784 research outputs found

    Field calibration of time domain reflectrometry in an Amazonian rainforest soil with variable bulk density: sources of error and influence of land-use.

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    Spontane durale arteriovenöse Fistel am Sinus cavernosus: Demaskierung nach endoskopischer Nasennebenhöhlen-Operation

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    Zusammenfassung: Spontane arteriovenöse Fisteln können sich über längere Zeit symptomlos entwickeln, bevor sie mit Strömungsgeräuschen, Visusminderung, Exophthalmos und konjunktivaler Injektion symptomatisch werden. Wir stellen den seltenen Fall einer okkulten parainfektiösen duralen arteriovenösen Fistel vor. Diese demaskierte sich postoperativ durch akute Verschlechterung der venösen Drainage, möglicherweise aufgrund der intraoperativen Lagerung, positiver Beatmungsdrucke und Stauung durch die Nasentamponad

    Thrombolyse der Arteria cerebri media

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    Zusammenfassung: In den ersten 3h nach Eintritt eines akuten ischämischen Hirninfarkts ist die intravenöse Thrombolyse (IVT) die evidenzbasierte Therapie (IVT 3-4,5h: "off-label use" mit Einverständnis des Patienten). Die intraarterielle Thrombolyse (IAT) führt in der A.cerebri media (ACM) allerdings häufiger zur Rekanalisation als die IVT. Daher ist die IAT in dafür ausgerüsteten Kliniken ergänzend oder alternativ zur IVT bis zu 6h nach Symptombeginn zu erwäge

    Multiresolution fuzzy clustering of functional MRI data

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    Recent developments in the analysis of functional MRI data reveal a shift from hypothesis-driven statistical tests to unsupervised strategies. One of the most promising approaches is the fuzzy clustering algorithm (FCA), whose potential to detect activation patterns has already been demonstrated. But the FCA suffers from three drawbacks: first the computational complexity, second the higher sensitivity to noise and third the dependence on the random initialization. With the multiresolution approach presented here, these weak points are significantly improved, as is demonstrated in our tests with simulated and real functional MRI dat

    Degeneration of the cervical disc: histology compared with radiography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Decisions about the treatment of neck pain are largely made on the basis of information gained from plain X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which are used routinely as part of preliminary investigation. We performed a descriptive cadaveric study to compare histology with radiography and MRI. We correlated plain radiography, disc height [Farfan index (FI)] and MRI findings with histology to assess the ability of radiology to detect significant pathologic lesions. The study included 52 motion segments from nine subjects over the age of 50, who underwent routine hospital autopsy. Disc degeneration was assessed by histology, radiography, disc height (FI: anterior disc height plus posterior disc height divided by anterioposterior diameter) and MRI using established grading systems. Most of the discs were classified radiologically as grade 1 (19/52), grade 2 (13/52), grade 3 (9/52) or grade 4 (3/52). Eight of the discs were graded as normal. The distribution of MRI grades was grade 0 (9/36), grade 1 (9/36), grade 2 (7/36), grade 3 (8/36) and grade 4 (3/36). Half of the discs (26/52) showed advanced (grade 4) degeneration histologically. FI correlated with histological grade (P=0.013), MRI grade (P=0.02) and radiological grade (P<0.001) of degeneration. Radiological and histological grade of degeneration showed a weak correlation (r=0.3, P=0.033). MRI correlated with overall histological grade (r=0.41, P=0.015, n=34). Histological features (e.g., tears, rim lesions, prolapse of nucleus material) were poorly recognised by MRI, which had a sensitivity for disc material prolapse and annulus tears of less than 40%. Our study showed that discs from patients over 50years are histologically severely degenerated; however, these changes may not be detected by conventional radiography and MR

    Calibração da técnica de Time Domain Reflectometry (TRD) para avaliação da umidade do solo, em um Latossolo Amarelo, textura muito argilosa, com diferentes valores de densidade aparente do solo - avaliação no campo.

