520 research outputs found
The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Anglophone Postcolonial Caribbean Literature of the Twenty-First Century
The sharp increase in publications on classicisms in the Black Atlantic over the last two decades points to the continuing significance of the Classics to postcolonial cultures but also to the unceasing importance of postcolonial cultures to the reshaping of Graeco- Roman antiquity and its legacies in the twenty-first century. Despite the topicality and political relevance of this area of research to current Caribbean culture, past investigations in the field have predominantly focussed on twentieth-century classical reception, the Hispanic or French Caribbean and other areas of the world, or have been limited to specific aspects of twenty-first century Antillean literature such as the reception of Greek drama.
This study investigates the reception of Graeco-Roman antiquity in twenty-first century Anglophone Caribbean literature. It spotlights three aspects that are central to the contemporary Caribbean classical tradition: modern dealings with epic, classical reception in Caribbean women writers and the relevance of notions of exile and migration to Caribbean Classics. Through the analysis of pieces of prose fiction and poetry as well as through a survey conducted among twenty-first century West Indian literary voices including Ishion Hutchinson, NourbeSe Philip, Lorna Goodison and Shara McCallum, I relate the status and uses of the Classics in the present-day Caribbean to their colonial legacy, especially as a pillar of the British Empireâs education system. Simultaneously, however, I argue that classical civilisations and literatures not only continue to be appropriated by Anglophone Caribbean writers for the sake of maintaining and extending a distinctive, regional tradition of reading the Graeco-Roman Classics but also to serve anti-imperialist, canon-redefining as well as anti-racist, feminist and history- and identity- establishing purposes
Minority Women Experiencing Postpartum Depression in Colorado
One of the most common complications associated with childbirth is pregnancy-related depression. Postpartum Depression (PPD) affects a new motherâs ability to bond with and take care of their baby. When left untreated PPD not only impacts the motherâs health but can also cause behavioral, eating, and sleeping issues for the baby (CDC, 2020). New mothers experiencing PPD have reported feeling stressed, worried, and anxious about their children. New mothers also reported having doubts about their ability to be a good mother. Almost half of the new mothers experiencing PPD will not seek treatment. Minority women are even less likely to seek treatment for PPD because there are fewer providers of color, appointment availability, and lack of time. Effectively treating and managing PPD has benefits for both the mother and baby (Keefe, Brownstein-Evans & Rouland Polmanteer, 2016)
Adjuvant-loaded protein-based nanocapsules induce effective anti-cancer immunity
Nanocarrier-based vaccines enable the simultaneous transport of antigens and adjuvants for specific activation of the immune system for cancer therapy. In this context, the targeting of dendritic cells (DCs), whose maturation can be induced and directed by specific adjuvants and which can prime naÏve T cells in an antigen-specific manner, is particularly relevant.
Within the scope of this PhD project, protein-based nanocapsules with a shell/core morphology were evaluated. Human serum albumin (HSA) and ovalbumin (OVA) with high biocompatibility, degradability, and low cytotoxicity were used as shell materials. Combinatorial encapsulation of multiple adjuvants, which stimulate different signaling pathways, into the aqueous capsule core was successfully established. The uptake of HSA capsules loaded with the adjuvants muramyl dipeptide (MDP), resiquimod (R848) and polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (Poly(I:C)) by dendritic cells and the subsequent DC maturation were demonstrated. Additionally, it could be shown that the combination of adjuvants in particular is necessary to sufficiently stimulate DCs. Flow cytometric analyses were performed to evaluate the expression of costimulatory molecules and the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines.
OVA-NCs allowed the simultaneous transport of the model antigen with the adjuvants MDP, R848, and Poly(I:C) to dendritic cells. Effective OVA peptide presentation to naĂŻve T cells via loading on MHC class I and MHC class II molecules inducing T cell proliferation could be demonstrated in vitro. Subsequently, the potential of adjuvant-loaded OVA nanocapsules to induce anti-tumor immune responses was evaluated in a murine melanoma model. For this purpose, C57BL/6J mice were injected with OVA-expressing B16/F10 melanoma cells and subsequently treated with different OVA-NC formulations. Significant reduction of tumor growth, in particular by combined encapsulating of R848 and MDP, was obtained.
