79 research outputs found

    MicroRNA 200a as a histologically independent marker for meningioma recurrence : Results of a four microRNA panel analysis in meningiomas

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    Introduction: Meningiomas are mostly benign neoplasms of the central nervous system. Nevertheless there are recurrences in about 20% after surgical resection. Previous studies could reveal several predictors of meningioma recurrence. Tumor progression often is associated with a specific pattern of chromosome losses. Our study investigated the potential function of selected microRNAs as markers of tumor progression. Methods: By real-time polymerase chain reaction the expressions of microRNA 21-3p, 34a-3p, 200a-3p, and 409-3p were analyzed in solid tumor and in blood samples of 51 meningioma patients as well as in blood samples of 20 healthy individuals. Additionally, aberrations of parts of chromosomes 1, 14, 18, and 22 were analyzed by FISH. Tumor and blood samples were statistically analyzed, using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient as well as Mann–Whitney U- and Kruskal–Wallis-Test. Results: MicroRNA 200a showed significantly lower expressions in recurrent meningiomas than in newly diagnosed ones. MicroRNA 409 in meningiomas was correlated significantly with tumor volume and showed a significant negative correlation with patient age. Significance was found between the expression patterns of microRNAs 34a and 200a with the respective aberrations of chromosome 1p and the microRNA 409 with aberration of chromosome 14. In the male cohort the expression of microRNA 200a in blood was significantly upregulated in patients compared to healthy volunteers. By our research the function of microRNA 200a was proved to detect meningioma patients by liquid biopsy. Conclusion: We detected microRNA 200a as a new biomarker to indicate meningioma recurrences. Future transferability to blood could be important for patient follow-up

    A Screen for Retrotransposed Imprinted Genes Reveals an Association between X Chromosome Homology and Maternal Germ-Line Methylation

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    Imprinted genes undergo epigenetic modifications during gametogenesis, which lead to transcriptional silencing of either the maternally or the paternally derived allele in the subsequent generation. Previous work has suggested an association between imprinting and the products of retrotransposition, but the nature of this link is not well defined. In the mouse, three imprinted genes have been described that originated by retrotransposition and overlap CpG islands which undergo methylation during oogenesis. Nap1l5, U2af1-rs1, and Inpp5f_v2 are likely to encode proteins and share two additional genetic properties: they are located within introns of host transcripts and are derived from parental genes on the X chromosome. Using these sequence features alone, we identified Mcts2, a novel candidate imprinted retrogene on mouse Chromosome 2. Mcts2 has been validated as imprinted by demonstrating that it is paternally expressed and undergoes promoter methylation during oogenesis. The orthologous human retrogenes NAP1L5, INPP5F_V2, and MCTS2 are also shown to be paternally expressed, thus delineating novel imprinted loci on human Chromosomes 4, 10, and 20. The striking correlation between imprinting and X chromosome provenance suggests that retrotransposed elements with homology to the X chromosome can be selectively targeted for methylation during mammalian oogenesis

