1,011 research outputs found

    Eignung von Bradyrhizobien-Impfpräparaten zur Inokulation von Sojabohnen

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    Wie jede andere Leguminose, kann auch die Sojabohne (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) mit Hilfe von Soja-spezifischen Knöllchenbakterien (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) Luft-Stickstoff binden. Da die Bradyrhizobien natürlicherweise nicht in den mitteleuropäischen Böden vorkommen, müssen die Samen der Sojabohne mit kommerziell verfügbaren Bradyrhizobien-Impfpräparaten inokuliert werden. Beim Anbau hat sich in den letzten Jahren jedoch gezeigt, dass die Inokulation vor allem in kühleren Klimaten bei einzelnen Präparaten zu unzuverlässiger Knöllchenbildung und damit ungenügender Stickstoffbindung führen kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Eignung kommerziell verfügbarer Bradyrhizobien-Impfpräparate zur Inokulation der Sojabohne zu prüfen


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    In Central Europe the inoculation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) with different Bradyrhizobia inoculants has led to unsatisfying nodulation results under low temperature conditions. The aim of this study was to test the capacity of commercially available inoculants under cool growing conditions in Central Europe. In 2011 and 2012 four Bradyrhizobia inoculants were tested on three early soybean varieties in a field trial in Germany. The number of nodules, yield and protein content were assessed. Two years data showed a successful nodulation of Product 4, Product 3 and Product 2 while Product 1 cannot be recommended. Independently of soybean variety, all of the three successful inoculants can be advised regarding grain yield. Protein content and protein yield depend on the combination of inoculants and soybean variety. Over the years Product 4 was the most reliable inoculant

    Ausweitung des Sojaanbaus in Deutschland durch züchterische Anpassung sowie pflanzenbauliche und verarbeitungstechnische Optimierung

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    Die Arbeiten im Sojaforschungsprojekt waren erfolgreich und konnten wichtige Impulse für die Ausweitung des Sojaanbaus in Deutschland geben. So sind die entwickelten Stämme und Kreuzungsnachkommen eine Basis für den Aufbau einer eigenständigen deutschen Sojazüchtung. Die Sorten Korus und Protibus erwiesen sich als besonders geeignet für die Tofuherstellung. Die im Projekt entwickelte Labortofurei ist ein Züchtungsinstrument zur Identifikation vielversprechender Genotypen, mit dem auch die weitere Entwicklung frühreifer Tofusojasorten unterstützt werden kann. In Gefäßversuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Reaktion auf Kühlestress während der Hülsenansatzphase zwischen den Sorten variiert und es tolerante, kompensierende und sensitive Sorten gibt. Die praktische Selektion auf Kältetoleranz war erfolgreich und für die Selektion auf Unkrauttoleranz konnte ein System etabliert werden. Bis auf das Präparat Radicin können die vorhandenen kommerziellen Bradyrhizobienpräparate für den Praxiseinsatz empfohlen werden. Die Hypothese, dass die Selektion des Symbiosepartners auf Kühletoleranz lohnenswert ist, wurde bestätigt. Bei der Sortenprüfung in ganz Deutschland zeigte sich, dass die Anbauwürdigkeit von Soja gut und nur an wenigen der geprüften Standorte nicht gegeben war. Die 00-Sorte ES-Mentor lieferte insgesamt die höchsten Relativerträge sowie den höchsten Rohproteinertrag, bei den 000-Sorten schnitt Sultana besonders gut ab. Eine Variation der Saatzeit sowie verschiedene Verfrühungstechniken erweisen sich nicht als ertragsrelevant. Beim Erfolg der Unkrautregulierung mit Torsionshacke, Fingerhacke und Flachhäufler gab es keine Unterschiede. Im Dammanbau lassen sich Sojabohnen mit gutem Unkrautregulierungserfolg kultivieren. Bei der Sojaaufbereitung sollte eine unnötig hohe Erhitzung der Bohnen bei der Aufbereitung vermieden werden, da durch die Erhitzung neben der Trypsininhibitoraktivität auch Eiweißverdaulichkeit reduziert werden. Mit ausschließlich indirekter, länger einwirkender, trockener Wärme (z. B. Biogasabwärme), ist es schwierig, gute Aufbereitungsqualitäten zu erzielen. Der Wissenstransfer mit Feldtagen und Website www.sojainfo.de war wichtig und erfolgreich zur Steigerung des Interesses am heimischen Sojaanbau

    Raster-scanned carbon ion therapy for malignant salivary gland tumors: acute toxicity and initial treatment response

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background and purpose</p> <p>To investigate toxicity and efficacy in high-risk malignant salivary gland tumors (MSGT) of the head and neck. Local control in R2-resected adenoid cystic carcinoma was already improved with a combination of IMRT and carbon ion boost at only mild side-effects, hence this treatment was also offered to patients with MSGT and microscopic residual disease (R1) or perineural spread (Pn+).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From November 2009, all patients with MSGT treated with carbon ion therapy were evaluated. Acute side effects were scored according to CTCAE v.4.03. Tumor response was assessed according to RECIST where applicable.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>103 patients were treated from 11/2009 to 03/2011, median follow-up is 6 months. 60 pts received treatment following R2 resections or as definitive radiation, 43 patients received adjuvant radiation for R1 and/or Pn+. 16 patients received carbon ion treatment for re-irradiation. Median total dose was 73.2 GyE (23.9 GyE carbon ions + 49,9 Gy IMRT) for primary treatment and 44.9 GyE carbon ions for re-irradiation. All treatments were completed as planned and generally well tolerated with no > CTC°III toxicity. Rates of CTC°III toxicity (mucositis and dysphagia) were 8.7% with side-effects almost completely resolved at first follow-up.</p> <p>47 patients showed good treatment responses (CR/PR) according to RECIST.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Acute toxicity remains low in IMRT with carbon ion boost also in R1-resected patients and patients undergoing re-irradiation. R2-resected patients showed high rates of treatment response, though follow-up is too short to assess long-term disease control.</p

