17 research outputs found

    Cultural criticism in the German youth movement “Wandervogel” 1896-1914

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    Untersuchungsgegenstand der Arbeit sind kulturkritische Denkstrukturen in der Jugendbewegung ’Wandervogel’, dem einflussreichsten deutschen Jugendbund vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Obwohl als Wanderverein gegrĂŒndet, stand der Wandervogel in Beziehung zu den zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zahlreich kursierenden kultur- und gesellschaftskritischen EntwĂŒrfen und widmete sich schon bald intensiv dem Themenkomplex der Kulturerneuerung. Nach einer begriffs- und bedeutungsgeschichtlichen KlĂ€rung der Bezeichnung ’Kulturkritik’ beziehungsweise des Adjektivs ’kulturkritisch’ geht es um den historischen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext, in dem die Wandervogelbewegung entstand und sich entwickelte. Es werden insbesondere die vorherrschende MentalitĂ€t wĂ€hrend der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert sowie die Kulturemphase und die letztlich hieraus resultierende Kulturkritik des BĂŒrgertums berĂŒcksichtigt. Zu den fĂŒr diese Arbeit relevanten Tendenzen der Jahrhundertwende gehören außerdem die Aufwertung des Jugend- und Kindesalters und die damit einhergehenden Bestrebungen, Einfluss auf die Jugend zu gewinnen. Anschließend widmet sich die Arbeit ausfĂŒhrlich der Entstehungs- und ersten Entwicklungs-geschichte des Wandervogels, seinen AktivitĂ€ten und seinen Idealen. Wesentliche Bestandteile des kulturellen Lebens im Wandervogel waren die rezipierte Literatur, ein komplexes Zeitschriftenwesen und eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Musik als kultureller Ausdrucksform. Außerdem spielten Feste und Tagungen eine wichtige Rolle im Vereinsleben. Diese vier Bereiche – Literatur, Zeitschriften, Musik und Veranstaltungen – bilden die Untersuchungsschwerpunkte der vorliegenden Arbeit. Neben rezipierten und produzierten Werken und Elementen des kulturellen Lebens werden auch die jeweils zugehörigen Diskurse innerhalb der Bewegung und die nach außen gerichtete Kommunikation miteinbezogen. Der letzte Teil dieser Untersuchung, der sich den Veranstaltungen der Bewegung widmet, berĂŒcksichtigt auch den Ersten Freideutschen Jugendtag 1913 und behandelt verstĂ€rkt die Selbstdarstellung sowie die – versuchte – Beeinflussung der Bewegung durch Außenstehende. Obgleich der Wandervogel auch nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg noch bestand, begrenzt sich die Untersuchung zeitlich auf die Jahre zwischen 1896 und 1914, also die Entstehungszeit und erste Bestehensphase der Bewegung, da sich Struktur und inhaltliche Ausrichtung des Wandervogels ab Kriegsbeginn stark verĂ€nderten.The topic of this dissertation is cultural-critical thought structures of the “Wandervogel”, the most influential German youth movement before World War I. Although founded as an association for hiking tours, the Movement relates to the numerous circulating cultural-critical and socio-critical designs and soon devoted itself intensively to the topic of a cultural renewal. As the starting point of the study, a clarification of the term ’cultural-critical’ is attempted, followed by a description of the historical and social context in which the “Wandervogel” arised and developed. In particular the predominant mentality, the cultural emphasis and the resulting cultural criticism of the educated middle class during the late 19th and early 20th century are taken into account. Moreover, the revaluation of the youth age and infancy, as well as the aspiration to exert influence on the youth belong to the trends of the turn of the century, and therefore are relevant for this work. Later the work devotes itself in detail to the origin and the first phase of development of the “Wandervogel”as well as its activities and ideals. Essential components of the Movement ’s cultural life were read Literatur, a large number of journal publications and intensive discussion of music as a cultural form of expression. More-over, parties and conferences played an important role in the association life. These four areas – literature, magazines, music and events – form this investigation’s main focuses. The ac-companying discourses within the movement and the outwardly directed communication are also incorporated. The last part of this investigation which devotes itself to the events of the movement, considers the so-called “Ersten Freideutschen Jugendtag” 1913 and particularly treats the selfrepresentation and (attempted) influence on the movement by external actors. Although the “Wandervogel” movement existed beyond World War I, this study is limited to the period until 1914, its founding and early days, because the structure and orientation of the Wandervogel changed greatly with the outbreak of war

    Challenges in the Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Fellowship Program Since the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: An Electronic Survey on Potential Solutions

