692 research outputs found

    FU-net: Multi-class Image Segmentation Using Feedback Weighted U-net

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    In this paper, we present a generic deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for multi-class image segmentation. It is based on a well-established supervised end-to-end DCNN model, known as U-net. U-net is firstly modified by adding widely used batch normalization and residual block (named as BRU-net) to improve the efficiency of model training. Based on BRU-net, we further introduce a dynamically weighted cross-entropy loss function. The weighting scheme is calculated based on the pixel-wise prediction accuracy during the training process. Assigning higher weights to pixels with lower segmentation accuracies enables the network to learn more from poorly predicted image regions. Our method is named as feedback weighted U-net (FU-net). We have evaluated our method based on T1- weighted brain MRI for the segmentation of midbrain and substantia nigra, where the number of pixels in each class is extremely unbalanced to each other. Based on the dice coefficient measurement, our proposed FU-net has outperformed BRU-net and U-net with statistical significance, especially when only a small number of training examples are available. The code is publicly available in GitHub (GitHub link: https://github.com/MinaJf/FU-net).Comment: Accepted for publication at International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG 2019

    Early rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by a distinct and transient synovial fluid cytokine profile of T cell and stromal cell origin

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    Pathological processes involved in the initiation of rheumatoid synovitis remain unclear. We undertook the present study to identify immune and stromal processes that are present soon after the clinical onset of rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) by assessing a panel of T cell, macrophage, and stromal cell related cytokines and chemokines in the synovial fluid of patients with early synovitis. Synovial fluid was aspirated from inflamed joints of patients with inflammatory arthritis of duration 3 months or less, whose outcomes were subsequently determined by follow up. For comparison, synovial fluid was aspirated from patients with acute crystal arthritis, established RA and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid factor activity was blocked in the synovial fluid samples, and a panel of 23 cytokines and chemokines measured using a multiplex based system. Patients with early inflammatory arthritis who subsequently developed RA had a distinct but transient synovial fluid cytokine profile. The levels of a range of T cell, macrophage and stromal cell related cytokines ( e. g. IL-2, IL-4, IL-13, IL-17, IL-15, basic fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor) were significantly elevated in these patients within 3 months after symptom onset, as compared with early arthritis patients who did not develop RA. In addition, this profile was no longer present in established RA. In contrast, patients with non-rheumatoid persistent synovitis exhibited elevated levels of interferon-gamma at initiation. Early synovitis destined to develop into RA is thus characterized by a distinct and transient synovial fluid cytokine profile. The cytokines present in the early rheumatoid lesion suggest that this response is likely to influence the microenvironment required for persistent RA

    Multiple Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Strains Are Associated with Disease Outbreaks in Sudan, 2008–2009

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    The tick-borne virus which causes the disease Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is known to be widely distributed throughout much of Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southern Russia. Humans contract the virus from contact with infected people, infected animals (which do not show symptoms), and from the bite of infected ticks. CCHF was recently recognized in the Sudan when several hospital staff and patients died from the disease in a rural hospital. The genetic analysis of viruses associated with the 2008 and 2009 outbreaks shows that several CCHF viral strains currently circulate and cause human outbreaks in the Sudan, highlighting CCHF virus as an emerging pathogen. The Sudanese strains are similar to others circulating in Africa, indicating movement of virus over large distances with introduction and disease outbreaks in rural areas possible. Understanding the epidemiology of zoonotic diseases such as CCHF is especially important in the Sudan given the large numbers of livestock in the country, and their importance to the economy and rural communities. It is imperative that hospital staff consider CCHF as a possible disease agent, since they are at a high risk of contracting the disease, especially in hospitals with limited medical supplies

    Helicity within the vortex filament model

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    Kinetic helicity is one of the invariants of the Euler equations that is associated with the topology of vortex lines within the fluid. In superfluids, the vorticity is concentrated along vortex filaments. In this setting, helicity would be expected to acquire its simplest form. However, the lack of a core structure for vortex filaments appears to result in a helicity that does not retain its key attribute as a quadratic invariant. By defining a spanwise vector to the vortex through the use of a Seifert framing, we are able to introduce twist and henceforth recover the key properties of helicity. We present several examples for calculating internal twist to illustrate why the centreline helicity alone will lead to ambiguous results if a twist contribution is not introduced. Our choice of the spanwise vector can be expressed in terms of the tangential component of velocity along the filament. Since the tangential velocity does not alter the configuration of the vortex at later times, we are able to recover a similar equation for the internal twist angle to that of classical vortex tubes. Our results allow us to explain how a quasi-classical limit of helicity emerges from helicity considerations for individual superfluid vortex filaments

    Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest nitrogen-cycling characteristics as inferred from plant and soil ¹⁵N:¹⁴N measurements

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    Background: Patterns in tropical forest nitrogen cycling are poorly understood. In particular, the extent to which leguminous trees in these forests fix nitrogen is unclear. Aims: We aimed to determine factors that explain variation in foliar δ¹⁵N (δ¹⁵NF) for Amazon forest trees, and to evaluate the extent to which putatively N₂-fixing Fabaceae acquire nitrogen from the atmosphere. Methods: Upper-canopy δ¹⁵NF values were determined for 1255 trees sampled across 65 Amazon forest plots. Along with plot inventory data, differences in δ¹⁵NF between nodule-forming Fabaceae and other trees were used to estimate the extent of N² fixation. Results: δ¹⁵NF ranged from −12.1‰ to +9.3‰. Most of this variation was attributable to site-specific conditions, with extractable soil phosphorus and dry-season precipitation having strong influences, suggesting a restricted availability of nitrogen on both young and old soils and/or at low precipitation. Fabaceae constituted fewer than 10% of the sampled trees, and only 36% were expressed fixers. We estimated an average Amazon forest symbiotic fixation rate of 3 kg N ha¯¹ year‾¹. Conclusion: Plant δ¹⁵N indicate that low levels of nitrogen availability are only likely to influence Amazon forest function on immature or old weathered soils and/or where dry-season precipitation is low. Most Fabaceae species that are capable of nodulating do not fix nitrogen in Amazonia