    dolls/puppets in threat scenarios

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    Puppen in Bedrohungsszenarien – so lautet der Themenschwerpunkt der ersten Ausgabe der interdisziplinären online-Zeitschrift "denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll" zu Mensch-Puppen-Diskursen (Akronym: de:do). Die Bezeichnung ‚Puppe’ steht dabei für anthropomorphe ,Wesen’ und Artefakte in all ihren unterschiedlichen Erscheinungsformen und der Begriff der Bedrohung wird hier weit gefasst. Ausgangspunkt der Entscheidung für diesen Fokus war die Annahme, dass Puppen und puppenaffinen Artefakten sowohl in Zeiten existenzieller Bedrohung als auch in Phasen innerpsychischer Beunruhigung und Irritation eine besondere Bedeutung zukommt. Die hier einbezogenen Beiträge stammen aus unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen und eröffnen in der bewusst nicht disziplinär ausgerichteten Zusammenstellung reizvolle multiperspektivische Mensch-Puppen-Diskurse. Dabei sind nicht nur die hier angesprochenen Themenbezüge, sondern auch die jeweiligen methodischen Zugänge ausgesprochen heterogen. So werden Puppen-Narrative aufgegriffen, die beispielsweise innerhalb der Literaturwissenschaft an die lange Tradition von Puppen-Erzählungen anknüpfen, aber auch solche, die aktuell in den Diskursen über Zukunftsszenarien und neue Technologien mittels verschiedener medialer Formate und/oder künstlerischer Aktionen für Diskussionsstoff sorgen. Ein erster thematischer Fokus liegt auf der Bedeutung von Puppen im Zuge der Erfahrung von Bedrohung und Verlusten im Kontext von Krieg, Flucht und Verfolgung in politisch unsicheren Zeiten. Hier werden aus verschiedenen fachdisziplinären Perspektiven unterschiedliche Facetten von Bedrohungsszenarien angesprochen. So geht es aus theaterwissenschaftlicher Sicht um zwei Inszenierungen aus dem Bereich des Objekt- und Materialtheaters, in denen bedrohliche Kriegsdarstellungen mittels Plastikpuppen bzw. amorphen Materials aufbereitet werden. Aus psychologischer Perspektive kommen Rollen und Funktionen von Puppen als Übergangsobjekte im Kontext von Umbrüchen, Krieg und Gewalt zur Sprache. In zwei literaturwissenschaftlichen Beiträgen wird jeweils ein Roman aus der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur analysiert, in denen in einem Fall eine Puppe zur psychischen Stabilisierung der literarischen Protagonistin beiträgt und im anderen Fall das Schicksal der Puppe die Geschichte von Abschied und letztendlicher Vernichtung ihrer Besitzerin erzählt und symbolisiert. Und schließlich geht es um den Stellenwert von Puppen und Teddys in verschiedenen Kinderzeitschriften, die – in den politisch unsicheren Zeiten zwischen und nach den beiden Weltkriegen – Identifikationsfiguren und Interaktionspartner für Kinder sein können. Ein zweiter Fokus thematisiert Puppen und ihre Narrative im Kontext verschiedener aversiver Erfahrungen sowie in Zeiten psychischer Irritation. So geht es zum einen um die literaturwissenschaftliche Sicht auf die Bedeutung und Wirkung von Puppen in zwei ‚klassischen’ Puppenerzählungen: „"Nussknacker und Mausekönig" von E.T.A. Hoffmann und "Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe" von Gottfried Keller. Zum anderen werden in verschiedenen Beiträgen Entgrenzungs-, Transformations- und Identitätsfragen in Mensch-Puppen-Bezügen aus medien- und kunstwissenschaftlicher sowie kinderliterarischer Perspektive angesprochen, in denen Puppen in Gestalt von Androiden, Kunstwesen oder anthropomorphen Figuren agieren und dabei selber Irritationen auslösen oder Versuche darstellen, Antworten auf beunruhigende Fragen zu finden. Über den Themenschwerpunkt hinaus finden sich zudem eine Reihe weiterer Beitragsformen zu verschiedenen puppenbezogenen Themen und Praxen, die noch einmal das breite Spektrum unterschiedlicher Puppen-Narrative und Zugangsformen dokumentieren: So beschäftigt sich ein freier Beitrag mit dem Puppenspiel als strukturiertes Therapieangebot für Kinder, bei den Miszellen findet sich eine Skizze zu Marlene Dietrich und ihren Puppen sowie ein kurzer Essay zu einer biographischen Erinnerung, ein Interview mit der Begründerin des Berliner Puppentheaters bubales veranschaulicht Möglichkeiten der dramatischen und poetischen Umsetzung von Puppen-Themen, im Diskussionsforum wird ein kritischer Blick auf "Barbie als Diskursmaschine" geworfen und eine Rezension zum Ausstellungskatalog "From Her Wooden Sleep von Ydessa Hendels" lotet Chancen und Grenzen der künstlerischen Arbeit mit Puppen-Artefakten aus.Dolls / Puppets in Threat Scenarios – this is the topic focus of the first issue of the interdisciplinary online magazine "denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll" on human-doll discourses (acronym: de: do). The term ’doll’ stands for anthropomorphic ’beings’ and artifacts of all kinds and the concept of threat is broadly defined. This focus was stimulated by the assumption that dolls and doll-related artifacts are of particular importance in times of existential threat as well as in phases of inner psychic anxiety and irritation. Yet, the basically ambiguous character of the doll does not necessarily determine a clear effect, so that its usability always involves a certain blurriness and ambivalence. In threatening and adverse situations dolls can act as companions and significant (transitional) objects, thus allowing psychic stabilization, security, and attachment as well as enabling (inner) autonomy, agency, and developmental processes. But dolls can also be a crucial component of threat scenarios themselves and act frightening in this function. All this applies not only to material and real existing dolls and puppets, but also to dolls as literary and / or media figures as well as to doll narratives of any kind. The articles included here come from different disciplines and open up an appealing and deliberately non-disciplinary oriented human-doll discourse from multiple perspectives. Accordingly, the relevant themes as well as the respective methodological approaches are highly heterogeneous. Thus, some contributions follow the long tradition of doll narratives in literature while others discuss currrent topics and discourses on future scenarios and new technologies by means of various doll-related media formats and / or art performances. A first thematic focus is on the significance of dolls in experiencing threats and losses in the context of war, flight and persecution in times of political uncertainty. Here, different facets of threat scenarios are addressed from different disciplinary perspectives. From the field of object and material theater two productions are introduced in which menacing war scenes are processed by means of plastic dolls or amorphous material. From a psychological perspective, dolls are discussed in their roles and functions as transitional objects within the context of upheaval, war and violence. Furthermore, two literary contributions analyze novels from children’s and youth literature. One story deals with a doll which contributes to the psychological stabilization of the literary protagonist. The other story tells of a girl and her doll which symbolizes the final farewell and eventual annihilation of the (Jewish) girl. Finally, the role of dolls and teddy bears in various children’s magazines is exemplified, which serve as identification figures and interaction partners for children in the politically unstable times between and after the two World Wars. A second focus deals with dolls and their narratives in the context of various aversive experiences as well as in times of psychological irritation. Two contributions analyze the meaning and effect of dolls in two ’classical’ doll narratives from a literary perspective: "Nussknacker und Mausekönig" by E.T.A. Hoffmann and "Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe" by Gottfried Keller. Further contributions address questions of ego dissolution, transformation and identity processes in human-doll relations from various perspectives such as media, art and children’s literature. Here, dolls appear as androids, artistic or anthropomorphic figures which cause irritation themselves or attempt to find answers to disturbing human-doll questions. In addition to the main topic, there are also a number of other sections and types of contributions on various doll-related topics and practices which once again document the wide range of doll narratives and possible forms of access: For example, a free contribution deals with doll play as a structured therapy for children, the miscellaneous section includes a portrait of Marlene Dietrich and her dolls as well as a short essay on a biographical reminiscence, an interview with the founder of the Berlin Puppet Theater bubales illustrates the possibilities of dramatic and poetic realization of puppet and doll narratives, a critical view on "Barbie as a discourse machine" is presented in the discussion forum and a review of the exhibition catalog "From Her Wooden Sleep by Ydessa Hendels" explores opportunities and limits of artistic work with doll artifacts

