11 research outputs found

    The Mark 3 data base handler

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    A data base handler which would act to tie Mark 3 system programs together is discussed. The data base handler is written in FORTRAN and is implemented on the Hewlett-Packard 21MX and the IBM 360/91. The system design objectives were to (1) provide for an easily specified method of data interchange among programs, (2) provide for a high level of data integrity, (3) accommodate changing requirments, (4) promote program accountability, (5) provide a single source of program constants, and (6) provide a central point for data archiving. The system consists of two distinct parts: a set of files existing on disk packs and tapes; and a set of utility subroutines which allow users to access the information in these files. Users never directly read or write the files and need not know the details of how the data are formatted in the files. To the users, the storage medium is format free. A user does need to know something about the sequencing of his data in the files but nothing about data in which he has no interest

    Geophysical and astronomical models applied in the analysis of very long baseline interferometry

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    Very long baseline interferometry presents an opportunity to measure at the centimeter level such geodetic parameters as baseline length and instantaneous pole position. In order to achieve such precision, the geophysical and astronomical models used in data analysis must be as accurate as possible. The Mark-3 interactive data analysis system includes a number of refinements beyond conventional practice in modeling precession, nutation, diurnal polar motion, UT1, solid Earth tides, relativistic light deflection, and reduction to solar system barycentric coordinates. The algorithms and their effects on the recovered geodetic, geophysical, and astrometric parameters are discussed

    GPS code phase variations (CPV) for GNSS receiver antennas and their effect on geodetic parameters and ambiguity resolution

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    Precise navigation and geodetic coordinate determination rely on accurate GNSS signal reception. Thus, the receiver antenna properties play a crucial role in the GNSS error budget. For carrier phase observations, a spherical radiation pattern represents an ideal receiver antenna behaviour. Deviations are known as phase centre corrections. Due to synergy of carrier and code phase, similar effects on the code exist named code phase variations (CPV). They are mainly attributed to electromagnetic interactions of several active and passive elements of the receiver antenna. Consequently, a calibration and estimation strategy is necessary to determine the shape and magnitudes of the CPV. Such a concept was proposed, implemented and tested at the Institut für Erdmessung. The applied methodology and the obtained results are reported and discussed in this paper.We show that the azimuthal and elevation-dependent CPV can reach maximum magnitudes of 0.2–0.3m for geodetic antennas and up to maximum values of 1.8m for small navigation antennas. The obtained values are validated by dedicated tests in the observation and coordinate domain. As a result, CPV are identified to be antenna- related properties that are independent from location and time of calibration. Even for geodetic antennas when forming linear combinations the CPV effect can be amplified to values of 0.4–0.6 m. Thus, a significant fractional of theMelbourne–Wübbena linear combination. A case study highlights that incorrect ambiguity resolution can occur due to neglecting CPV corrections. The impact on the coordinates whichmay reach up to the dmlevel is illustrated. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-016-0984-8

    Pioneer 11 Infrared Radiometer Experiment: The Global Heat Balance of Jupiter

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    Data obtained by the infrared radiometers on the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft, over a large range of emission angles, have indicated an effective temperature for Jupiter of 125° ± 3°K. The implied ratio of planetary thermal emission to solar energy absorbed is 1.9 ± 0.2, a value not significantly different from the earth-based estimate of 2.5 ± 0.5


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    So far, three methods have been developed to determine GNSS antenna phase center variations (PCV). For this reason, and because of some problems in introducing absolute models, there are presently three models of PCV receiver antennas (relative, absolute converted and absolute) and two satellite antennas (standard and absolute). Additionally, when simultaneously processing observations from different positioning systems (e.g. GPS and GLONASS), we can expect a further complication resulting from the different structure of signals and differences in satellite constellations. This paper aims at studying the height differences in short static GPS/GLONASS observation processing when different calibration models are used. The analysis was done using 3 days of GNSS data, collected with three different receivers and antennas, divided by half hour observation sessions. The results show that switching between relative and absolute PCV models may have a visible effect on height determination, particularly in high accuracy applications. The problem is especially important when mixed GPS/GLONASS observations are processed. The update of receiver antenna calibrations model from relative to absolute in our study (using LEIAT504GG, JAV_GRANT-G3T and TPSHIPER_PLUS antennas) induces a jump (depending on the measurement session) in the vertical component within to 1.3 cm (GPS-only solutions) or within 1.9 cm (GPS/GLONASS solutions)


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    The basic purpose of a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) user antenna is the reception of navigation signals from all visible GNSS satellites. Transmit antennas onboard the GNSS satellites, on the other hand, are quite different and employ large antenna arrays to create high-gain global beams illuminating the entire surface of the Earth. This chapter presents different design options for GNSS antennas operating in the L-band of the radio frequency spectrum. It starts with a brief discussion of key requirements for the GNSS receiving antenna, where several design parameters are introduced and explained. Thereafter, antennas of different design technologies suitable to GNSS are explored and discussed in detail. Following the introduction of major antenna candidates, different variants for specialized requirements, such as the small form factor or multipath mitigation are presented. Complementary to receiving antennas, the design of antenna arrays for signal transmission on the GNSS satellites is presented next, along with a discussion on specific antennas employed on the Global Positioning System (GPS), Galileo, Global’naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikova Sistema (GLONASS) and BeiDou satellites. Finally, a comprehensive discussion on antenna measurements and the performance evaluation is provided