown to be a trivial BRS-coboundary.Comment: 18 pages, report REF. TUW 94-10 and UGVA-DPT 1994/07-85
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