6,539 research outputs found

    Geophysical parameters from the analysis of laser ranging to starlette

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    Starlette Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data were used, along with several other satellite data sets, for the solution of a preliminary gravity field model for TOPEX, PTGF1. A further improvement in the earth gravity model was accomplished using data collected by 12 satellites to solve another preliminary gravity model for TOPEX, designated PTGF2. The solution for the Earth Rotation Parameter (ERP) was derived from the analysis of SLR data to Starlette during the MERIT Campaign. Starlette orbits in 1976 and 1983 were analyzed for the mapping of the tidal response of the earth. Publications and conference presentations pertinent to research are listed

    Data analysis of continuous gravitational wave: Fourier transform-I

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    We present the Fourier Transform of a continuous gravitational wave. We have analysed the data set for one day observation time and our analysis is applicable for arbitrary location of detector and source. We have taken into account the effects arising due to rotational as well as orbital motions of the earth.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS, 22 pages, 9 figure

    The generalized F-statistic: multiple detectors and multiple GW pulsars

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    The F-statistic, derived by Jaranowski, Krolak & Schutz (1998), is the optimal (frequentist) statistic for the detection of nearly periodic gravitational waves from known neutron stars, in the presence of stationary, Gaussian detector noise. The F-statistic was originally derived for the case of a single detector, whose noise spectral density was assumed constant in time, and for a single known neutron star. Here we show how the F-statistic can be straightforwardly generalized to the cases of 1) a network of detectors with time-varying noise curves, and 2) a population of known sources. Fortunately, all the important ingredients that go into our generalized F-statistics are already calculated in the single-source/single-detector searches that are currently implemented, e.g., in the LIGO Software Library, so implementation of optimal multi-detector, multi-source searches should require negligible additional cost in computational power or software development.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures, submitted to PRD; section IV substantially enlarged and revised, and a few typos correcte

    Geophysical parameters from the analysis of laser ranging to Starlette

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    The results of geodynamic research from the analysis of satellite laser ranging data to Starlette are summarized. The time period of the investigation was from 15 Mar. 1986 to 31 Dec. 1991. As a result of the Starlette research, a comprehensive 16-year Starlette data set spanning the time period from 17 Mar. 1975 through 31 Dec. 1990, was produced. This data set represents the longest geophysical time series from any geodetic satellite and is invaluable for research in long-term geodynamics. A low degree and order ocean tide solution determined from Starlette has good overall agreement with other satellite and oceanographic tide solutions. The observed lunar deceleration is -24.7 +/- 0.6 arcsecond/century(exp 2), which agrees well with other studies. The estimated value of J2 is (-2.5 +/- 0.3) x 10(exp -11) yr(exp -1), assuming there are no variations in higher degree zonals and that the 18.6-year tide is fixed at an equilibrium value. The yearly fluctuations in the values for S(sub a) and S(sub sa) tides determined by the 16-year Starlette data are found to be associated with changes in the Earth's second degree zonal harmonic caused primarily by meteorological excitation. The mean values for the amplitude of S(sub a) and S(sub sa) variations in J2 are 32.3 x 10(exp -11) and 19.5 x 10(exp -11), respectively; while the rms about the mean values are 4.1 x 10(exp -11) and 6.3(10)(exp -11), respectively. The annual delta(J2) is in good agreement with the value obtained from the combined effects of air mass redistribution without the oceanic inverted-barometer effects and hydrological change. The annual delta(J3) values have much larger disagreements. Approximately 90 percent of the observed annual variation from Starlette is attributed to the meteorological mass redistribution occurring near the Earth's surface

    Altimeter measurements for the determination of the Earth's gravity field

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    The ability of satellite-borne radar altimeter data to measure the global ocean surface with high precision and dense spatial coverage provides a unique tool for the mapping of the Earth's gravity field and its geoid. The altimeter crossover measurements, created by differencing direct altimeter measurements at the subsatellite points where the orbit ground tracks intersect, have the distinct advantage of eliminating geoid error and other nontemporal or long period oceanographic features. In the 1990's, the joint U.S./French TOPEX/POSEIDON mission and the European Space Agency's ERS-1 mission will carry radar altimeter instruments capable of global ocean mapping with high precision. This investigation aims at the development and application of dynamically consistent direct altimeter and altimeter crossover measurement models to the simultaneous mapping of the Earth's gravity field and its geoid, the ocean tides and the quasi-stationary component of the dynamic sea surface topography. Altimeter data collected by SEASAT, GEOS-3, and GEOSAT are used for the investigation

