27 research outputs found

    G94-1196 Vegetables and Herbs as Ornamentals (Revised November 1996)

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    This NebGuide discusses the use of vegetables as ornamental plants. Many vegetables have ornamental, as well as food value. In fact, when tomatoes were first introduced to Europe, they were believed to be poisonous and were used only as ornamentals. Using vegetables as ornamentals is not just for those without space for a traditional vegetable garden. Incorporating vegetables into the landscape and using them as decorative container plants for porches and patios can make vegetable gardening more fun

    Comparison of oral iron and injectable iron for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in baby pigs

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    One of two oral iron compounds or an injectable iron (100 mg iron per treatment) were administered to pigs on d 1 and 15 postfarrowing, and they were compared with untreated littermates. There was no significant difference between the pigs receiving the oral iron and the negative controls in serum iron or total iron binding capacity. Pigs that received iron by injection had higher serum iron and packed cell volume and a lower total iron binding capacity compared with pigs given oral iron or untreated controls.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 19, 199

    Iron dextran and iron dextran-gentamycin combined, compared as methods of preventing iron-deficiency anemia in neonatal pigs

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    Giving an iron iron dextran-gentamycin combination to young pigs had no advantages over giving them iron dextran alone, as measured by hemoglobin levels, packed cell volumes, or weight (when 28 days old).; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 10, 197

    Efficacy of virginiamycin as a prophylactic drug to prevent swine dysentery

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    Forty-eight feeder pigs were used in an experiment to determine Virginiamycin\u27s effectiveness in preventing swine dysentery. Thirteen of 24 controls and one of 24 that received the antibiotic at either 25 or 50 grams per ton of feed died of swine dysentery or complications. Feed conversion ratio was markedly improved by the antibiotic. Virginiamycin was judged effective in preventing clinical cases of swine dysentery, but it has not been cleared for use in swine. Swine dysentery, also known as bloody dysentery, vibrionic dysentery, bloody scours, or black scours, is a infectious, enteric disease of swine. It is serious in many areas of the Midwest and is assumed to be present wherever swine are raised in the United States. For years the etiology of the condition was thought to be Vibrio coli; however, recent work has indicated Treponema hyodysenterrae-instead.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November, 197

    Plasma and milk oxytetracycline levels in post parturient sows

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    Plasma and milk samples were collected from three sows injected with LA 200 at 4 hours after injection and at 24-hour intervals thereafter. The single dose was calculated at 1 ml/22 pounds.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 12, 198

    Arthrogryposis in piglets

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    This report documents experimental reproduction of tetramelic arthrogryposis in purebred Yorkshire swine by breeding trials. Data from the trials indigated arthrogryposis may be due to homozygosity of a simple autosomal recessive gene. No affected pig was observed to be alive at parturition, although most had been alive in utero just prior to delivery. Other than dystocia observed in the sows, no other significant clinical findings were noted. The condition was noted in five litters from two sows which were bred to the same boar. Approximately 25% of the pigs exhibited the clinical signs of arthrogryposis which included malformed rigidly extended legs.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 9, 197

    G84-721 Growing Annual Flowers

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    This NebGuide discusses using annuals in landscape design, how to select transplants and proper seeding, planting and cultivating methods. Annual flowers can be a prime source of color to accent and enliven a home\u27s landscape. While flowering trees and shrubs provide short bursts of color, most annuals begin blooming within a month of planting and flower until frost. The wide range of colors, sizes and species adapted to either sun or shade makes it possible to plant annual flowers almost anywhere. Annuals are perfect for beds, borders, rock gardens, window boxes, hanging baskets or as temporary ground covers and fillers. Annuals are non-woody plants that complete their life cycle in one season, ending with seed production. Confusion can arise when an annual plant reseeds itself and appears to have a perennial habit

    G84-721 Growing Annual Flowers

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    This NebGuide discusses using annuals in landscape design, how to select transplants and proper seeding, planting and cultivating methods. Annual flowers can be a prime source of color to accent and enliven a home\u27s landscape. While flowering trees and shrubs provide short bursts of color, most annuals begin blooming within a month of planting and flower until frost. The wide range of colors, sizes and species adapted to either sun or shade makes it possible to plant annual flowers almost anywhere. Annuals are perfect for beds, borders, rock gardens, window boxes, hanging baskets or as temporary ground covers and fillers. Annuals are non-woody plants that complete their life cycle in one season, ending with seed production. Confusion can arise when an annual plant reseeds itself and appears to have a perennial habit

    Transfer of fatty acids across the swine uterus and placenta

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    The transfer across the swine uterus and placenta of [1-14C] octanoic acid, [9,10(n)- H] palmitic acid, and [1- 14C] linoleic acid was studied in five gilts and their fetuses during late gestation, following a single bolus injection. Only trace amounts of labeled fatty acids were found in fetal plasma lipid. There were no measureable differences in free fatty acids (FFA) from umbilical artery, and veinous blood. Concentration of FFA in fetal blood was about 40% of the level of uterine values (187, 194, 73, and 82 µEg/1 for uterine artery, uterine vein, umbilical artery, and umbilical vein). In addition, fetal plasma contained larger amounts of 14:0, 16:1, 18:1, and 20:4, whereas maternal plasma contained larger amounts of 18:0 and 18:2. These results indicate that only trace amounts of FFA cross the swine utero-placental unit during late gestation, which are probably not enough to increase energy supply or lipid storage of the fetus.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 21, 198

    G90-1004 Growing Radishes and Table Beets

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    Radishes and beets are easy to grow. Little space is required for them, and small successive plantings can yield an abundance of produce. The radish, Raphanus sativus, is thought to have originated in East Asia, but the exact location is unknown. Radishes are one of the fastest growing vegetables, ready to harvest in 22 to 60 days. They prefer cool growing temperatures, and quickly become pungent (hot) when the weather gets too warm. Varieties (cultivars) may have round, long tapered, or oblong roots. Colors include crimson, hot pink, pink, white, bicolored and black. Quick maturing radishes (30 days or less) are often called spring radishes, but may be grown in fall gardens. Radishes are less apt to bolt (form flowers) under cooler, shorticultureer fall days and can withstand light frosts. Radishes requiring more than 50 days are larger, store well and are often called winter radishes. Radishes are a good source of vitamin C, and have only 100 calories per pound