653 research outputs found

    The Kondo lattice model with correlated conduction electrons

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    We investigate a Kondo lattice model with correlated conduction electrons. Within dynamical mean-field theory the model maps onto an impurity model where the host has to be determined self-consistently. This impurity model can be derived from an Anderson-Hubbard model both by equating the low-energy excitations of the impurity and by a canonical transformation. On the level of dynamical mean-field theory this establishes the connection of the two lattice models. The impurity model is studied numerically by an extension of the non-crossing approximation to a two-orbital impurity. We find that with decreasing temperature the conduction electrons first form quasiparticles unaffected by the presence of the lattice of localized spins. Then, reducing the temperature further, the particle-hole symmetric model turns into an insulator. The quasiparticle peak in the one-particle spectral density splits and a gap opens. The size of the gap increases when the correlations of the conduction electrons become stronger. These findings are similar to the behavior of the Anderson-Hubbard model within dynamical mean-field theory and are obtained with much less numerical effort.Comment: 7 pages RevTeX with 3 ps figures, accepted by PR

    Metal-insulator crossover in the Boson-Fermion model in infinite dimensions

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    The Boson-Fermion model, describing a mixture of tightly bound electron pairs and quasi-free electrons hybridized with each other via a charge exchange term, is studied in the limit of infinite dimensions, using the Non-Crossing Approximation within the Dynamical Mean Field Theory. It is shown that a metal-insulator crossover, driven by strong pair fluctuations, takes place as the temperature is lowered. It manifests itself in the opening of a pseudogap in the electron density of states, accompanied by a corresponding effect in the optical and dc conductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Magnetic impurity coupled to interacting conduction electrons

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    We consider a magnetic impurity which interacts by hybridization with a system of weakly correlated electrons and determine the energy of the ground state by means of an 1/N_f expansion. The correlations among the conduction electrons are described by a Hubbard Hamiltonian and are treated to lowest order in the interaction strength. We find that their effect on the Kondo temperature, T_K, in the Kondo limit is twofold: First, the position of the impurity level is shifted due to the reduction of charge fluctuations, which reduces T_K. Secondly, the bare Kondo exchange coupling is enhanced as spin fluctuations are enlarged. In total, T_K increases. Both corrections require intermediate states beyond the standard Varma-Yafet ansatz. This shows that the Hubbard interaction does not just provide quasiparticles, which hybridize with the impurity, but also renormalizes the Kondo coupling.Comment: ReVTeX 19 pages, 3 uuenconded postscript figure

    Periodic Anderson model with correlated conduction electrons

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    We investigate a periodic Anderson model with interacting conduction electrons which are described by a Hubbard-type interaction of strength U_c. Within dynamical mean-field theory the total Hamiltonian is mapped onto an impurity model, which is solved by an extended non-crossing approximation. We consider the particle-hole symmetric case at half-filling. Similar to the case U_c=0, the low-energy behavior of the conduction electrons at high temperatures is essentially unaffected by the f-electrons and for small U_c a quasiparticle peak corresponding to the Hubbard model evolves first. These quasiparticles screen the f-moments when the temperature is reduced further, and the system turns into an insulator with a tiny gap and flat bands. The formation of the quasiparticle peak is impeded by increasing either U_c or the c-f hybridization. Nevertheless almost dispersionless bands emerge at low temperature with an increased gap, even in the case of initially insulating host electrons. The size of the gap in the one-particle spectral density at low temperatures provides an estimate for the low-energy scale and increases as U_c increases.Comment: 11 pages RevTeX with 13 ps figures, accepted by PR

    The boson-fermion model with on-site Coulomb repulsion between fermions

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    The boson-fermion model, describing a mixture of itinerant electrons hybridizing with tightly bound electron pairs represented as hard-core bosons, is here generalized with the inclusion of a term describing on-site Coulomb repulsion between fermions with opposite spins. Within the general framework of the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, it is shown that around the symmetric limit of the model this interaction strongly competes with the local boson-fermion exchange mechanism, smoothly driving the system from a pseudogap phase with poor conducting properties to a metallic regime characterized by a substantial reduction of the fermionic density. On the other hand, if one starts from correlated fermions described in terms of the one-band Hubbard model, the introduction in the half-filled insulating phase of a coupling with hard-core bosons leads to the disappearance of the correlation gap, with a consequent smooth crossover to a metallic state.Comment: 7 pages, 6 included figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Local Moments in an Interacting Environment