    Altimeter measurements for the determination of the Earth's gravity field

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    Progress in the following areas is described: refining altimeter and altimeter crossover measurement models for precise orbit determination and for the solution of the earth's gravity field; performing experiments using altimeter data for the improvement of precise satellite ephemerides; and analyzing an optimal relative data weighting algorithm to combine various data types in the solution of the gravity field

    Hubble's law and faster than light expansion speeds

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    Naively applying Hubble's law to a sufficiently distant object gives a receding velocity larger than the speed of light. By discussing a very similar situation in special relativity, we argue that Hubble's law is meaningful only for nearby objects with non-relativistic receding speeds. To support this claim, we note that in a curved spacetime manifold it is not possible to directly compare tangent vectors at different points, and thus there is no natural definition of relative velocity between two spatially separated objects in cosmology. We clarify the geometrical meaning of the Hubble's receding speed v by showing that in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime if the four-velocity vector of a comoving object is parallel-transported along the straight line in flat comoving coordinates to the position of a second comoving object, then v/c actually becomes the rapidity of the local Lorentz transformation, which maps the fixed four-velocity vector to the transported one.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Am. J. Phy

    An improved model for the Earth's gravity field

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    An improved model for the Earth's gravity field, TEG-1, was determined using data sets from fourteen satellites, spanning the inclination ranges from 15 to 115 deg, and global surface gravity anomaly data. The satellite measurements include laser ranging data, Doppler range-rate data, and satellite-to-ocean radar altimeter data measurements, which include the direct height measurement and the differenced measurements at ground track crossings (crossover measurements). Also determined was another gravity field model, TEG-1S, which included all the data sets in TEG-1 with the exception of direct altimeter data. The effort has included an intense scrutiny of the gravity field solution methodology. The estimated parameters included geopotential coefficients complete to degree and order 50 with selected higher order coefficients, ocean and solid Earth tide parameters, Doppler tracking station coordinates and the quasi-stationary sea surface topography. Extensive error analysis and calibration of the formal covariance matrix indicate that the gravity field model is a significant improvement over previous models and can be used for general applications in geodesy

    Does Quantum Cosmology Predict a Constant Dilatonic Field?

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    Quantum cosmology may permit to determine the initial conditions of the Universe. In particular, it may select a specific model between many possible classical models. In this work, we study a quantum cosmological model based on the string effective action coupled to matter. The Schutz's formalism is employed in the description of the fluid. A radiation fluid is considered. In this way, a time coordinate may be identified and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation reduces in the minisuperspace to a Schr\"odinger-like equation. It is shown that, under some quite natural assumptions, the expectation values indicate a null axionic field and a constant dilatonic field. At the same time the scale factor exhibits a bounce revealing a singularity-free cosmological model. In some cases, the mininum value of the scale factor can be related to the value of gravitational coupling.Comment: Latex file, 14 page

    Quantum cosmological perfect fluid model and its classical analogue

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    The quantization of gravity coupled to a perfect fluid model leads to a Schr\"odinger-like equation, where the matter variable plays the role of time. The wave function can be determined, in the flat case, for an arbitrary barotropic equation of state p=αρp = \alpha\rho; solutions can also be found for the radiative non-flat case. The wave packets are constructed, from which the expectation value for the scale factor is determined. The quantum scenarios reveal a bouncing Universe, free from singularity. We show that such quantum cosmological perfect fluid models admit a universal classical analogue, represented by the addition, to the ordinary classical model, of a repulsive stiff matter fluid. The meaning of the existence of this universal classical analogue is discussed. The quantum cosmological perfect fluid model is, for a flat spatial section, formally equivalent to a free particle in ordinary quantum mechanics, for any value of α\alpha, while the radiative non-flat case is equivalent to the harmonic oscillator. The repulsive fluid needed to reproduce the quantum results is the same in both cases.Comment: Latex file, 13 page