Furthermore, it could be shown that only the transport of antigen and adjuvants in nanocapsules to DCs induced an efficient anti-tumor immune response, whereas the administration of soluble adjuvants and antigens did not achieve comparable results. Through a comparative study including different NC amounts and injection routes, the optimal therapeutic regimen was established.
To induce complete tumor remission, R848, a Toll-like receptor 7/8 agonist, was encapsulated in combination with the potent STING agonist diamidobenzimidazole (diABZI, compound 3), in OVA nanocapsules. This adjuvant combination induced synergistic effects in vitro with respect to the expression of DC maturation markers as well as the production of a broad spectrum of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. In particular, the induction of type I interferons, which are required for an efficient anti-tumor immune response, by diABZI offered an advantage over the previously established adjuvant combination. In subsequent tumor studies, animals with OVA-expressing B16/F10 melanomas were cured by triple injection of diABZI- and R848/diABZI-loaded nanocapsules. The nanovaccine was evolved by supplemental encapsulation of the melanoma-specific antigen tyrosinase-related protein 2 (TRP2). This melanoma-specific nanovaccine elicited a significant reduction of wild-type B16/F10 melanomas.
Another focus was set on the characterization of the NC-induced immune response. The infiltration of different immune cells into tumor-draining lymph nodes and the tumor tissue in vivo was demonstrated. In particular, the anti-tumor immune response was shown to be mediated by antigen-specific activation of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. In addition, the effect of NC treatment on the expression of immune checkpoint receptors by CD8+ T cells was investigated.
The nanoparticle-based tumor vaccine presented in this PhD thesis can be flexibly adapted for personalized cancer therapies by encapsulation of patient-specific peptides and further modified with immune cell-addressing molecules.XI, 116 Seiten ; Illustrationen, Diagramm
What are We Teaching When We Teach About Religion?
This article examines issues and difficulties with teaching and study religion in the university. Topics discussed include the distinction of religious studies and theology, the problem of apologetics in religious studies, and the role of the scholar of religion in relation to the subject matter
Systematics and Biogeography of the African Scaly-tailed Squirrels (Mammalia: Rodentia: Anomaluridae)
The aim of the present investigation was a better understanding of the systematics and biogeography of the African scaly-tailed squirrels. Therefore 1581 anomalurid specimens from 22 collections were examined and data from skulls, skins, and labels recorded, completed with data from literature. The current knowledge concerning anomalurids was compiled and the information on biology, morphology, biogeography, and the history of taxonomy and systematics within anomalurids and the systematic position of the group within the Rodentia presented. Additionally a gazetteer of finding localities was provided. Thorough analyses of fur colouration, body size measurements, craniometric characters, and molecular data demonstrated the extremely complex geographic variation of this group. The structure of anomalurid populations and borderlines and/or clines between populations is not straightforward and not easy to translate in an unequivocal taxonomy. However, it was possible to divide the distribution area of the Anomaluridae into eight to thirteen smaller areas, where at least the majority of species is relatively homogenous and generally differs in one or more characters from neighbouring populations. Differences can lie in fur colouration, body size, skull size and shape or in any combination of