    Paradigmatic Approach to Support Personalized Counseling With Digital Health (iKNOW)

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    iKNOW is the first evidence-based digital tool to support personalized counseling for women in Germany with a hereditary cancer risk. The counseling tool is designed for carriers of pathogenic gBRCA (germline breast cancer gene) variants that increase the lifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Carriers of pathogenic variants are confronted with complex, individualized risk information, and physicians must be able to convey this information in a comprehensible way to enable preference-sensitive health decisions. In this paper, we elaborate on the clinical, regulatory, and practical premises of personalized counseling in Germany. By operationalizing these premises, we formulate 5 design principles that, we suggest, are specific enough to develop a digital tool (eg, iKNOW), yet wide-ranging enough to inform the development of counseling tools for personalized medicine more generally: (1) digital counseling tools should implement the current standard of care (eg, based on guidelines); (2) digital counseling tools should help to both standardize and personalize the counseling process (eg, by enabling the preference-sensitive selection of counseling contents from a common information base); (3) digital counseling tools should make complex information easy to access both cognitively (eg, by using evidenced-based risk communication formats) and technically (eg, by means of responsive design for various devices); (4) digital counseling tools should respect the counselee's data privacy rights (eg, through strict pseudonymization and opt-in consent); and (5) digital counseling tools should be systematically and iteratively evaluated with the users in mind (eg, using formative prototype testing to ensure a user-centric design and a summative multicenter, randomized controlled trial). On the basis of these paradigmatic design principles, we hope that iKNOW can serve as a blueprint for the development of more digital innovations to support personalized counseling approaches in cancer medicine

