4,679 research outputs found

    Characterization of the ZFX family of transcription factors that bind downstream of the start site of CpG island promoters

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    Our study focuses on a family of ubiquitously expressed human C₂H₂ zinc finger proteins comprised of ZFX, ZFY and ZNF711. Although their protein structure suggests that ZFX, ZFY and ZNF711 are transcriptional regulators, the mechanisms by which they influence transcription have not yet been elucidated. We used CRISPR-mediated deletion to create bi-allelic knockouts of ZFX and/or ZNF711 in female HEK293T cells (which naturally lack ZFY). We found that loss of either ZFX or ZNF711 reduced cell growth and that the double knockout cells have major defects in proliferation. RNA-seq analysis revealed that thousands of genes showed altered expression in the double knockout clones, suggesting that these TFs are critical regulators of the transcriptome. To gain insight into how these TFs regulate transcription, we created mutant ZFX proteins and analyzed them for DNA binding and transactivation capability. We found that zinc fingers 11–13 are necessary and sufficient for DNA binding and, in combination with the N terminal region, constitute a functional transactivator. Our functional analyses of the ZFX family provides important new insights into transcriptional regulation in human cells by members of the large, but under-studied family of C₂H₂ zinc finger proteins

    Consorciação das culturas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St Hilaire) e feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).

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    Este trabalho foi executado com o objetivo de medir-se o rendimento do sistema agroflorestal erva-mate/feijao (Ilex paraguariensis / Phaseolus vulgaris), comparando-se três densidades da cultura agrícola (quatro, cinco e seis linhas) e dois tipos de mudas de erva-mate (normais e pseudo-estacas), plantadas a 3x1 m. Após um ano de consórcio, com duas colheitas de feijão (safra das águas e da seca), obteve-se maior sobrevivência no campo utilizando-se pseudo-estacas (89% contra 75% das mudas normais) recomendando-se esta técnica de plantação para a espécie estudada. A produção de feijão não foi significativamente diferenciada pelas densidades populacionais, recomendando-se o uso de quatro linhas de cultura, em função da influência dos espaçamentos mais densos sobre a sobrevivência da ervamate. A altura das plantas não foi afetada pelas alternativas de consórcio empregadas. O sistema possibilitou rendas adicionais com a exploração da cultura agrícola, quase cobrindo os custos variáveis de implantação da cultura de erva-mate

    Targeting kidney mesangium by nanoparticles of defined size

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    Nanoparticles are being investigated for numerous medical applications and are showing potential as an emerging class of carriers for drug delivery. Investigations on how the physicochemical properties (e.g., size, surface charge, shape, and density of targeting ligands) of nanoparticles enable their ability to overcome biological barriers and reach designated cellular destinations in sufficient amounts to elicit biological efficacy are of interest. Despite proven success in nanoparticle accumulation at cellular locations and occurrence of downstream therapeutic effects (e.g., target gene inhibition) in a selected few organs such as tumor and liver, reports on effective delivery of engineered nanoparticles to other organs still remain scarce. Here, we show that nanoparticles of ~75 ± 25-nm diameters target the mesangium of the kidney. These data show the effects of particle diameter on targeting the mesangium of the kidney. Because many diseases originate from this area of the kidney, our findings establish design criteria for constructing nanoparticle-based therapeutics for targeting diseases that involve the mesangium of the kidney

    GEM Operation in Negative Ion Drift Gas Mixtures

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    The first operation of GEM gas gain elements in negative ion gas mixtures is reported. Gains up to several thousand were obtained from single-stage GEMs in carbon disulfide vapor at low pressure, and in mixtures of carbon disulfide with Argon and Helium, some near 1 bar total pressure.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization of the ZFX family of transcription factors that bind downstream of the start site of CpG island promoters

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    Our study focuses on a family of ubiquitously expressed human C₂H₂ zinc finger proteins comprised of ZFX, ZFY and ZNF711. Although their protein structure suggests that ZFX, ZFY and ZNF711 are transcriptional regulators, the mechanisms by which they influence transcription have not yet been elucidated. We used CRISPR-mediated deletion to create bi-allelic knockouts of ZFX and/or ZNF711 in female HEK293T cells (which naturally lack ZFY). We found that loss of either ZFX or ZNF711 reduced cell growth and that the double knockout cells have major defects in proliferation. RNA-seq analysis revealed that thousands of genes showed altered expression in the double knockout clones, suggesting that these TFs are critical regulators of the transcriptome. To gain insight into how these TFs regulate transcription, we created mutant ZFX proteins and analyzed them for DNA binding and transactivation capability. We found that zinc fingers 11–13 are necessary and sufficient for DNA binding and, in combination with the N terminal region, constitute a functional transactivator. Our functional analyses of the ZFX family provides important new insights into transcriptional regulation in human cells by members of the large, but under-studied family of C₂H₂ zinc finger proteins

    Variable-Speed Induction Motor Drives for Aircraft Environmental Control Compressors

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    New, more-efficient designs for aircraft jet engines are not capable of supplying the large quantities of bleed air necessary to provide pressurization and air conditioning for the environmental control systems (ECS) of the next generation of large passenger aircraft. System analysis and engineering have determined that electrically-driven ECS can help to maintain the improved fuel efficiencies; and electronic controllers and induction motors are now being developed in a NASA/NPD SBIR Program to drive both types of ECS compressors. Previous variable-speed induction motor/controller system developments and publications have primarily focused on field-oriented control, with large transient reserve power, for maximum acceleration and optimum response in actuator and robotics systems. The application area addressed herein is characterized by slowly-changing inputs and outputs, small reserve power capability for acceleration, and optimization for maximum efficiency. This paper therefore focuses on the differences between this case and the optimum response case, and shows the development of this new motor/controller approach. It starts with the creation of a new set of controller requirements. In response to those requirements, new control algorithms are being developed and implemented in an embedded computer, which is integrated into the motor controller closed loop. Buffered logic outputs are used to drive the power switches in a resonant-technology, power processor/motor-controller, at switching/resonant frequencies high enough to support efficient high-frequency induction motor operation at speeds up to 50,000-RP

    Abelian functions associated with a cyclic tetragonal curve of genus six

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    We develop the theory of Abelian functions defined using a tetragonal curve of genus six, discussing in detail the cyclic curve y^4 = x^5 + λ[4]x^4 + λ[3]x^3 + λ[2]x^2 + λ[1]x + λ[0]. We construct Abelian functions using the multivariate sigma-function associated with the curve, generalizing the theory of theWeierstrass℘-function. We demonstrate that such functions can give a solution to the KP-equation, outlining how a general class of solutions could be generated using a wider class of curves. We also present the associated partial differential equations satisfied by the functions, the solution of the Jacobi inversion problem, a power series expansion for σ(u) and a new addition formula