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    We discuss how local moment physics is modified by the presence of interactions in the conduction sea. Interactions in the conduction sea are shown to open up new symmetry channels for the exchange of spin with the localized moment. We illustrate this conclusion in the strong-coupling limit by carrying out a Schrieffer Wolff transformation for a local moment in an interacting electron sea, and show that these corrections become very severe in the approach to a Mott transition. As an example, we show how the Zhang Rice reduction of a two-band model is modified by these new effects.Comment: Latex file with two postscript figures. Revised version, with more fully detailed calculation

    An Assessment of the Individual and Collective Effects of Variants on Height Using Twins and a Developmentally Informative Study Design

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    In a sample of 3,187 twins and 3,294 of their parents, we sought to investigate association of both individual variants and a genotype-based height score involving 176 of the 180 common genetic variants with adult height identified recently by the GIANT consortium. First, longitudinal observations on height spanning pre-adolescence through adulthood in the twin sample allowed us to investigate the separate effects of the previously identified SNPs on pre-pubertal height and pubertal growth spurt. We show that the effect of SNPs identified by the GIANT consortium is primarily on prepubertal height. Only one SNP, rs7759938 in LIN28B, approached a significant association with pubertal growth. Second, we show how using the twin data to control statistically for environmental variance can provide insight into the ultimate magnitude of SNP effects and consequently the genetic architecture of a phenotype. Specifically, we computed a genetic score by weighting SNPs according to their effects as assessed via meta-analysis. This weighted score accounted for 9.2% of the phenotypic variance in height, but 14.3% of the corresponding genetic variance. Longitudinal samples will be needed to understand the developmental context of common genetic variants identified through GWAS, while genetically informative designs will be helpful in accurately characterizing the extent to which these variants account for genetic, and not just phenotypic, variance

    Interaction Effect in the Kondo Energy of the Periodic Anderson-Hubbard Model

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    We extend the periodic Anderson model by switching on a Hubbard UdU_d for the conduction electrons. The nearly integral valent (Kondo) limit of the Anderson--Hubbard model is studied with the Gutzwiller variational method. The new formula for the Kondo energy contains the UdU_d-dependent chemical potential of the Hubbard subsystem in the exponent, and the correlation-induced band narrowing in the prefactor. Both effects tend to suppress the Kondo scale, which can be understood to result from the blocking of hybridization (this behaviour is the opposite of that found for Kondo--Hubbard models). At half-filling, we find a Brinkman--Rice-type transition which leads from a small-gap Kondo insulator to a Mott insulator.Comment: 4 pages (ReVTeX), submitted for publicatio

    Interaction of a Magnetic Impurity with Strongly Correlated Conduction Electrons

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    We consider a magnetic impurity which interacts by hybridization with a system of strongly correlated conduction electrons. The latter are described by a Hubbard Hamiltonian. By means of a canconical transformation the charge degrees of freedom of the magnetic impurity are eliminated. The resulting effective Hamiltonian HeffH_{\rm eff} is investigated and various limiting cases are considered. If the Hubbard interaction UU between the conduction electrons is neglected HeffH_{\rm eff} reduces to a form obtained by the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation, which is essentially the Kondo Hamiltonian. If UU is large and the correlations are strong HeffH_{\rm eff} is changed. One modification concerns the coefficient of the dominant exchange coupling of the magnetic impurity with the nearest lattice site. When the system is hole doped, there is also an antiferromagnetic coupling to the nearest neighbors of that site involving additionally a hole. Furthermore, it is found that the magnetic impurity attracts a hole. In the case of electron doping, double occupancies are repelled by the impurity. In contrast to the hole-doped case, we find no magnetic coupling which additionally involves a doubly occupied site.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex 3.

    Generalized Heisenberg algebras and k-generalized Fibonacci numbers

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    It is shown how some of the recent results of de Souza et al. [1] can be generalized to describe Hamiltonians whose eigenvalues are given as k-generalized Fibonacci numbers. Here k is an arbitrary integer and the cases considered by de Souza et al. corespond to k=2.Comment: 8 page
