20,718 research outputs found

    High aspect reactor vessel and method of use

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    An improved bio-reactor vessel and system useful for carrying out mammalian cell growth in suspension in a culture media are presented. The main goal of the invention is to grow and maintain cells under a homogeneous distribution under acceptable biochemical environment of gas partial pressures and nutrient levels without introducing direct agitation mechanisms or associated disruptive mechanical forces. The culture chamber rotates to maintain an even distribution of cells in suspension and minimizes the length of a gas diffusion path. The culture chamber design is presented and discussed

    System design and performance of earth/lunar horizon sensor BEC project 3744

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    An infrared horizon sensor system has been designed which is capable of searching over a wide field for the edges of a planet and, upon locating such edges, stations itself in a position which provides signals which identify the local vertical to the planet. In this fixed attitude it requires no continuous mechanical movement and operates with a minimum utilization of power. The system is thus capable of providing a high degree of accuracy when used for local vertical determination in orbits around the earth, the moon, or other planets. A detailed description of the design and operating features of the horizon scanner is given and the evaluation test data which have been completed are presented

    A confirmed location in the Galactic halo for the high-velocity cloud 'chain A'

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    The high-velocity clouds of atomic hydrogen, discovered about 35 years ago, have velocities inconsistent with simple Galactic rotation models that generally fit the stars and gas in the Milky Way disk. Their origins and role in Galactic evolution remain poorly understood, largely for lack of information on their distances. The high-velocity clouds might result from gas blown from the Milky Way disk into the halo by supernovae, in which case they would enrich the Galaxy with heavy elements as they fall back onto the disk. Alternatively, they may consist of metal-poor gas -- remnants of the era of galaxy formation, accreted by the Galaxy and reducing its metal abundance. Or they might be truly extragalactic objects in the Local Group of galaxies. Here we report a firm distance bracket for a large high-velocity cloud, Chain A, which places it in the Milky Way halo (2.5 to 7 kiloparsecs above the Galactic plane), rather than at an extragalactic distance, and constrains its gas mass to between 10^5 and 2 times 10^6 solar masses.Comment: 8 pages, including 4 postscript figures. Letter to Nature, 8 July 199

    Tycho Brahe's supernova: light from centuries past

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    The light curve of SN 1572 is described in the terms used nowadays to characterize SNeIa. By assembling the records of the observations done in 1572--74 and evaluating their uncertainties, it is possible to recover the light curve and the color evolution of this supernova. It is found that, within the SNe Ia family, the event should have been a SNIa with a normal rate of decline, its stretch factor being {\it s} \sim 0.9. Visual light curve near maximum, late--time decline and the color evolution sustain this conclusion. After correcting for extinction, the luminosity of this supernova is found to be MV_{V} == --19.58 --5 log (D/3.5 kpc) ±\pm 0.42.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. submitted to ApJ (Main Journal

    Experimental and computational analyses reveal that environmental restrictions shape HIV-1 spread in 3D cultures

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    Here, using an integrative experimental and computational approach, Imle et al. show how cell motility and density affect HIV cell-associated transmission in a three-dimensional tissue-like culture system of CD4+ T cells and collagen, and how different collagen matrices restrict infection by cell-free virions

    Weak Scale Superstrings

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    Recent developments in string duality suggest that the string scale may not be irrevocably tied to the Planck scale. Two explicit but unrealistic examples are described where the ratio of the string scale to the Planck scale is arbitrarily small. Solutions which are more realistic may exist in the intermediate coupling or ``truly strong coupling'' region of the heterotic string. Weak scale superstrings have dramatic experimental consequences for both collider physics and cosmology.Comment: harvmac, 14 pages. References added, 3 typos fixed, Comments added at beginning of section 4 emphasizing flaws of the toy example

    Critical scaling and heterogeneous superdiffusion across the jamming/rigidity transition of a granular glass

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    The dynamical properties of a dense horizontally vibrated bidisperse granular monolayer are experimentally investigated. The quench protocol produces states with a frozen structure of the assembly, but the remaining degrees of freedom associated with contact dynamics control the appearance of macroscopic rigidity. We provide decisive experimental evidence that this transition is a critical phenomenon, with increasingly collective and heterogeneous rearrangements occurring at length scales much smaller than the grains' diameter, presumably reflecting the contact force network fluctuations. Dynamical correlation time and length scales soar on both sides of the transition, as the volume fraction varies over a remarkably tiny range (δϕ/ϕ103\delta \phi/\phi \sim 10^{-3}). We characterize the motion of individual grains, which becomes super-diffusive at the jamming transition ϕJ\phi_J, signaling long-ranged temporal correlations. Correspondingly, the system exhibits long-ranged four-point dynamical correlations in space that obey critical scaling at the transition density.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    On symmetries of Chern-Simons and BF topological theories

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    We describe constructing solutions of the field equations of Chern-Simons and topological BF theories in terms of deformation theory of locally constant (flat) bundles. Maps of flat connections into one another (dressing transformations) are considered. A method of calculating (nonlocal) dressing symmetries in Chern-Simons and topological BF theories is formulated

    Inner Molecular Rings in Barred Galaxies: BIMA SONG CO Observations

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    Although inner star-forming rings are common in optical images of barred spiral galaxies, observational evidence for the accompanying molecular gas has been scarce. In this paper we present images of molecular inner rings, traced using the CO (1-0) emission line, from the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland-Association Survey of Nearby Galaxies (BIMA SONG). We detect inner ring CO emission from all five SONG barred galaxies classified as inner ring (type (r)). We also examine the seven SONG barred galaxies classified as inner spiral (type (s)); in one of these, NGC 3627, we find morphological and kinematic evidence for a molecular inner ring. Inner ring galaxies have been classified as such based on optical images, which emphasize recent star formation. We consider the possibility that there may exist inner rings in which star formation efficiency is not enhanced. However, we find that in NGC 3627 the inner ring star formation efficiency is enhanced relative to most other regions in that galaxy. We note that the SONG (r) galaxies have a paucity of CO and H alpha emission interior to the inner ring (except near the nucleus), while NGC 3627 has relatively bright bar CO and H alpha emission; we suggest that galaxies with inner rings such as NGC 3627 may be misclassified if there are significant amounts of gas and star formation in the bar.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journal, July 2002 A version of the paper with full resolution figures is available at: http://www.astro.umd.edu/~mregan/ms.ps.g

    Design of field switched edge tracking earth/lunar horizon sensor system Phase IB REPORT

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    Optical and mechanical design, and electronic circuitry of field-switching, edge tracker for use in earth-lunar horizon sensor syste