    Transcript- and tissue-specific imprinting of a tumour suppressor gene

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    The Bladder Cancer-Associated Protein gene (BLCAP; previously BC10) is a tumour suppressor that limits cell proliferation and stimulates apoptosis. BLCAP protein or message are downregulated or absent in a variety of human cancers. In mouse and human, the first intron of Blcap/BLCAP contains the distinct Neuronatin (Nnat/NNAT) gene. Nnat is an imprinted gene that is exclusively expressed from the paternally inherited allele. Previous studies found no evidence for imprinting of Blcap in mouse or human. Here we show that Blcap is imprinted in mouse and human brain, but not in other mouse tissues. Moreover, Blcap produces multiple distinct transcripts that exhibit reciprocal allele-specific expression in both mouse and human. We propose that the tissue-specific imprinting of Blcap is due to the particularly high transcriptional activity of Nnat in brain, as has been suggested previously for the similarly organized and imprinted murine Commd1/U2af1-rs1 locus. For Commd1/U2af1-rs1, we show that it too produces distinct transcript variants with reciprocal allele-specific expression. The imprinted expression of BLCAP and its interplay with NNAT at the transcriptional level may be relevant to human carcinogenesis

    Functional Characterization of Rare Variants in the SHOX2 Gene Identified in Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrial Fibrillation

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    Sinus node dysfunction (SND) and atrial fibrillation (AF) often coexist; however, the molecular mechanisms linking both conditions remain elusive. Mutations in the homeobox-containing SHOX2 gene have been recently associated with early-onset and familial AF. Shox2 is a key regulator of sinus node development, and its deficiency leads to bradycardia, as demonstrated in animal models. To provide an extended SHOX2 gene analysis in patients with distinct arrhythmias, we investigated SHOX2 as a susceptibility gene for SND and AF by screening 98 SND patients and 450 individuals with AF. The functional relevance of the novel mutations was investigated in vivo and in vitro, together with the previously reported p.H283Q variant. A heterozygous missense mutation (p.P33R) was identified in the SND cohort and four heterozygous variants (p.G77D, p.L129=, p.L130F, p.A293=) in the AF cohort. Overexpression of the pathogenic predicted mutations in zebrafish revealed pericardial edema for p.G77D and the positive control p.H283Q, whereas the p.P33R and p.A293= variants showed no effect. In addition, a dominant-negative effect with reduced heart rates was detected for p.G77D and p.H283Q. In vitro reporter assays demonstrated for both missense variants p.P33R and p.G77D significantly impaired transactivation activity, similar to the described p.H283Q variant. Also, a reduced Bmp4 target gene expression was revealed in zebrafish hearts upon overexpression of the p.P33R mutant. This study associates additional rare variants in the SHOX2 gene implicated in the susceptibility to distinct arrhythmias and allows frequency estimations in the AF cohort (3/990). We also demonstrate for the first time a genetic link between SND and AF involving SHOX2. Moreover, our data highlight the importance of functional investigations of rare variants

    Growing old at home – A randomized controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventive home visits to reduce nursing home admissions: study protocol [NCT00644826]