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    OBJECTIVE: We explored the current practice of fellowship training in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia and surveyed the acceptability of potential solutions to mitigate the interrupted fellowship training during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. DESIGN: A prospective electronic questionnaire-based survey. SETTING: The survey was initiated by the Education Committee of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (EACTAIC) PARTICIPANTS: EACTAIC fellows, EACTAIC and non-EACTAIC subscribers to the EACTAIC newsletter and EACTAIC followers on different social media platforms. INTERVENTIONS: After obtaining the consent of participants, we assessed the peri-operative management of COVID-19 patients, infrastructural aspects of the workplace, local routines for preoperative testing, the perceived availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the impact of COVID-19 on fellowship training. In addition participants rated suggested solutions by the investigators to cope with the interruption of fellowship training using a traffic light signal scale. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We collected 193 responses from 54 countries. 82.4% of respondents reported cancelling or postponing elective cases during the first wave. Of the respondents, 89.7% had provided care for COVID-19 patients, 75.1% reported staff in their center being reassigned to work in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and 45% perceived a shortage of PPE at their centers. Most respondents reported the termination of local educational activities (79.6%) and fellowship assessments (51.5%) because of the pandemic (although 84% of them reported having time to participate in online teaching), and 83% reported a definitive psychological impact. More than 90% of the respondents chose green and/or yellow traffic lights to rate the importance of the suggested solutions to cope with the interrupted fellowship training during the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of elective cases, deployment of anesthesiologists to intensive care units, involvement of anesthesiologists in perioperative care for COVID-19 patients, and interruption of educational activities and trainees’ assessments. There is some consensus on suggested solutions for mitigation of the interruption in fellowship training

    European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (EACTAIC) Fellowship Curriculum: Second Edition.

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    International audienceThis document represents the first update of the Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anaesthesia Fellowship Curriculum of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. After obtaining feedback from exit interviews with fellows in training, graduate fellows, and program directors, 2 modified online Delphi procedures with questionnaires were conducted. A consensus was reached when two-thirds of responding committee members gave green or yellow ratings on a traffic light system, and >70% indicated strong agreement or agreement on a 5-point Likert scale. The new regulations include the following: (1) more flexibility in the fellows` rotation, as long as the total number of days, rotations, and cases are completed during the training year; (2) recommendation for strict compliance with national working-time guidelines; (3) no extension of fellowship training to compensate for annual and/or sick leave, unless the required minimum number of cases and rotations are not reached; (4) interruption of fellowship training for >12 months is allowed for personal or medical reasons; (5) introduction of a checklist for quantitative assessment of standard clinical skills; (6) recommendations for a uniform structure of exit interviews; (7) possibility of a 1-month training rotation in a postanesthesia care unit instead of an intensive care unit; and (8) provided all other requirements have been met, the allowance of progression from the basic training year to the advanced fellowship training year without first passing the transesophageal echocardiography examination

    European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship Curriculum:First Edition

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    International audiencePediatric cardiac anesthesia is a subspecialty of cardiac and pediatric anesthesiology dedicated to the perioperative care of patients with congenital heart disease. Members of the Congenital and Education Subcommittees of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EACTAIC) agreed on the necessity to develop an EACTAIC pediatric cardiac anesthesia fellowship curriculum. This manuscript represents a consensus on the composition and the design of the EACTAIC Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship program. This curriculum provides a basis for the training of future pediatric cardiac anesthesiologists by clearly defining the theoretical and practical requirements for fellows and host centers

    The chemokine receptor CXCR5 is pivotal for ectopic mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue neogenesis in chronic Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation

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    Ectopic lymphoid follicles are a key feature of chronic inflammatory autoimmune and infectious diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, and Helicobacter pylori-induced gastritis. Homeostatic chemokines are considered to be involved in the formation of such tertiary lymphoid tissue. High expression of CXCL13 and its receptor, CXCR5, has been associated with the formation of ectopic lymphoid follicles in chronic infectious diseases. Here, we defined the role of CXCR5 in the development of mucosal tertiary lymphoid tissue and gastric inflammation in a mouse model of chronic H. pylori infection. CXCR5-deficient mice failed to develop organized gastric lymphoid follicles despite similar bacterial colonization density as infected wild-type mice. CXCR5 deficiency altered Th17 responses but not Th1-type cellular immune responses to H. pylori infection. Furthermore, CXCR5-deficient mice exhibited lower H. pylori-specific serum IgG and IgA levels and an overall decrease in chronic gastric immune responses. In conclusion, the development of mucosal tertiary ectopic follicles during chronic H. pylori infection is strongly dependent on the CXCL13/CXCR5 signaling axis, and lack of de novo lymphoid tissue formation attenuates chronic immune responses

