31,320 research outputs found

    Energy conditions outside a dielectric ball

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    We show analytically that the vacuum electromagnetic stress-energy tensor outside a ball with constant dielectric constant and permeability always obeys the weak, null, dominant, and strong energy conditions. There are still no known examples in quantum field theory in which the averaged null energy condition in flat spacetime is violated.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex

    Swine Dysentery - A Practitioner Update

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    Swine dysentery is a mucohemorrhagic, exudative disease with lesions confined to the large intestine of pigs. Estimates from a 1976 survey by the Livestock Conservation Institute indicate an 88% increase in incidence of the disease in the United States since a similar 1972 estimate. This approximates a total annual loss of $64 million to the swine industry

    The Induced Magnetic Field of the Moon: Conductivity Profiles and Inferred Temperature

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    Electromagnetic induction in the moon driven by fluctuations of the interplanetary magnetic field is used to determine the lunar bulk electrical conductivity. The present data clearly show the north-south and east-west transfer function difference as well as high frequency rollover. The difference is shown to be compatible over the mid-frequency range with a noise source associated with the compression of the local remanent field by solar wind dynamic pressure fluctuations. Models for two, three, and four layer; current layer, double current layer, and core plus current layer moons are generated by inversion of the data using a theory which incorporates higher order multipoles. Core radii conductivities generally are in the range 1200 to 1300 km and 0.001 to 0.003 mhos/m; and for the conducting shell 1500 to 1700 km with 0.0001 to 0.0007 mhos/m with an outer layer taken as nonconducting. Core temperature based on available olivine data is 700 to 1000 C

    In-flight calibration of the Herschel-SPIRE instrument

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    SPIRE, the Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver, is the Herschel Space Observatory's submillimetre camera and spectrometer. It contains a three-band imaging photometer operating at 250, 350 and 500 μm, and an imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer (FTS) covering 194–671 μm (447-1550 GHz). In this paper we describe the initial approach taken to the absolute calibration of the SPIRE instrument using a combination of the emission from the Herschel telescope itself and the modelled continuum emission from solar system objects and other astronomical targets. We present the photometric, spectroscopic and spatial accuracy that is obtainable in data processed through the “standard” pipelines. The overall photometric accuracy at this stage of the mission is estimated as 15% for the photometer and between 15 and 50% for the spectrometer. However, there remain issues with the photometric accuracy of the spectra of low flux sources in the longest wavelength part of the SPIRE spectrometer band. The spectrometer wavelength accuracy is determined to be better than 1/10th of the line FWHM. The astrometric accuracy in SPIRE maps is found to be 2 arcsec when the latest calibration data are used. The photometric calibration of the SPIRE instrument is currently determined by a combination of uncertainties in the model spectra of the astronomical standards and the data processing methods employed for map and spectrum calibration. Improvements in processing techniques and a better understanding of the instrument performance will lead to the final calibration accuracy of SPIRE being determined only by uncertainties in the models of astronomical standards


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    The effect of short-term changes in air pollution on respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity in Nicosia, Cyprus.

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    Presented at the 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Limassol, March, 2007. Short-paper was submitted for peer-review and appears in proceedings of the conference.This study investigates the effect of daily changes in levels of PM10 on the daily volume of respiratory and cardiovascular admissions in Nicosia, Cyprus during 1995-2004. After controlling for long- (year and month) and short-term (day of the week) patterns as well as the effect of weather in Generalized Additive Poisson models, some positive associations were observed with all-cause and cause-specific admissions. Risk of hospitalization increased stepwise across quartiles of days with increasing levels of PM10 by 1.3% (-0.3, 2.8), 4.9% (3.3, 6.6), 5.6% (3.9, 7.3) as compared to days with the lowest concentrations. For every 10μg/m3 increase in daily average PM10 concentration, there was a 1.2% (-0.1%, 2.4%) increase in cardiovascular admissions. With respects to respiratory admissions, an effect was observed only in the warm season with a 1.8% (-0.22, 3.85) increase in admissions per 10μg/m3 increase in PM10. The effect on respiratory admissions seemed to be much stronger in women and, surprisingly, restricted to people of adult age

    Quantifying the short-term effects of air pollution on health in the presence of exposure measurement error: A simulation study of multi-pollutant model results

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    Background: Most epidemiological studies estimate associations without considering exposure measurement error. While some studies have estimated the impact of error in single-exposure models we aimed to quantify the effect of measurement error in multi-exposure models, specifically in time-series analysis of PM2.5, NO2,and mortality using simulations, under various plausible scenarios for exposure errors. Measurement error in multi-exposure models can lead to effect transfer where the effect estimate is overestimated for the pollutant estimated with more error to the one estimated with less error. This complicates interpretation of the independent effects of different pollutants and thus the relative importance of reducing their concentrations in air pollution policy. Methods: Measurement error was defined as the difference between ambient concentrations and personal exposure from outdoor sources. Simulation inputs for error magnitude and variability were informed by the literature. Error-free exposures with their consequent health 16outcome and error-prone exposures of various error types (classical/Berkson) were generated. Bias was quantified as the relative difference in effect estimates of the error-free and error-prone exposures. Results: Mortality effect estimates were generally underestimated with greater bias observed when low ratios of the true exposure variance over the error variance were assumed (27.4% 21underestimation for NO2). Higher ratios resulted in smaller, but still substantial bias (up to 19% for both pollutants).Effect transfer was observed indicating that less precise measurements for one pollutant (NO2) yield more bias, while the co-pollutant(PM2.5) associations were found closer to the true. Interestingly, the sum of single-pollutant model effect estimates was found closer to the summed true associations than those from multi-pollutant models, due to cancelling out of confounding and measurement error bias. Conclusions: Our simulation study indicated an underestimation of true independent health effects of multiple exposures due to measurement error. Using error parameter information in future epidemiological studies should provide more accurate concentration-response functions