771 research outputs found

    Static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions in f(R)f(R) theories of gravity

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    Static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions are studied in metric f(R)f(R) theories of gravity. We show that pressure and density do not uniquely determine f(R)f(R) ie. given a matter distribution and an equation state, one cannot determine the functional form of f(R)f(R). However, we also show that matching the outside Schwarzschild-de Sitter-metric to the metric inside the mass distribution leads to additional constraints that severely limit the allowed fluid configurations.Comment: 5 page

    Degrees and segments

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    I make two related proposals, one about directed scale segments and the other about the nature of degrees. Bale (2007, 2011) argued that degrees should be analyzed as sets of individuals and that degree arguments are created in the syntax from relational predicates. Schwarz (2010) showed that Bale’s construction runs into problems when the required degree relation is complex, denoted by an LF constituent that contains more than just a gradable adjective. I modify Bale’s proposal so that it overcomes Schwarz’s objection. But first I propose a semantics for comparatives based on quantification over directed scale segments, triples consisting of two degrees and a measure function. The modification of Bale’s proposal depends upon this. Segments are of independent interest as they permit a conjunctive semantics for extended adjectival phrases, the way events do for verb phrases. Potential benefits of ‘degree-conjunctivism’ are explored

    Partitives and duratives

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    Champollion detects similarities in the interpretation of three seemingly unrelated forms: partitives, measure adverbials and distributivity operators. Stratified reference is a high level description of the unique meaning component that lies at the core of these similarities. It was helpful for me to think of ‘stratified reference’ as having the same type of status as ‘maximality’ which is implicated in the interpretation of definite descriptions, degree constructions, interrogatives and elsewhere. Converging on a single statement with which to describe the meanings of diverse forms enables us, as Champollion puts it, to link problems. Mereological parts make up the domains of quantification for stratified reference statements. I inquire here about the nature of the quantification: what kind of quantificational force do we want?, how might the parthood relation be restricted? and are there constraints on the size of the domain of quantification? I’ve come to appreciate Champollion’s mechanism by taking it apart and trying to put it back together with a few pieces missing. I hope the reader is able to learn something from this exercise. My comments are exclusively directed toward Section 2 Aspect and Section 3 Measurement (sometimes referred to below with the symbols ‘C.§2’, ‘C.§3’ respectively)

    Dynamics of the Fisher Information Metric

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    We present a method to generate probability distributions that correspond to metrics obeying partial differential equations generated by extremizing a functional J[gμν(θi)]J[g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i)], where gμν(θi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is the Fisher metric. We postulate that this functional of the dynamical variable gμν(θi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is stationary with respect to small variations of these variables. Our approach enables a dynamical approach to Fisher information metric. It allows to impose symmetries on a statistical system in a systematic way. This work is mainly motivated by the entropy approach to nonmonotonic reasoning.Comment: 11 page

    Necessary and sufficient condition for hydrostatic equilibrium in general relativity

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    We present explicit examples to show that the `compatibility criterion' is capable of providing a {\em necessary} and {\em sufficient} condition for any regular configuration to be compatible with the state of hydrostatic equilibrium. This conclusion is drawn on the basis of the finding that the MRM-R relation gives the necessary and sufficient condition for dynamical stability of equilibrium configurations only when the compatibility criterion for these configurations is appropriately satisfied. In this regard, we construct an appropriate sequence composed of core-envelope models on the basis of compatibility criterion, such that each member of this sequence satisfies the extreme case of causality condition v=c=1v = c = 1 at the centre. The maximum stable value of u0.3389u \simeq 0.3389 (which occurs for the model corresponding to the maximum value of mass in the mass-radius relation) and the corresponding central value of the local adiabatic index, (Γ1)02.5911(\Gamma_1)_0 \simeq 2.5911, of this model are found fully consistent with those of the corresponding {\em absolute} values, umax0.3406u_{\rm max} \leq 0.3406, and (Γ1)02.5946(\Gamma_1)_0 \leq 2.5946, which impose strong constraints on these parameters of such models. In addition to this example, we also study dynamical stability of pure adiabatic polytropic configurations on the basis of variational method for the choice of the `trial function', ξ=reν/4\xi =re^{\nu/4}, as well as the mass-central density relation, since the compatibility criterion is appropriately satisfied for these models. The results of this example provide additional proof in favour of the statement regarding compatibility criterion mentioned above.Comment: 31 pages (double-spaced) revtex style, 1 figure in `ps' forma

    Removing black-hole singularities with nonlinear electrodynamics

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    We propose a way to remove black hole singularities by using a particular nonlinear electrodynamics Lagrangian that has been recently used in various astrophysics and cosmological frameworks. In particular, we adapt the cosmological analysis discussed in a previous work to the black hole physics. Such analysis will be improved by applying the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation to the black hole case. At the end, fixed the radius of the star, the final density depends only on the introduced quintessential density term ργ\rho_{\gamma} and on the mass.Comment: In this last updated version we correct two typos which were present in Eqs. (21) and (22) in the version of this letter which has been published in Mod. Phys. Lett. A 25, 2423-2429 (2010). In the present version, both of Eqs. (21) and (22) are dimensionally and analytically correc

    General Relativistic Stars : Polytropic Equations of State

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    In this paper, the gravitational field equations for static spherically symmetric perfect fluid models with a polytropic equation of state, p=kρ1+1/np=k\rho^{1+1/n}, are recast into two complementary 3-dimensional {\it regular} systems of ordinary differential equations on compact state spaces. The systems are analyzed numerically and qualitatively, using the theory of dynamical systems. Certain key solutions are shown to form building blocks which, to a large extent, determine the remaining solution structure. In one formulation, there exists a monotone function that forces the general relativistic solutions towards a part of the boundary of the state space that corresponds to the low pressure limit. The solutions on this boundary describe Newtonian models and thus the relationship to the Newtonian solution space is clearly displayed. It is numerically demonstrated that general relativistic models have finite radii when the polytropic index nn satisfies 0n3.3390\leq n \lesssim 3.339 and infinite radii when n5n\geq 5. When 3.339n<53.339\lesssim n<5, there exists a 1-parameter set of models with finite radii and a finite number, depending on nn, with infinite radii.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Gravity of a static massless scalar field and a limiting Schwarzschild-like geometry

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    We study a set of static solutions of the Einstein equations in presence of a massless scalar field and establish their connection to the Kantowski-Sachs cosmological solutions based on some kind of duality transformations. The physical properties of the limiting case of an empty hyperbolic spacetime (pseudo-Schwarzschild geometry) are analyzed in some detail.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure