2,075 research outputs found

    Regulierung des Rapsglanzkäfers (Meligethes spp.) durch Kieselgur und Sonnenblumenöl

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    Zweijährige Feldversuche haben die positive Wirkung von Kieselgur (12 kg/ha) und Sonnenblumenöl (12 l/ha) mit 400 l Wasser gegen den Rapsglanzkäfer im Raps zeigen können. Neben einer längeren Blütezeit konnten 2017 durchschnittlich signifikant mehr als 3 Schoten und weniger als 3 Stielchen pro Haupttrieb gezählt werden. Während 2017 sich die Anzahl der Käfer im Hauptblütenstand nach der Behandlung nicht signifikant reduzierte, verringerte sich 2018 die Anzahl Käfer im Hauptblütenstand zwei Tage nach der Pflanzenschutzmittelbehandlung von 7 auf 3 Käfer signifikant um mehr als die Hälfte

    Implicit versus explicit processing of visual, olfactory, and multimodal landmark information in human wayfinding

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    Despite the predominant focus on visual perception in most studies, the role of humans’ sense of smell in navigation has often been neglected. Recent research, however, could show that humans are indeed able to use their sense of smell for orientation, particularly when processed implicitly. In this study, we investigate whether implicit perception of olfactory landmarks enhanced wayfinding performance compared to explicit perception. Fifty-two people completed a wayfinding and a recognition task in a virtual maze at two times of testing 1 month apart. Participants either received olfactory, visual, or both cues at the intersections. Wayfinding performance was better for olfactory landmarks, which were not correctly remembered in the recognition task. In contrast, wayfinding performance was better when visual landmarks were correctly remembered. In the multimodal condition, wayfinding performance was better with landmarks being remembered at t1 and remained the same at t2. Our results suggest distinct implicit processing mechanisms within the olfactory system and therefore hold important implications for the nature of spatial odor processing extending beyond explicit odor localization tasks. The study highlights the importance for future studies to develop and employ further experimental methods that capture implicit processing across all of our senses. This is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of consciousness, as olfaction strongly influences our behavior, but remains largely latent unless deliberately honed through practice

    Comparing eye movements recorded by search coil and infrared eye tracking

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    Objective: The performance of a new video-based infrared eye tracker (IR) was compared to the magnetic search coil technique (SC). Since the IR offers interesting possibilities as a diagnostic tool in neuro-ophthalmology, it was investigated whether the new device has overcome shortcomings that were reported from former IR systems. Methods: Horizontal saccades were recorded using the IR and the SC. The IR allowed eye movement recordings at different sampling rates ranging from 250Hz to 1000Hz while the SC recorded at 1000Hz. Results/Conclusions: The results show that the IR and the SC were in good agreement and produced similar results. In contrast to other studies, the influence of the sampling rate of the IR was small. The saccade main-sequences did not show significant differences. The latency times observed for both systems were mainly in the short-latency rang

    Cell Shape and Forces in Elastic and Structured Environments: From Single Cells to Organoids

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    With the advent of mechanobiology, cell shape and forces have emerged as essential elements of cell behavior and fate, in addition to biochemical factors such as growth factors. Cell shape and forces are intrinsically linked to the physical properties of the environment. Extracellular stiffness guides migration of single cells and collectives as well as differentiation and developmental processes. In confined environments, cell division patterns are altered, cell death or extrusion might be initiated, and other modes of cell migration become possible. Tools from materials science such as adhesive micropatterning of soft elastic substrates or direct laser writing of 3D scaffolds have been established to control and quantify cell shape and forces in structured environments. Herein, a review is given on recent experimental and modeling advances in this field, which currently moves from single cells to cell collectives and tissue. A very exciting avenue is the combination of organoids with structured environments, because this will allow one to achieve organotypic function in a controlled setting well suited for long-term and high-throughput culture