8,651 research outputs found

    Lattice constant variation and complex formation in zincblende Gallium Manganese Arsenide

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    We perform high resolution X-ray diffraction on GaMnAs mixed crystals as well as on GaMnAs/GaAs and GaAs/MnAs superlattices for samples grown by low temperature molecular beam epitaxy under different growth conditions. Although all samples are of high crystalline quality and show narrow rocking curve widths and pronounced finite thickness fringes, the lattice constant variation with increasing manganese concentration depends strongly on the growth conditions: For samples grown at substrate temperatures of 220 and 270 degrees C the extrapolated relaxed lattice constant of Zincblende MnAs is 0.590 nm and 0.598 nm respectively. This is in contrast to low temperature GaAs, for which the lattice constant decreases with increasing substrate temperature.Comment: pdf onl

    Evidence of polariton induced transparency in a single organic quantum wire

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    The resonant interaction between quasi-one dimensional excitons and photons is investigated. For a single isolated organic quantum wire, embedded in its single crystal monomer matrix, the strong exciton-photon coupling regime is reached. This is evidenced by the suppression of the resonant excitonic absorption arising when the system eigenstate is a polariton. These observations demonstrate that the resonant excitonic absorption in a semiconductor can be understood in terms of a balance between the exciton coherence time and the Rabi period between exciton-like and photon-like states of the polariton.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    Self-forces on extended bodies in electrodynamics

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    In this paper, we study the bulk motion of a classical extended charge in flat spacetime. A formalism developed by W. G. Dixon is used to determine how the details of such a particle's internal structure influence its equations of motion. We place essentially no restrictions (other than boundedness) on the shape of the charge, and allow for inhomogeneity, internal currents, elasticity, and spin. Even if the angular momentum remains small, many such systems are found to be affected by large self-interaction effects beyond the standard Lorentz-Dirac force. These are particularly significant if the particle's charge density fails to be much greater than its 3-current density (or vice versa) in the center-of-mass frame. Additional terms also arise in the equations of motion if the dipole moment is too large, and when the `center-of-electromagnetic mass' is far from the `center-of-bare mass' (roughly speaking). These conditions are often quite restrictive. General equations of motion were also derived under the assumption that the particle can only interact with the radiative component of its self-field. These are much simpler than the equations derived using the full retarded self-field; as are the conditions required to recover the Lorentz-Dirac equation.Comment: 30 pages; significantly improved presentation; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Absence of a consistent classical equation of motion for a mass-renormalized point charge

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    The restrictions of analyticity, relativistic (Born) rigidity, and negligible O(a) terms involved in the evaluation of the self electromagnetic force on an extended charged sphere of radius "a" are explicitly revealed and taken into account in order to obtain a classical equation of motion of the extended charge that is both causal and conserves momentum-energy. Because the power-series expansion used in the evaluation of the self force becomes invalid during transition time intervals immediately following the application and termination of an otherwise analytic externally applied force, transition forces must be included during these transition time intervals to remove the noncausal pre-acceleration and pre-deceleration from the solutions to the equation of motion without the transition forces. For the extended charged sphere, the transition forces can be chosen to maintain conservation of momentum-energy in the causal solutions to the equation of motion within the restrictions of relativistic rigidity and negligible O(a) terms under which the equation of motion is derived. However, it is shown that renormalization of the electrostatic mass to a finite value as the radius of the charge approaches zero introduces a violation of momentum-energy conservation into the causal solutions to the equation of motion of the point charge if the magnitude of the external force becomes too large. That is, the causal classical equation of motion of a point charge with renormalized mass experiences a high acceleration catastrophe.Comment: 13 pages, No figure

    Finite-Dimensional Calculus

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    We discuss topics related to finite-dimensional calculus in the context of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. The truncated Heisenberg-Weyl algebra is called a TAA algebra after Tekin, Aydin, and Arik who formulated it in terms of orthofermions. It is shown how to use a matrix approach to implement analytic representations of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra in univariate and multivariate settings. We provide examples for the univariate case. Krawtchouk polynomials are presented in detail, including a review of Krawtchouk polynomials that illustrates some curious properties of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra, as well as presenting an approach to computing Krawtchouk expansions. From a mathematical perspective, we are providing indications as to how to implement in finite terms Rota's "finite operator calculus".Comment: 26 pages. Added material on Krawtchouk polynomials. Additional references include

    Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension: Recent data (eleven cases) and review of the literature

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    Eight cases of Shy-Drager syndrome and three of Bradbury-Eggleston idiopathic orthostatic hypotension were examined. In all cases, examination of circulatory reflexes showed major dysfunction of the sympathetic vasoconstrictor system. Anomalies in the vagal cardiomoderator system were less constant. Normal urinary elimination of catecholamines was recorded daily. Characteristically, no elevation of blood or urine norepinephrine levels were found in orthostatism. Insulin hypoglycemia normally raised urinary adrenalin elimination in three of ten patients. Plasma dopa-beta-hydroxylase activity was normal. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system showed variable activity at basal state but usually rose during orthostatism. On the average, very low homovanillic acid levels were found in cerebrospinal fluid before and after probenecid; hydroxyindolacetic acid was normal. Cerebral autoregulation had deteriorated in two of four cases. Physiopathologically the two clinical types are indistinguishable with or without central neurological signs

    Experimental determination of the degree of quantum polarisation of continuous variable states

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    We demonstrate excitation-manifold resolved polarisation characterisation of continuous-variable (CV) quantum states. In contrast to traditional characterisation of polarisation that is based on the Stokes parameters, we experimentally determine the Stokes vector of each excitation manifold separately. Only for states with a given photon number does the methods coincide. For states with an indeterminate photon number, for example Gaussian states, the employed method gives a richer and more accurate description. We apply the method both in theory and in experiment to some common states to demonstrate its advantages.Comment: 5 page

    Internal Friction and Vulnerability of Mixed Alkali Glasses

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    Based on a hopping model we show how the mixed alkali effect in glasses can be understood if only a small fraction c_V ofthe available sites for the mobile ions is vacant. In particular, we reproduce the peculiar behavior of the internal friction and the steep fall (''vulnerability'') of the mobility of the majority ion upon small replacements by the minority ion. The single and mixed alkali internal friction peaks are caused by ion-vacancy and ion-ion exchange processes. If c_V is small, they can become comparable in height even at small mixing ratios. The large vulnerability is explained by a trapping of vacancies induced by the minority ions. Reasonable choices of model parameters yield typical behaviors found in experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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