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    Avaliação de umidade volumetrica do solo pela técnica de time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) para Latossolo Amarelo (Xanthic ferralsol - FAO) textura muito argilosa, com diferentes valores de p. Foram determinados os coeficientes de determinacao ajustada (R2) e o erro padrao da media. Realizou-se um ajuste por regressao multipla para P e E, selecionando-se as variaveis que contribuiam significativamente para o modelo por procedimentos de selecao stepwise. Como a variacao dos valores de p esta diretamente relacionada ao uso do solo (especie presente e o manejo praticado), foram observadas importantes diferencas entre as P das areas cultivadas e as da floresta primaria. Os valores reduzidos de P proxima as plantas de pupunha (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) em relacao as outras especies cultivadas (cupuaçu, Theobroma grandiflorum Schum) e Kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides), e devido a uma elaborada trama de elevada massa de suas raizes na superficie do solo, nao permitindo haver espacos porosos. É importante o conhecimento das diferentes propriedadesdo solo que podem interferir na avaliacao de TDR, atraves dos quais e' possivel evitar ou controlar essas interferencias atraves da calibracao do campo.bitstream/item/180989/1/ID-3384-53-71.pdfAnnual Report 1996

    Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type

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    Treatment of carotid artery stenosis decreases the long-term risk of stroke and may enhance cerebral blood flow. It is therefore expected to have the potential to prevent cognitive decline or even improve cognition over the long-term. However, intervention itself can cause peri-interventional cerebral infarcts, possibly resulting in a decline of cognitive performance, at least for a short time. We investigated the long-term effects of three treatment methods on cognition and the emotional state one year after intervention. In this prospective observational cohort study, 58 patients with extracranial carotid artery stenosis (≥ 70%) underwent magnetic resonance imaging and assessment of cognition, mood and motor speed before carotid endarterectomy (n = 20), carotid stenting (n = 10) or best medical treatment (n = 28) (i.e., time-point 1 [TP1]), and at one-year follow-up (TP2). Gain scores, reflecting cognitive change after treatment, were built according to performance as (TP2 -TP1)/TP1. Independent of the treatment type, significant improvement in frontal lobe functions, visual memory and motor speed was found. Performance level, motor speed and mood at TP1 were negatively correlated with gain scores, with greater improvement in patients with low performance before treatment. Active therapy, whether conservative or interventional, produces significant improvement of frontal lobe functions and memory in patients with carotid artery disease, independent of treatment type. This effect was particularly pronounced in patients with low cognitive performance prior to treatment

    Cognitive and emotional effects of carotid stenosis.

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    PRINCIPLES: Patients with carotid artery stenosis (CAS) are at risk of ipsilateral stroke and chronic compromise of cerebral blood flow. It is under debate whether the hypo-perfusion or embolism in CAS is directly related to cognitive impairment. Alternatively, CAS may be a marker for underlying risk factors, which themselves influence cognition. We aimed to determine cognitive performance level and the emotional state of patients with CAS. We hypo-thesised that patients with high grade stenosis, bilateral stenosis, symptomatic patients and/or those with relevant risk factors would suffer impairment of their cognitive performance and emotional state. METHODS: A total of 68 patients with CAS of ≥70% were included in a prospective exploratory study design. All patients underwent structured assessment of executive functions, language, verbal and visual memory, motor speed, anxiety and depression. RESULTS: Significantly more patients with CAS showed cognitive impairments (executive functions, word production, verbal and visual memory, motor speed) and anxiety than expected in a normative sample. Bilateral and symptomatic stenosis was associated with slower processing speed. Cognitive performance and anxiety level were not influenced by the side and the degree of stenosis or the presence of collaterals. Factors associated with less co-gnitive impairment included higher education level, female gender, ambidexterity and treated hypercholesterolemia. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive impairment and increased level of anxiety are frequent in patients with carotid stenosis. The lack of a correlation between cognitive functioning and degree of stenosis or the presence of collaterals, challenges the view that CAS per se leads to cognitive impairment