    Long term outcome of adolescent and adult patients with pineal parenchymal tumors treated with fractionated radiotherapy between 1982 and 2003 -- a single institution's experience

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    Background: To evaluate the effectivity of fractionated radiotherapy in adolescent and adult patients with pineal parenchymal tumors (PPT). Methods: Between 1982 and 2003, 14 patients with PPTs were treated with fractionated radiotherapy. 4 patients had a pineocytoma (PC), one a PPT with intermediate differentiation (PPTID) and 9 patients a pineoblastoma (PB), 2 of which were recurrences. All patients underwent radiotherapy to the primary tumor site with a median total dose of 54 Gy. In 9 patients with primary PB treatment included whole brain irradiation (3 patients) or irradiation of the craniospinal axis (6 patients) with a median total dose of 35 Gy. Results: Median follow-up was 123 months in the PC patients and 109 months in the patients with primary PB. 7 patients were free from relapse at the end of follow-up. One PC patient died from spinal seeding. Among 5 PB patients treated with radiotherapy without chemotherapy, 3 developed local or spinal tumor recurrence. Both patients treated for PB recurrences died. The patient with PPTID is free of disease 7 years after radiotherapy. Conclusion: Local radiotherapy seems to be effective in patients with PC and some PPTIDs. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with more aggressive variants of PPTIDs as well as treatment of PB need to be further improved, since local and spinal failure even despite craniospinal irradiation (CSI) is common. As PPT are very rare tumors, treatment within multi-institutional trials remains necessary

    Expression of survivin detected by immunohistochemistry in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus is associated with prognosis of leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Survivin, a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis-protein family suppresses apoptosis and regulates cell division. It is strongly overexpressed in the vast majority of cancers. We were interested if survivin detected by immunohistochemistry has prognostic relevance especially for patients of the two soft tissue sarcoma entities leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tumors of leiomyosarcoma (n = 24) and synovial sarcoma patients (n = 26) were investigated for their expression of survivin by immunohistochemistry. Survivin expression was assessed in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of tumor cells using an immunoreactive scoring system (IRS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected a survivin expression (IRS > 2) in the cytoplasm of 20 leiomyosarcomas and 22 synovial sarcomas and in the nucleus of 12 leiomyosarcomas and 9 synovial sarcomas, respectively. There was no significant difference between leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma samples in their cytoplasmic or nuclear expression of survivin. Next, all sarcoma patients were separated in four groups according to their survivin expression in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus: group 1: negative (IRS 0 to 2); group 2: weak (IRS 3 to 4); group 3: moderate (IRS 6 to 8); group 4: strong (IRS 9 to 12). In a multivariate Cox's regression hazard analysis survivin expression detected in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus was significantly associated with overall survival of patients in group 3 (RR = 5.7; P = 0.004 and RR = 5.7; P = 0.022, respectively) compared to group 2 (reference). Patients whose tumors showed both a moderate/strong expression of survivin in the cytoplasm and a moderate expression of survivin in the nucleus (in both compartments IRS ≥ 6) possessed a 24.8-fold increased risk of tumor-related death (P = 0.003) compared to patients with a weak expression of survivin both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Survivin protein expression in the cytoplasma and in the nucleus detected by immunohistochemistry is significantly associated with prognosis of leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma patients.</p

    The Higgs as a Portal to Plasmon-like Unparticle Excitations

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    12 LaTeX pages, 2 figures.-- Published in: JHEP04(2008)028.-- Final full-text version available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1126-6708/2008/04/028.A renormalizable coupling between the Higgs and a scalar unparticle operator O_U of non-integer dimension d_U<2 triggers, after electroweak symmetry breaking, an infrared divergent vacuum expectation value for O_U. Such IR divergence should be tamed before any phenomenological implications of the Higgs-unparticle interplay can be drawn. In this paper we present a novel mechanism to cure that IR divergence through (scale-invariant) unparticle self-interactions, which has properties qualitatively different from the mechanism considered previously. Besides finding a mass gap in the unparticle continuum we also find an unparticle pole reminiscent of a plasmon resonance. Such unparticle features could be explored experimentally through their mixing with the Higgs boson.Work supported in part by the European Commission under the European Union through the Marie Curie Research and Training Networks “Quest for Unification” (MRTN-CT- 2004-503369) and “UniverseNet” (MRTN-CT-2006-035863); by the Spanish Consolider- Ingenio 2010 Programme CPAN (CSD2007-0042); by a Comunidad de Madrid project (P-ESP-00346) and by CICYT, Spain, under contracts FPA 2007-60252 and FPA 2005-02211