2,570 research outputs found

    Z2 monopoles in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theory

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    We calculate the Euclidean action of a pair of Z2 monopoles (instantons), as a function of their spatial separation, in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theory. We do so both above and below the deconfining transition at T=Tc. At high T, and at large separation, we find that the monopole `interaction' grows linearly with distance: the flux between the monopoles forms a flux tube (exactly like a finite portion of a Z2 domain wall) so that the monopoles are linearly confined. At short distances the interaction is well described by a Coulomb interaction with, at most, a very small screening mass, possibly equal to the Debye electric screening mass. At low T the interaction can be described by a simple screened Coulomb (i.e. Yukawa) interaction with a screening mass that can be interpreted as the mass of a `constituent gluon'. None of this is unexpected, but it helps to resolve some apparent controversies in the recent literature.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Vortices and confinement in hot and cold D=2+1 gauge theories

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    We calculate the variation with temperature of the vortex free energy in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theories. We do so both above and below the deconfining transition at T=Tc. We find that this quantity is zero at all T for large enough volumes. For T<Tc this observation is consistent with the fact that the phase is linearly confining; while for T>Tc it is consistent with the conventional expectation of `spatial' linear confinement. In small spatial volumes this quantity is shown to be non-zero. The way it decreases to zero with increasing volume is shown to be controlled by the (spatial) string tension and it has the functional form one would expect if the vortices being studied were responsible for the confinement at low T, and for the `spatial' confinement at large T. We also discuss in detail some of the direct numerical evidence for a non-zero spatial string tension at high T, and we show that the observed linearity of the (spatial) potential extends over distances that are large compared to typical high-T length scales.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    The impact of heat waves and cold spells on mortality rates in the Dutch population.

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    We conducted the study described in this paper to investigate the impact of ambient temperature on mortality in the Netherlands during 1979-1997, the impact of heat waves and cold spells on mortality in particular, and the possibility of any heat wave- or cold spell-induced forward displacement of mortality. We found a V-like relationship between mortality and temperature, with an optimum temperature value (e.g., average temperature with lowest mortality rate) of 16.5 degrees C for total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, respiratory mortality, and mortality among those [Greater and equal to] 65 year of age. For mortality due to malignant neoplasms and mortality in the youngest age group, the optimum temperatures were 15.5 degrees C and 14.5 degrees C, respectively. For temperatures above the optimum, mortality increased by 0.47, 1.86, 12.82, and 2.72% for malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and total mortality, respectively, for each degree Celsius increase above the optimum in the preceding month. For temperatures below the optimum, mortality increased 0.22, 1.69, 5.15, and 1.37%, respectively, for each degree Celsius decrease below the optimum in the preceding month. Mortality increased significantly during all of the heat waves studied, and the elderly were most effected by extreme heat. The heat waves led to increases in mortality due to all of the selected causes, especially respiratory mortality. Average total excess mortality during the heat waves studied was 12.1%, or 39.8 deaths/day. The average excess mortality during the cold spells was 12.8% or 46.6 deaths/day, which was mostly attributable to the increase in cardiovascular mortality and mortality among the elderly. The results concerning the forward displacement of deaths due to heat waves were not conclusive. We found no cold-induced forward displacement of deaths

    Information and strategic voting

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    We theoretically and experimentally study voter behavior in a setting characterized by plurality rule and mandatory voting. Voters choose from three options. We are interested in the occurrence of strategic voting in an environment where Condorcet cycles may occur and focus on how information about the preference distribution affects strategic behavior. We also vary the relative importance of the second preferred option. Quantal response equilibrium analysis is used to analyze the game and derive predictions. Our results indeed show that strategic voting arises. Its extent depends on (i) information availability; (ii) the relative importance of the intermediate candidate; (iii) the electorate’s relative support for one’s preferred candidate; (iv) the relative position of the plurality-supported candidate in one’s preference ordering. Our results show that information serves as a coordination device where strategic voting does not harm the plurality-preferred candidate’s chances of winning

    Seawater acidification more than warming presents a challenge for two Antarctic macroalgal-associated amphipods

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    Elevated atmospheric pCO2 concentrations are triggering seawater pH reductions and seawater temperature increases along the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). These factors in combination have the potential to influence organisms in an antagonistic, additive, or synergistic manner. The amphipods Gondogeneia antarctica and Paradexamine fissicauda represent prominent members of macroalgal-associated mesograzer assemblages of the WAP. Our primary objective was to investigate amphipod behavioral and physiological responses to reduced seawater pH and elevated temperature to evaluate potential cascading ecological impacts. For 90 d, amphipods were exposed to combinations of seawater conditions based on present ambient (pH 8.0, 1.5°C) and predicted end-of-century conditions (pH 7.6, 3.5°C). We recorded survival, molt frequency, and macroalgal consumption rates as well as change in wet mass and proximate body composition (protein and lipid). Survival for both species declined significantly at reduced pH and co-varied with molt frequency. Consumption rates in G. antarctica were significantly higher at reduced pH and there was an additive pH-temperature effect on consumption rates in P. fissicauda. Body mass was reduced for G. antarctica at elevated temperature, but there was no significant effect of pH or temperature on body mass in P. fissicauda. Exposure to the pH or temperature levels tested did not induce significant changes in whole body biochemical composition of G. antarctica, but exposure to elevated temperature resulted in a significant increase in whole body protein content of P. fissicauda. Our study indicates that while elevated temperature causes sub-lethal impacts on both species of amphipods, reduced pH causes significant mortality

    How 25 years of psychosocial research has contributed to a better understanding of the links between depression and diabetes

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    This narrative review of the literature provides a summary and discussion of 25 years of research into the complex links between depression and diabetes. Systematic reviews have shown that depression occurs more frequently in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes compared with people without diabetes. Currently, it remains unclear whether depression is also more common in people with impaired glucose metabolism or undiagnosed type 2 diabetes compared with people without diabetes. More prospective epidemiological research into the course of depression and an exploration of mechanisms in individuals with diabetes are needed.Depression in diabetes is associated with less optimal self-care behaviours, suboptimal glycaemic control, impaired quality of life, incident micro- and macrovascular diseases, and elevated mortality rates. Randomized controlled trails concluded that depression in diabetes can be treated with antidepressant medication, cognitive–behavioural therapy (individual, group-based or web-based), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and stepped care. Although big strides forward have been made in the past 25 years, scientific evidence about depression in diabetes remains incomplete. Future studies should investigate mechanisms that link both conditions and test new diabetes-specific web- or app-based interventions for depression in diabetes. It is important to determine whether treatment or prevention of depression prevents future diabetes complications and lowers mortality rates
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