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Regarding demographic changes in Germany it can be assumed that the number of elderly and the resulting need for long term care is increasing in the near future. It is not only an individual's interest but also of public concern to avoid a nursing home admission. Current evidence indicates that preventive home visits can be an effective way to reduce the admission rate in this way making it possible for elderly people to stay longer at home than without home visits. As the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventive home visits strongly depends on existing services in the social and health system existing international results cannot be merely transferred to Germany. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of such an intervention in Germany by a randomized controlled trial.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The trial is designed as a prospective multi-center randomized controlled trial in the cities of Halle and Leipzig. The trial includes an intervention and a control group. The control group receives usual care. The intervention group receives three additional home visits by non-physician health professionals (1) geriatric assessment, (2) consultation, (3) booster session.</p> <p>The nursing home admission rate after 18 months will be defined as the primary outcome. An absolute risk reduction from a 20% in the control-group to a 7% admission rate in the intervention group including an assumed drop out rate of 30% resulted in a required sample size of N = 320 (n = 160 vs. n = 160).</p> <p>Parallel to the clinical outcome measurement the intervention will be evaluated economically. The economic evaluation will be performed from a society perspective.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>To the authors' knowledge for the first time a trial will investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventive home visits for people aged 80 and over in Germany using the design of a randomized controlled trial. Thus, the trial will contribute to the existing evidence on preventive home visits especially in Germany.</p

    Study on Occupational Allergy Risks (SOLAR II) in Germany: Design and methods

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>SOLAR II is the 2<sup>nd </sup>follow-up of a population-based cohort study that follows the participants of ISAAC Phase Two recruited in Munich and Dresden in 1995/6. A first follow-up study was conducted 2002 and 2003 (SOLAR I). The aims of SOLAR II were to investigate the course of atopic diseases over puberty taking environmental and occupational risk factors into account. This paper describes the methods of the 2<sup>nd </sup>follow-up carried out from 2007 to 2009 and the challenges we faced while studying a population-based cohort of young adults.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wherever possible, the same questionnaire instruments were used throughout the studies. They included questions on respiratory and allergic diseases, domestic and occupational exposure and work related stress. Furthermore, clinical examinations including skin prick tests, spirometry and bronchial challenge with methacholine, exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) and blood samples were employed at baseline and 2<sup>nd </sup>follow-up. As information from three studies was available, multiple imputation could be used to handle missing data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 3053 SOLAR I study participants who had agreed to be contacted again, about 50% had moved in the meantime and had to be traced using phone directories and the German population registries. Overall, 2904 of these participants could be contacted on average five years after the first follow-up. From this group, 2051 subjects (71%) completed the questionnaire they received via mail. Of these, 57% participated at least in some parts of the clinical examinations. Challenges faced included the high mobility of this age group. Time constraints and limited interest in the study were substantial. Analysing the results, selection bias had to be considered as questionnaire responders (54%) and those participating in the clinical part of the study (63%) were more likely to have a high parental level of education compared to non-participants (42%). Similarly, a higher prevalence of parental atopy (e.g. allergic rhinitis) at baseline was found for participants in the questionnaire part (22%) and those participating in the clinical part of the study (27%) compared to non-participants (11%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, a 12-year follow-up from childhood to adulthood is feasible resulting in a response of 32% of the baseline population. However, our experience shows that researchers need to allocate more time to the field work when studying young adults compared to other populations.</p

    Reduced Food Intake and Body Weight in Mice Deficient for the G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR82

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are involved in the regulation of numerous physiological functions. Therefore, GPCR variants may have conferred important selective advantages during periods of human evolution. Indeed, several genomic loci with signatures of recent selection in humans contain GPCR genes among them the X-chromosomally located gene for GPR82. This gene encodes a so-called orphan GPCR with unknown function. To address the functional relevance of GPR82 gene-deficient mice were characterized. GPR82-deficient mice were viable, reproduced normally, and showed no gross anatomical abnormalities. However, GPR82-deficient mice have a reduced body weight and body fat content associated with a lower food intake. Moreover, GPR82-deficient mice showed decreased serum triacylglyceride levels, increased insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, most pronounced under Western diet. Because there were no differences in respiratory and metabolic rates between wild-type and GPR82-deficient mice our data suggest that GPR82 function influences food intake and, therefore, energy and body weight balance. GPR82 may represent a thrifty gene most probably representing an advantage during human expansion into new environments