78 research outputs found
Human Jurisprudence: Public Law as Political Science
This book provides a rare view of a creative scholar at work during a highly productive phase of his career. It shows him as an innovator, theorist, methodologist, âmissionary,â critic, and scientist, but he remains, withal, in his fashion, a humanist. He believes that institutions and processesâparticularly law, politics, and scholarshipâare best understood in human terms. With Holmes, he believes that law is a prediction of what courts will do; hence, to understand law it is necessary to understand judicial behavior. A full explanation of a judgeâs behavior would take into account his health (both physical and mental), his personality, his culture and society, and his ideology. Glendon Schubert concedes this but focuses primarily on ideology because he believes the other variables are sublimated in it. Therefore, to him, ideologyâattitudes toward human valuesâis the basic explanation of judicial behavior, and jurisprudence is necessarily human.
The studies in this volume are important in the study of judicial behavior, for they broke new ground, and some were forerunners of major books, such as The Judicial Mind, which was published in 1965. Each shows Professor Schubertâs concern at the time they were written, and taken together they show the movement and growth of his ideas and interests
Ejerciendo poder polĂtico: los jueces y el derecho administrativo en Chile
Este estudio trata sobre la judicialización de la política, o el amplio poderque los jueces chilenos han adquirido en las últimas décadas.Específicamente se centra en algunos aspectos del derechoadministrativo, el cual ha crecido gracias a la acción de los tribunaleschilenos. Dentro de esta área del derecho examinaremos cómo lostribunales aceptaron competencia para juzgar causas administrativas; laforma en que tratan la responsabilidad del Estado por daños; la forma enque han determinado el plazo de prescripción de los actosadministrativos; como ha dirimido conflictos entre la ContraloríaGeneral de la República Chilena y otros órganos del Estado y el modo enque aceptan que se impongan las sanciones administrativas. Todo ellopara concluir finalmente que los tribunales chilenos enfrentan hoy alpoder ejecutivo con un poder que crece y que podría generar conflictosentre estos órganos del Estado en el futuro
Empirical Legal Studies Before 1940: A Bibliographic Essay
The modern empirical legal studies movement has well-known antecedents in the law and society and law and economics traditions of the latter half of the 20th century. Less well known is the body of empirical research on legal phenomena from the period prior to World War II. This paper is an extensive bibliographic essay that surveys the English language empirical legal research from approximately 1940 and earlier. The essay is arranged around the themes in the research: criminal justice, civil justice (general studies of civil litigation, auto accident litigation and compensation, divorce, small claims, jurisdiction and procedure, civil juries), debt and bankruptcy, banking, appellate courts, legal needs, legal profession (including legal education), and judicial staffing and selection. Accompanying the essay is an extensive bibliography of research articles, books, and reports
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