412 research outputs found

    Lateinische epistemische Partikeln: Nempe, quippe, scilicet, videlicet und nimirum

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    Kroon, C.H.M. [Promotor

    Соціальний туризм в Україні: проблеми та перспективи розвитку

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    Метою роботи є дослідження сегментації соціального туризму, розгляд існуючих сегментів соціального туризму в Україні, визначення проблем та перспектив розвитку

    Bricht der Thesaurus Linguae Latinae mit dem Jahr 600 N. Chr. ab? : Der THLL als Spätlateinisches Wörterbuch

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    In introductions to the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae it is always stated that the ThLL considers all texts up to about 600 AD. But what does this mean in concrete terms: ‘all’ and ‘up to approx. 600’? Is an inscription from the year 610 still cited? And how did the ThLL define this limit? I will deal with these questions here. In addition, I will briefly explain to what extent the ThLL is not only the most comprehensive Latin dictionary, but also the only modern Late Latin dictionary

    The Good, the Bad, and the Evil: The nonlinear relationship between act and character judgments

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    People may assume that immoral act severity and judgments of character have a one-to-one, linear relationship; that is, as people’s perception of the severity of an immoral act increases, character judgments about the person performing the act become equally worse. However, evidence suggests that character judgments might be more categorical or discrete. We examine the relationship between act severity and character judgments in 3 studies—one correlational study, in which participants rated act severity and character for 19 different immoral act scenarios; one experimental study, in which participants rated act severity and character for act scenarios with 5 levels of severity; and a final experimental study, in which participants predicted an individual’s future actions, across different severity levels, based on that individual’s past action. Results suggest that character judgments are overall more discrete than judgments of act severity; in particular, we find evidence suggesting that evil is a distinct category of character. These findings improve our understanding of moral impression formation and suggest that judgments of blame, punishment, and likelihood of recidivism may vary depending on whether act or character is emphasized.Bachelor of Art

    Роль сечової кислоти в механізмах кардіоінотропних ефектів бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу курорту Трускавець

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    В русле концепции оо эндогенной мочевой кислоте как одном из звеньев механизма действия биоактивной воды Нафтуся на функциональные системы организма проанализированы совместные изменения под влиянием бальнеотерапии на курорте Трускавець уровня урикемии и сократительной активности миокарда. Выявлены три типа детерминации урикемией инотропии: ураторто-, уратинверс- и уратнезависимый типы, реализация которых обуславливается констелляцией 22 исходных параметров вегетативной регуляции, велоэргометрии, электролитного и липидного обменов, гемодинамики, а также антропометрии.It is detected three types determination of inotropy by plasma level of uric acid: uratorthodependent, uratinversdependent and uratindependent types. It is selected constellation of initial parameters of vegetative regulation, veloergometry, haemodynamic, antropometry, electrolythic and lipid exchange conditionizes these types

    Крымский юридический - от командных курсов РКМ к институту МВД: этапы становления и развития (1921-2006 гг.)

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    Новизна данной статьи состоит в первую очередь, в постановке самой проблемы и решении ряда конкретных исследовательских задач, касающихся организационного построения и деятельности учебного заведения системы Министерства внутренних дел (МВД) Украины в Крыму. В представленной работе, на основе архивных документов и материалов, значительная часть которых вводится в научный оборот впервые, автором исследуются различные стороны исторического развития Крымского юридического института Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел.Новизна даної статті полягає в першу чергу, в постановці самої проблеми і рішенні ряду конкретних дослідницьких задач, що стосуються організаційної побудови і діяльності учбового закладу системи Міністерства внутрішніх справ (МВС) України в Криму. У представленій роботі, на основі архівних документів і матеріалів, значна частина яких вводиться в науковий оборот вперше, автором досліджуються різні сторони історичного розвитку Кримського юридичного інституту Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ

    Finding enthymemes in real-world texts: A feasibility study

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    Enthymeme reconstruction, i.e. the task of reformulating arguments with missing propositions, is an exciting task at the borderline of text understanding and argument interpretation. However, there is some doubt in the community about the feasibility of this task due to the wide range of possible reformulations that are open to humans. We therefore believe that research on how to define an objective ground truth for these tasks is necessary before any work on the automatic reconstruction can begin. Here, we present a feasibility study for the task of finding and expanding enthymemes involving a fortiori arguments in real-world texts, and we show that given a sufficiently strict reformulation of the human annotation task, substantial agreement can be achieved. We split the task into three sub-tasks: 1. deciding whether a candidate text span really represents an enthymematic argument, 2. classifying the type of a fortiori argument concerned and 3. describing the missing premise in natural language. In a case study involving the two authors of this paper as annotators, we test a specific type of a fortiori arguments, the let alone construction, for its suitability for reaching high agreement in all three stages of the task. We also discuss pragmatic effects of let alone and how they relate to argumentation theory

    The Effect of Azithromycin on Ivermectin Pharmacokinetics—A Population Pharmacokinetic Model Analysis

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    This paper describes the use of a modeling and simulation approach to explore a reported pharmacokinetic interaction between two drugs (ivermectin and azithromycin), which along with albendazole, are being developed for combination use in neglected tropical diseases. This approach is complementary to more traditional pharmacokinetic and safety studies that need to be conducted to support combined use of different health interventions. A mathematical model of ivermectin pharmacokinetics was created and used to simulate multiple trials, and the probability of certain outcomes (very high peak blood ivermectin levels when given in combination) was determined. All simulated peak blood levels were within ranges known to be safe and well tolerated. Additional field studies are needed to confirm these findings