    The JNK Inhibitor XG-102 Protects against TNBS-Induced Colitis

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    The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-inhibiting peptide D-JNKI-1, syn. XG-102 was tested for its therapeutic potential in acute inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in mice. Rectal instillation of the chemical irritant trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) provoked a dramatic acute inflammation in the colon of 7–9 weeks old mice. Coincident subcutaneous application of 100 ”g/kg XG-102 significantly reduced the loss of body weight, rectal bleeding and diarrhoea. After 72 h, the end of the study, the colon was removed and immuno-histochemically analysed. XG-102 significantly reduced (i) pathological changes such as ulceration or crypt deformation, (ii) immune cell pathology such as infiltration and presence of CD3- and CD68-positive cells, (iii) the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in colon tissue cultures from TNBS-treated mice, (iv) expression of Bim, Bax, FasL, p53, and activation of caspase 3, (v) complexation of JNK2 and Bim, and (vi) expression and activation of the JNK substrate and transcription factor c-Jun. A single application of subcutaneous XG-102 was at least as effective or even better depending on the outcome parameter as the daily oral application of sulfasalazine used for treatment of IBD

    The effect of temperature, salinity and growth rate on the stable hydrogen isotopic composition of long chain alkenones produced by Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica

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    Two haptophyte algae, Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica, were cultured at different temperatures and salinities to investigate the impact of these factors on the hydrogen isotopic composition of long chain alkenones synthesized by these algae. Results showed that alkenones synthesized by G. oceanica were on average depleted in D by 30‰ compared to those of E. huxleyi when grown under similar temperature and salinity conditions. The fractionation factor, αalkenones-H2O, ranged from 0.760 to 0.815 for E. huxleyi and from 0.741 to 0.788 for G. oceanica. There was no significant correlation of αalkenones-H2O with temperature but a positive linear correlation was observed between α alkenones-H2O and salinity with ∌3%0 change in fractionation per salinity unit and a negative correlation between αalkenones-H2O and growth rate. This suggests that both salinity and growth rate can have a substantial impact on the stable hydrogen isotopic composition of long chain alkenones in natural environments

    Testing the spatial and temporal framework of speciation in an ancient lake species flock: The leech genus Dina (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in Lake Ohrid

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    Ancient Lake Ohrid on the Balkan Peninsula is considered to be the oldest ancient lake in Europe with a suggested Plio-/Pleistocene age. Its exact geological age, however, remains unknown. Therefore, molecular clock data of Lake Ohrid biota may serve as an independent constraint of available geological data, and may thus help to refine age estimates. Such evolutionary data may also help unravel potential biotic and abiotic factors that promote speciation events. Here, mitochondrial sequencing data of one of the largest groups of endemic taxa in the Ohrid watershed, the leech genus Dina is used to test whether it represents an ancient lake species flock, to study the role of potential horizontal and vertical barriers in the watershed for evolutionary events, to estimate the onset of diversification in this group based on molecular clock analyses, and to compare this data with data from other endemic species for providing an approximate time frame for the origin of Lake Ohrid. Based on the criteria speciosity, monophyly and endemicity, it can be concluded that Dina spp. from the Ohrid watershed, indeed, represents an ancient lake species flock. Lineage sorting of its species, however, does not seem to be complete and/or hybridization may occur. Analyses of population structures of Dina spp. in the Ohrid watershed indicate a horizontal zonation of haplotypes from spring and lake populations, corroborating the role of lake-side springs, particularly the southern feeder springs, for evolutionary proCesses in endemic Ohrid taxa. Vertical differentiation of lake taxa, however, appears to be limited, though differences between populations from the littoral and the profundal are apparent. Molecular clock analyses indicate that the most recent common ancestor of extant species of this flock is approximately 1.99 ± 0.83 million years (Ma) old, whereas the split of the Ohrid Dina flock from a potential sister taxon outside the lake is estimated at 8.30 ± 3.60 Ma. Comparisons with other groups of endemic Ohrid species indicated that in all cases, diversification within the watershed started ≀ 2 Ma ago. Thus, this estimate may provide information on a minimum age for the origin of Lake Ohrid. Maximum ages are less consistent and generally less reliable. But cautiously, a maximum age of 3 Ma is suggested. Interestingly, this time frame of approximately 2–3 Ma ago for the origin of Lake Ohrid, generated based on genetic data, well fits the time frame most often used in the literature by geologists.ISSN:1726-4170ISSN:1726-417

    Interruption of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology (EACTA) Fellowship Program During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: Consequences and Solutions.

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    This article discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EACTA fellowship program. The authors present three points that in their view are important and give cause for concern because they could make it difficult or impossible to achieve the original goals of the fellowship program. Corresponding points are discussed and possible solutions are presented. An implementation in the fellowship curriculum is planned