these. Due to the use of museum material and the related "Ancient DNA" problems it was not possible so far to reliably analyse differences between geographical populations of one or more species. Still 49 cytochrome b fragments from 28 specimens could be sequenced and allowed the suggestion of a cladogram for six of the seven anomalurid species. Additionally, the data proved the usefulness of the chosen gene region for possible further investigations. Besides the application of the statistical and data combination methods for the analysis of anomalurid systematics and biogeography it was possible to examine and discuss the usefulness and problems of several of the applied methods more generally. The present investigation supported the widely accepted (though still discussed) taxonomy with the seven species Anomalurops beecrofti, Anomalurus derbianus, A. pelii (with three subspecies), A. pusillus, Idiurus macrotis, I. zenkeri, and Zenkerella insignis. Further analysis particularly with molecular data would be desirable to clarify the history of the distribution of anomalurid species.Systematik und Biogeographie der Afrikanischen Dornschwanzhörnchen (Mammalia: Rodentia: Anomaluridae) Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der Systematik und Biogeographie der afrikanischen Dornschwanzhörnchen. DafĂŒr wurden 1581 Exemplare aus 22 Sammlungen untersucht und Daten der SchĂ€del, BĂ€lge und Etiketten aufgenommen, vervollstĂ€ndigt durch Literaturangaben. Das gegenwĂ€rtige Wissen ĂŒber Anomaluriden wurde zusammengetragen und die Informationen ĂŒber Biologie, Morphologie, Biogeographie und die Geschichte der Taxonomie und Sytematik innerhalb der Anomaluriden sowie die systematische Position der Gruppe innerhalb der Rodentia dargestellt. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde ein Verzeichnis der Fundorte erstellt. GrĂŒndliche Untersuchungen von FellfĂ€rbung, KörpergröĂe, craniometrischen Merkmalen und molekularen Daten zeigten die extrem komplexe geographische Variation dieser Gruppe. Die Struktur der Anomaluriden-Populationen und die Grenzen und/oder Klinen zwischen Populationen ist nicht offensichtlich und nicht einfach in eine eindeutige Taxonomie zu ĂŒbersetzen. Trotzdem war es möglich, das Verbreitungsgebiet der Anomaluridae in acht bis dreizehn Areale zu unterteilen, innerhalb derer zumindest die Mehrheit der Arten relativ einheitlich ist und sich im allgemeinen in einem oder mehreren Merkmalen von benachbarten Populationen unterscheidet. Die Unterschiede können in der FellfĂ€rbung, KörpergröĂe und SchĂ€delgröĂe und -form oder in jeder Kombination davon liegen. Aufgrund der Verwendung von Museumsmaterial und den damit verbundenen âAncient DNAâ-Problemen war es bisher nicht möglich, Unterschiede zwischen Populationen einer oder mehrerer Arten verlĂ€Ălich zu analysieren. Dennoch konnten 49 Cytochrom b-Fragmente von 28 Exemplaren sequenziert werden, die die Erstellung eines Kladogramms fĂŒr sechs der sieben Anomaluriden-Arten erlaubten. ZusĂ€tzlich zeigten die Daten die Brauchbarkeit des ausgewĂ€hlten Genabschnittes fĂŒr mögliche weitere Untersuchungen. Neben der Anwendung der statistischen und Daten-Kombinationsmethoden fĂŒr die Analyse der Anomaluriden-Systematik und Biogeographie war es möglich, die Verwendbarkeit und Probleme mehrerer der angewandten Methoden allgemeiner zu untersuchen und zu diskutieren. Die vorliegende Untersuchung unterstĂŒtzte die von vielen Autoren anerkannte (obwohl immer noch diskutierte) Taxonomie mit den sieben Arten Anomalurops beecrofti, Anomalurus derbianus, A. pelii (mit drei Unterarten), A. pusillus, Idiurus macrotis, I. zenkeri und Zenkerella insignis. Weitere Untersuchungen, vor allem mit molekularen Daten, wĂ€ren wĂŒnschenswert, um die Geschichte der Verbreitung der Anomaluriden-Arten aufzuklĂ€ren.SystĂ©matique et biogĂ©ographie des Ă©cureuils volants d'Afrique (Mammalia: Rodentia: Anomaluridae) Lâobjectif du prĂ©sent travail a Ă©tĂ© de mieux comprendre la systĂ©matique et la biogĂ©ographie des Ă©cureuils volants dâAfrique (Anomaluridae). Ainsi, 1581 spĂ©cimens provenant de 22 collections ont pu ĂȘtre examinĂ©s. Des informations concernant le crĂąne, la peau et lâĂ©tiquetage sont enregistrĂ©es et sont complĂ©tĂ©es par des donnĂ©es issues de la littĂ©rature. Un catalogue des localitĂ©s est Ă©galement produit. Les connaissances actuelles concernant les Anomalurides sont rĂ©pertoriĂ©es, et les informations sur la biologie, la morphologie, la biogĂ©ographie, lâhistoire de la taxonomie et de la systĂ©matique du groupe sont prĂ©sentĂ©es ainsi que la position systĂ©matique de la famille au sein des Rodentia. Des recherches approfondies sur la coloration du pelage, sur certaines mesures corporelles et crĂąniennes et sur des donnĂ©es molĂ©culaires montrent lâextrĂȘme complexitĂ© de la variation gĂ©ographique du groupe. La structure des populations dâAnomalurides et les frontiĂšres et/ou les clines entre populations ne sont pas aisĂ©es Ă dĂ©finir. MalgrĂ© tout il est possible de sub-diviser lâaire de rĂ©partition des Anomalurides en huit et jusquâĂ dix parties oĂč la majoritĂ© des espĂšces sont relativement homogĂšnes et diffĂšrent gĂ©nĂ©ralement des populations voisines par un ou plusieurs caractĂšre(s). Ces diffĂ©rences peuvent se trouver dans la couleur du pelage, dans des mesures du corps, dans des mesures ou dans la forme du crĂąne, ou dans toute combinaison de ces caractĂšres. Lâutilisation de matĂ©riel de musĂ©e câest heurtĂ© au problĂšme «dâADN ancien», et il nâa pas Ă©tĂ© possible dans le prĂ©sent travail dâanalyser de façon fiable les diffĂ©rences entre les populations dâune ou de plusieurs espĂšces. NĂ©anmoins, 49 fragments du cytochrome b issus de 28 spĂ©cimens ont pu ĂȘtre sĂ©quencĂ©s. Leur analyse a permis de rechercher les relations de parentĂ©s pour six des sept espĂšces connues, et le cladogramme obtenu montre la pertinence de la portion de gĂšne choisie pour de futures investigations phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques. En parallĂšle de lâutilisation de mĂ©thodes statistiques et de combinaisons de donnĂ©es pour lâanalyse de la systĂ©matique et de la biogĂ©ographie des Anomalurides, la pertinence des mĂ©thodes utilisĂ©es ci-dessus ainsi que les problĂšmes quâelles posent sont Ă©galement aborder de façon plus gĂ©nĂ©rale. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont en accord avec le consensus actuel (cependant toujours dĂ©battu) qui admet sept espĂšces valides, Anomalurops beecrofti, Anomalurus derbianus, A. pelii (comprenant trois sous-espĂšces), A. pusillus, Idiurus macrotis, I. zenkeri, et Zenkerella insignis. Pour clarifier lâhistoire de la distribution des espĂšces dâAnomalurides, des recherches complĂ©mentaires portant notamment sur des donnĂ©es molĂ©culaires, seraient nĂ©cessaires
Meeting Students Where They Are Online, But Leading Them Somewhere More Interesting: Reflections On Teaching the Facebook Class
This article describes a unique interdisciplinary course on social media and the self developed and taught by the authors at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. The article describes challenges facing humanities faculty who wish to teach on topics with high societal currency and student interest. Current research into humanistic approaches to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter is summarized. The authors discuss their inquiry-driven pedagogy in the classroom, how the course was redesigned based on student feedback, and assignments designed to encourage critical thinking about students\u27 use of social media. Finally, the article argues that humanities faculty should offer more classes that utilize a humanistic approach to social media and other new digital technologies
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