1,763 research outputs found

    Highly parallel sparse Cholesky factorization

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    Several fine grained parallel algorithms were developed and compared to compute the Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix. The experimental implementations are on the Connection Machine, a distributed memory SIMD machine whose programming model conceptually supplies one processor per data element. In contrast to special purpose algorithms in which the matrix structure conforms to the connection structure of the machine, the focus is on matrices with arbitrary sparsity structure. The most promising algorithm is one whose inner loop performs several dense factorizations simultaneously on a 2-D grid of processors. Virtually any massively parallel dense factorization algorithm can be used as the key subroutine. The sparse code attains execution rates comparable to those of the dense subroutine. Although at present architectural limitations prevent the dense factorization from realizing its potential efficiency, it is concluded that a regular data parallel architecture can be used efficiently to solve arbitrarily structured sparse problems. A performance model is also presented and it is used to analyze the algorithms

    Optimal expression evaluation for data parallel architectures

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    A data parallel machine represents an array or other composite data structure by allocating one processor (at least conceptually) per data item. A pointwise operation can be performed between two such arrays in unit time, provided their corresponding elements are allocated in the same processors. If the arrays are not aligned in this fashion, the cost of moving one or both of them is part of the cost of the operation. The choice of where to perform the operation then affects this cost. If an expression with several operands is to be evaluated, there may be many choices of where to perform the intermediate operations. An efficient algorithm is given to find the minimum-cost way to evaluate an expression, for several different data parallel architectures. This algorithm applies to any architecture in which the metric describing the cost of moving an array is robust. This encompasses most of the common data parallel communication architectures, including meshes of arbitrary dimension and hypercubes. Remarks are made on several variations of the problem, some of which are solved and some of which remain open

    Decreasing Psychiatric Readmissions in a Nonprofit Behavioral Health Hospital

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    This scholarly project aimed to decrease adult readmission rates of psychiatric patients in a Nonprofit Behavioral Health Hospital (NBHH). The project aims to decrease the number of readmissions to an NBHH by 25% using specific interventions that have been revealed through a literature review of evidence-based practices (EBPs). A literature review revealed focused EBP interventions that could decrease readmissions. The PICOT question for this project was, In adult mentally ill patients who are in an NBHH, what is the effect of focused interventions compared with usual care on readmission rates in 2 months? Reducing the number of psychiatric readmissions is a high priority in terms of health service efficiency and improving service user outcomes since the rate of psychiatric admissions is strongly correlated with inadequate care. The evidence-based literature review found that many focused interventions could decrease readmission rates. Some interventions were unachievable in the United States due to being cost prohibited or due to the United States\u27 psychiatric system differing from that in numerous socialized or one payer systems of other countries. A scholarly EBP change project was done utilizing the Iowa Model to employ focused interventions to decrease readmissions. Pre-intervention data was collected for six months from August 2019 until March 2020. Post-intervention data were collected for two months, from April to May 2020. Comparison of data from pre- and post-intervention using Intellectus software indicated that there was no decrease in readmissions in adult psychiatric patients resulting from the focused interventions at the NBHH

    The ultra-compact binary candidate KUV 23182+1007 is a bright quasar

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    KUV 23182+1007 was identified as a blue object in the Kiso UV Survey in the 1980s. Classification-dispersion spectroscopy showed a featureless continuum except for a strong emission line in the region of He II 4686 A. This is a hallmark of the rare AM CVn class of cataclysmic variable star, so we have obtained a high-S/N blue spectrum of this object to check its classification. Instead, the spectrum shows a strong quasar-like emission line centred on 4662 A. Comparison with the SDSS quasar template spectra confirms that KUV 23182+1007 is a quasar with a redshift of z = 0.665.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IBVS. Data are available from http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~jkt

    From Loop Groups to 2-Groups

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    We describe an interesting relation between Lie 2-algebras, the Kac-Moody central extensions of loop groups, and the group String(n). A Lie 2-algebra is a categorified version of a Lie algebra where the Jacobi identity holds up to a natural isomorphism called the "Jacobiator". Similarly, a Lie 2-group is a categorified version of a Lie group. If G is a simply-connected compact simple Lie group, there is a 1-parameter family of Lie 2-algebras g_k each having Lie(G) as its Lie algebra of objects, but with a Jacobiator built from the canonical 3-form on G. There appears to be no Lie 2-group having g_k as its Lie 2-algebra, except when k = 0. Here, however, we construct for integral k an infinite-dimensional Lie 2-group whose Lie 2-algebra is equivalent to g_k. The objects of this 2-group are based paths in G, while the automorphisms of any object form the level-k Kac-Moody central extension of the loop group of G. This 2-group is closely related to the kth power of the canonical gerbe over G. Its nerve gives a topological group that is an extension of G by K(Z,2). When k = +-1, this topological group can also be obtained by killing the third homotopy group of G. Thus, when G = Spin(n), it is none other than String(n).Comment: 40 page


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    Economic assessments of pesticide regulations typically focus on producer impacts and generally ignore possible changes in product demand. These changes may be nonnegligible if real and/or perceived product attributes change. We measure consumersÂ’' willingness to pay (WTP) for the elimination of one insecticide and also a whole group of insecticides in apple production using a multiple-round Vickrey auction. The data are analyzed using nonparametric statistical tests and a double-hurdle model. Our findings show that consumer perceptions of product attributes change if pesticides are removed from production, and this is reflected in WTP changes. WTP is shown to be income elastic.Consumer/Household Economics, Crop Production/Industries,

    The Soviet Estimate: U.S. Intelligence Analysis and Russian Military Strength

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