346 research outputs found
Geologic-Tectonic History of the Area Surrounding the Northern End of the Mississippi Embayment
Since Precambrian time, zones of weakness have been repeatedly but infrequently reactivated in the Mississippi Embayment area. All of the major folds and many of the minor anticlines caused by this activity are associated with faults in the basement rocks. The latest occurrence of major tectonic activity (perhaps Early Cretaceous), however, not only affected the old fault zones but also created a vast new feature, the Pascola arch, which has no Paleozoic antecedent. Severe erosion and subsequent Tertiary subsidence associated with the Pascola arch indicate that this structure alone is the locus of present-day major earthquake activity. Until the time in the geologic future when old established zones of weakness are reactivated regionally, only the relatively young Pascola arch will continue to be the focal point of high intensity earthquake activity in the Embayment area
In-situ growth optimization in focused electron-beam induced deposition
We present the application of an evolutionary genetic algorithm for the
in-situ optimization of nanostructures prepared by focused
electron-beam-induced deposition. It allows us to tune the properties of the
deposits towards highest conductivity by using the time gradient of the
measured in-situ rate of change of conductance as fitness parameter for the
algorithm. The effectiveness of the procedure is presented for the precursor
W(CO)6 as well as for post-treatment of Pt-C deposits obtained by dissociation
of MeCpPt(Me)3. For W(CO)6-based structures an increase of conductivity by one
order of magnitude can be achieved, whereas the effect for MeCpPt(Me)3 is
largely suppressed. The presented technique can be applied to all beam-induced
deposition processes and has great potential for further optimization or tuning
of parameters for nanostrucures prepared by FEBID or related techniques
Global positioning system supported pilot's display
The hardware, software, and operation of the Microwave Scanning Beam Landing System (MSBLS) Flight Inspection System Pilot's Display is discussed. The Pilot's Display is used in conjunction with flight inspection tests that certify the Microwave Scanning Beam Landing System used at Space Shuttle landing facilities throughout the world. The Pilot's Display was developed for the pilot of test aircraft to set up and fly a given test flight path determined by the flight inspection test engineers. This display also aids the aircraft pilot when hazy or cloud cover conditions exist that limit the pilot's visibility of the Shuttle runway during the flight inspection. The aircraft position is calculated using the Global Positioning System and displayed in the cockpit on a graphical display
Evidence for universal conductance correction in a tunable strongly coupled nanogranular metal
We present temperature-dependent conductivity data obtained on a sample set
of nanogranular Pt-C with finely tuned inter-grain tunnel coupling strength g.
For samples in the strong-coupling regime g > g_C, characterized by a finite
conductivity for T -> 0, we find a logarithmic behavior at elevated
temperatures and a crossover to a sqrt(T)-behavior at low temperatures over a
wide range of coupling strengths g_C = 0.25 < g <= 3. The experimental
observation for g > 1 is in very good agreement with recent theoretical
findings on ordered granular metals in three spatial dimensions. The results
indicate a validity of the predicted universal conductivity behavior that goes
beyond the immediate range of the approach used in the theoretical derivation
Limnogeologúa de Laguna Chungará y cambio climático durante el Holoceno superior en el altiplano chileno septentrional
[Resumen] El estudio sÃsmico de la Laguna Chungará (69° 30' O, 18° 15'S, 4520 m. s.n.m,
Altiplano chileno septentrional) y el análisis sedimentológico de varios sondeos ha permitido reconstruir la evolución de la sedimentación lacustre en el lago durante el Holoceno Superior. Se han identificado dos asociaciones de facies: i) litoral, más somera, compuesta por facies de turbera y in plataforma lacustre, más profunda, compuesta por facies con abundantes fragmentos de Characeae. Estas facies alternan en tres ciclos sedimentarios provocados por fluctuaciones en el nivel del lago. Estas variaciones hidrológicas en la laguna han sido causadas por cambios en el balance hÃdrico que a su vez reflejan importantes fluctuaciones
climáticas durante el Holoceno Superior.[Abstract] We reconstruct the Late Holocene sedimentary history of Laguna Chungará (69° 30' W, 18° 10'5, 4520 m.a.s.l., northern Chilean Altiplano) based on high resolution seismic profiling and sedimentologic analyses of cores. Two sedimentary facies associations have been defined and interpreted: n macrophytedominant littoral, composed of black muds with macrophyte remains and peaty muds, and in Characeae-dominant lacustrine self, composed of gray muds and sands with abundant Characeae remains. The two facies associations define three cycles caused by oscillations in the lake level from shallower (macrophyte) to deeper (Characeae) conditions. Changes in the hydrology of Laguna Chungará reflect variations in the effective moisture (precipitation - evaporation) in the Altiplano during the Late Holocene
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