6,463 research outputs found

    Satellite snowcover and runoff monitoring in central Arizona

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Although the very high resolution experimental LANDSAT imagery permits rapid snow cover mapping at low cost, only one observation is available very 9 days. In contrast, low resolution operational imagery acquired by the ITOS and SMS/GOES satellites provide the daily synoptic observations necessary to monitor the rapid changes in snow covered areas in the entire Salt-Verde watershed. Geometric distortions in meteorological satellite imagery require specialized optical equipment or digital image processing for snow cover mapping

    Inshore circulation of the Agulhas Current off Natal

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    The variability of the inshore circulation of the Agulhas Current on the Natal continental shelf region is investigated using historical ship-based data, and more recent measurements made on moorings deployed at various points along the coast. The existence is confirmed of a recirculation flow inshore of the Agulhas Current on the wider shelf region, although emphasis is laid on the inherent variability. It is apparent that the different flow regimes along the coast are primarily due to topographic effects; in particular, a narrowing shelf serves to reduce the variability being transmitted downstream


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    The fall and recovery of dissolved oxygen (DO) is documented throughout the Gamtoos Estuary, South Africa during dry conditions and following light and heavy rainfall over a 13-month period from November 1992 to November 1993. Hypoxic conditions generally occurred in the near-bottom waters of the upper estuary. Localized fluctuations in DO levels are related to the natural diurnal fluctuation associated with photosynthesis of aquatic flora. The drop in DO levels following light rainfall is associated with the volume of oxygen-consuming compounds entering the estuary via runoff from adjacent agricultural fields. This hypoxia was short-lived. Following an extreme rainfall event, however, almost immediate hypoxia was recorded throughout the estuary, and DO levels deteriorated for some time thereafter as a result of the substantial input of organic matter into the estuary. The area of hypoxia and recovery was governed by the freshwater input at the tidal head, estuarine hydrometry and hydrodynamics. Tidal processes were identified as a source of replenishment of oxygen when, during high tide, seawater with a higher DO content penetrated the estuary.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 99–10

    Coastal sea surface temperature variability along the south coast of South Africa and the relationship to regional and global climate

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    The southern coastline of South Africa is approximately zonal, with a wide (up to 270 km) shelf region. Intense thermoclines are known to be established by insolation on the inner shelf region during summer, upwelling is generated by easterly-component winds, and occasionally Agulhas Current water can be advected close to the coast, particularly in the east. These processes induce daily and seasonal fluctuations of coastal sea-surface temperature (SST), but their influence over longer time scales (interannual) has not yet been tested. Here time series of SST ranging from 12 to 31 years are examined for inter-relationships with local and regional winds, and the southern oscillation index (SOI). The emphasis is on the summer period, and it is found that the correlation between SST and major axis wind anomalies can be improved substantially by considering the frequency of occurrence of winds above given thresholds. Moreover, winds and SSTs are also correlated with the SOI, such that fewer easterly-component winds are experienced at low phases (El Nino) with consequent increases in coastal SST, and correspondingly more easterly-component winds at high phases (La Nina) result in decreased coastal SST; however, these relationships did not hold for a measuring site within a large open bay area. Long-term trends are also established, with substantial increases in SST (0.25°C/decade) in association with greater increases in air temperature (0.36°C/ decade)

    Ultrafast spin polarization control of Dirac fermions in topological insulators

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    Three-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) are characterized by spin-polarized Dirac-cone surface states that are protected from backscattering by time-reversal symmetry. Control of the spin polarization of topological surface states (TSSs) using femtosecond light pulses opens novel perspectives for the generation and manipulation of dissipationless surface spin currents on ultrafast timescales. Using time-, spin-, and angle-resolved spectroscopy, we directly monitor for the first time the ultrafast response of the spin polarization of photoexcited TSSs to circularly-polarized femtosecond pulses of infrared light. We achieve all-optical switching of the transient out-of-plane spin polarization, which relaxes in about 1.2 ps. Our observations establish the feasibility of ultrafast optical control of spin-polarized Dirac fermions in TIs and pave the way for novel optospintronic applications at ultimate speeds.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of the Neutrino Asymmetry Parameter B in Neutron Decay

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    A new measurement of the neutrino asymmetry parameter B in neutron decay, the angular correlation between neutron spin and anti-neutrino momentum, is presented. The result, B=0.9802(50), agrees with the Standard Model expectation and earlier measurements, and permits improved tests on ``new physics'' in neutron decay.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; v2: revised PRL versio

    Hydrologic Response and Watershed Sensitivity to Climate Warming in California's Sierra Nevada

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    This study focuses on the differential hydrologic response of individual watersheds to climate warming within the Sierra Nevada mountain region of California. We describe climate warming models for 15 west-slope Sierra Nevada watersheds in California under unimpaired conditions using WEAP21, a weekly one-dimensional rainfall-runoff model. Incremental climate warming alternatives increase air temperature uniformly by 2°, 4°, and 6°C, but leave other climatic variables unchanged from observed values. Results are analyzed for changes in mean annual flow, peak runoff timing, and duration of low flow conditions to highlight which watersheds are most resilient to climate warming within a region, and how individual watersheds may be affected by changes to runoff quantity and timing. Results are compared with current water resources development and ecosystem services in each watershed to gain insight into how regional climate warming may affect water supply, hydropower generation, and montane ecosystems. Overall, watersheds in the northern Sierra Nevada are most vulnerable to decreased mean annual flow, southern-central watersheds are most susceptible to runoff timing changes, and the central portion of the range is most affected by longer periods with low flow conditions. Modeling results suggest the American and Mokelumne Rivers are most vulnerable to all three metrics, and the Kern River is the most resilient, in part from the high elevations of the watershed. Our research seeks to bridge information gaps between climate change modeling and regional management planning, helping to incorporate climate change into the development of regional adaptation strategies for Sierra Nevada watersheds

    Optimization of a high work function solution processed vanadium oxide hole-extracting layer for small molecule and polymer organic photovoltaic cells

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    We report a method of fabricating a high work function, solution processable vanadium oxide (V2Ox(sol)) hole-extracting layer. The atmospheric processing conditions of film preparation have a critical influence on the electronic structure and stoichiometry of the V2Ox(sol), with a direct impact on organic photovoltaic (OPV) cell performance. Combined Kelvin probe (KP) and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) measurements reveal a high work function, n-type character for the thin films, analogous to previously reported thermally evaporated transition metal oxides. Additional states within the band gap of V2Ox(sol) are observed in the UPS spectra and are demonstrated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to be due to the substoichiometric nature of V2Ox(sol). The optimized V2Ox(sol) layer performance is compared directly to bare indium–tin oxide (ITO), poly(ethyleneoxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS), and thermally evaporated molybdenum oxide (MoOx) interfaces in both small molecule/fullerene and polymer/fullerene structures. OPV cells incorporating V2Ox(sol) are reported to achieve favorable initial cell performance and cell stability attributes
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