136 research outputs found

    Governance of Flooding Risks in the Region and the City of Hanover

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    The article deals with flood protection and flood prevention as a contribution to a more resilient city region in general and in Hanover. Flood protection of Hanover’s city centre has been dealt with since the 15th century. Today, floods are prevented by land-use and sectoral planning of the city region and the municipality. The regional plan has designed binding priority and reserve zones for flood prevention on the basis of flooding areas identified by the water management administration. Urban planning has set up an informal local action programme, but a basic update of formal plans, especially the preparatory land-use plan, is missing

    The sustainable and participatory city: A challenging concept!

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    Sustainability and participation have become two priorities of urban policies. They are usually considered perfectly synergistic, but they are not. This chapter aims to disentangle the imbroglio of sustainability coupled with participatory processes in the theory and practice of urban planning and development. To do so, it reflects upon empirical observations in the field of public policies in France and Germany as well as on some cases on both sides of the Rhine. Finally, this chapter describes and analyses policies and governance instruments intended to involve citizens in sustainable decision-making in urban areas of France and Germany


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    Prognosen in der Planung basieren auf möglichst rationalen, begründeten Erwartungen und weniger auf wissenschaftlichen Gesetzmäßigkeiten oder Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnungen. Sie dienen der Politikberatung und sollen Maßnahmen begründen, sodass ihr Nichteintreffen häufig als Erfolg zu werten ist. Das Methodenspektrum reicht von umfangreichen Modellrechnungen bis zu eher schlichten Analogieschlüssen

    Bewertungs- und Entscheidungsmethoden

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    Zu unterscheiden sind Bewertungsmethoden (Informationsebene), die vorbereitend Sachverhalte in Wert setzen, von Entscheidungsmethoden (Prozessebene). Bewertung benötigt Sachmodell, Zielsystem, Zuordnungs- und Aggregationsregeln. Gängige Methoden werden nach den formalen Anforderungen vergleichend beurteilt. Die Methodenwahl hängt vom Bewertungsanliegen und von der Komplexität des Einzelfalls ab

    Desenvolvimento de um Chatterbot para o Sicoob de São Miguel do Oeste

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo a descrição dos passos envolvidos no desenvolvimento de um chatterbot para esclarecer dúvidas de clientes e colaboradores a respeito dos serviços prestados pela instituição Sistema de Cooperativas de Crédito do Brasil Sicoob. Um chatterbot é um agente de conversação que possibilita por meio de diálogo em linguagem natural, tirar dúvidas dos clientes. Para obter um bom resultado nas suas respostas, é necessário que o agente de conversação possua uma base de conhecimento consistente e ampla a respeito dos serviços prestados pela instituição. Essa base deve ser dinâmica e ao mesmo tempo abrangente, com foco nesses serviços, de forma que o usuário tenha sua pergunta ou dúvida respondida. O chatterbot foi desenvolvido na linguagem AIML – Linguagem de Marcação da Inteligência Artificial (AIML), pois é uma linguagem criada especificamente para o desenvolvimento de agentes de conversação.Palavras-chave: Chatterbot. Sicoob. Linguagem natural. Inteligência artificial

    Die nachhaltige und partizipative Stadt: ein herausforderndes Konzept!

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    Nachhaltigkeit und Partizipation sind zu zwei Prioritäten der Stadtpolitik geworden. Häufig werden sie als perfekte Synergie betrachtet, aber das ist nicht der Fall. Dieses Kapitel zielt darauf ab, die Verflechtungen von Nachhaltigkeit und partizipativen Prozessen in Theorie und Praxis der Stadtplanung und -entwicklung zu entflechten. Zu diesem Zweck wird auf empirische Beobachtungen der staatlichen Politik in Frankreich und Deutschland sowie auf einige Beispiele auf beiden Seiten des Rheins zurückgegriffen. Schließlich werden in diesem Kapitel Politiken und Governance-Instrumente beschrieben und analysiert, die darauf abzielen, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in nachhaltige Entscheidungsprozesse in städtischen Gebieten in Frankreich und Deutschland einzubeziehen.Sustainability and participation have become two priorities of urban policies. They are usually considered perfectly synergistic, but they are not. This chapter aims to disentangle the imbroglio of sustainability coupled with participatory processes in the theory and practice of urban planning and development. To do so, it reflects upon empirical observations in the field of public policies in France and Germany as well as on some cases on both sides of the Rhine. Finally, this chapter describes and analyses policies and governance instruments intended to involve citizens in sustainable decision-making in urban areas of France and Germany

    A European intensive seminar to learn both spatial quality and the cooperation process

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    Town planning is closely linked with the national geographic and institutional context. Europeanization and globalisation are influencing planning but also planning education. The paper discusses how six universities from six different countries go into partnership to take into account this trend and elaborate a common pedagogic module through an intensive programme. The intensive programme achieves these objectives of the Europeanization of planning but also some specific ones which each university would not be able to achieve separately. The process of the intensive program itself pushes students to increase the quality of their proposals. It obliges students to work on unprecedented cases and to collaborat

    Ресурсоэффективные системы в управлении и контроле: взгляд в будущее. Ч. 4

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    В сборнике представлены материалы III Международной конференции школьников, студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых "Ресурсоэффективные системы в управлении и контроле: взгляд в будущее". Более 500 авторов из 35 вузов, предприятий и научных исследовательских университетов России, ближнего и дальнего Зарубежья представили тезисы своих докладов, в которых рассматриваются актуальные проблемы неразрушающего контроля и технической диагностики, внедрения систем менеджмента, качества образования, управления в современной экономике. Материалы предназначены для специалистов, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов вузов, а также для всех интересующихся проблемами ресурсоэффективных технологий

    Ville durable et participative: un concept stimulant!

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    Sustainability and participation have become two priorities of urban policies. They are usually considered perfectly synergistic, but they are not. This chapter aims to disentangle the imbroglio of sustainability coupled with participatory processes in the theory and practice of urban planning and development. To do so, it reflects upon empirical observations in the field of public policies in France and Germany as well as on some cases on both sides of the Rhine. Finally, this chapter describes and analyses policies and governance instruments intended to involve citizens in sustainable decision-making in urban areas of France and Germany