12 research outputs found

    Assessment of textural differentiations in forest resources in Romania using fractal analysis

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    Deforestation and forest degradation have several negative effects on the environment including a loss of species habitats, disturbance of the water cycle and reduced ability to retain CO2, with consequences for global warming. We investigated the evolution of forest resources from development regions in Romania affected by both deforestation and reforestation using a non-Euclidean method based on fractal analysis. We calculated four fractal dimensions of forest areas: the fractal box-counting dimension of the forest areas, the fractal box-counting dimension of the dilated forest areas, the fractal dilation dimension and the box-counting dimension of the border of the dilated forest areas. Fractal analysis revealed morpho-structural and textural differentiations of forested, deforested and reforested areas in development regions with dominant mountain relief and high hills (more forested and compact organization) in comparison to the development regions dominated by plains or low hills (less forested, more fragmented with small and isolated clusters). Our analysis used the fractal analysis that has the advantage of analyzing the entire image, rather than studying local information, thereby enabling quantification of the uniformity, fragmentation, heterogeneity and homogeneity of forests

    Typology analysis and adaptive capacity of commercial gardening farmers to climate change in peri-urban areas along the coastal area of Benin (West Africa)

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    The coastal environment represents a special site for human and economic activities. The population growth in this area has led to strong urbanization and, therefore, to the establishment of small-scale vegetable farms to feed the growing urban and peri-urban populations. This is an opportunity for youth employment and reduce poverty as this activity generates reliable incomes. However, in recent years, climatic changes and rapid urbanization have influenced agricultural activities in this area. The aim of this study was to characterize market gardening systems along the coastal area of Benin and understand farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies in response to the ongoing environmental changes. Data was collected from 130 farms using individual semi-structured questionnaires. A principal component analysis (PCA), K-Mean multivariate classification and statistical inference were used for data analysis. Three farm groups were identified from the hierarchical bottom-up classification: modern coastal farms (MCF, 59.24%), small-scale intra-urban farms (SIF, 35.38%) and traditional co-managed lowland farms (TCF, 5.38%). The perceived environmental changes were mainly temperature increases, strong winds and migration to another farmland. The criteria differentiating the groups were strong winds and variation in the start date of the rains (p < 0.05). According to current strategies farmers in groups 1 and 2 preferred crop diversification, those in group 3 moved their farms. Future strategies range from the early sale of crops to the use of modern watering equipment to the cessation of farming. Thus, sustainable farm management requires the involvement of decentralized structures and local stakeholders to maintain the livelihoods of local populations

    Dynamics of inselberg landscapes and their adjacent areas in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Benin through remote sensing analysis

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    Aims: Land cover change in inselbergs and adjacent areas was studied from 2003 to 2018 in a region facing anthropogenic pressures to assess dynamics and preserve rare endemic species. Study area: Inselbergs and their adjacent areas in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Benin are included in this study. Methods: Land cover classes of inselbergs and adjacent areas were obtained through supervised classification of Sentinel-2 (2018) and Spot 5 (2003) satellite images. A Chi-square test was used to compare protected and unprotected LULC classes of inselbergs, with 10 m spatial resolution. Results: The results showed that forest and woodland decreased respectively from 8.55% to 3.05% and from 17.63% to 4.79% between 2003 and 2018 while tree and shrub savanna, and grassland increased respectively from 6.52% to 9.49% and from 7.60% to 16.69%. Field and fallow increased from 5.57% in 2003 to 26.12% in 2018 and tree plantation from 6.05% to 13.47%. The analysis of spatial comparisons using the chi-square test showed that the presence of inselbergs in a protected area has no significant effect on their land use. Conclusions: Natural vegetation in inselbergs and adjacent areas is being converted into human-made landscapes by farmers. An urgent conservation plan is needed, including awareness campaigns, tree planting, and sustainable forest management. Taxonomic reference: Akoègninou et al. (2006). Abbreviations: DEM = Digital Elevation Model; GCP = Ground Control Point; LULC = Land Use/Land Cover; ROI = Region of Interest; SRTM = Satellite imagery data, Shuttle radar topography mission

    Perception paysanne sur la fragmentation du paysage de la Forêt classée de l’Ouémé Supérieur au nord du Bénin

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    Face à l’échec des politiques variées d’aménagement des paysages forestiers tropicaux dans un contexte de fragmentation croissante, il est pressant de trouver des stratégies de gestion durable des ressources naturelles et de la biodiversité. La présente étude a consisté à analyser la perception des populations de la qualité écologique des habitats du paysage de la forêt classée de l’Ouémé Supérieur au nord du Bénin et des facteurs déterminants de sa fragmentation. Les données recueillies auprès de 247 enquêtés par des entretiens semi-structurés et des focus group ont permis de réaliser des diagrammes de fréquences de réponses appuyées par un test de Khi2 entre les genres et une analyse factorielle de correspondance entre les catégories socioprofessionnelles. Les résultats indiquent que d’après les populations le niveau de dégradation des habitats du paysage de la forêt classée de l’Ouémé Supérieur est de fort à moyen et que les déterminants de la fragmentation sont l’exploitation forestière, les feux de végétation et le pâturage. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité et la pertinence de l’étude des perceptions des populations sur la qualité des habitats des paysages forestiers pour mieux orienter les mesures d’aménagement à prendre dans une approche paysagère.According to the failure of tropical forest landscapes various planning and the increasing fragmentation, it is urgent to find strategies for sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity. This study analyzes local perceptions of the ecological quality of Upper Oueme forest reserve habitats landscape in northern Benin and main factors of its fragmentation. Data collected from 247 respondents by interviews and focus group were used to design answers’ frequency diagram follow by a Khi2 test on gender and corresponding factor analysis between socio-professional categories. Results show that according to populations, the level of degradation of Upper Oueme habitats forest reserve landscape is high to mean and the main factors of fragmentation are wood exploitation, bush fires and grazing. These results underline the necessity and the relevance of the study of local perceptions of the habitat quality of the forest landscapes to better guide management measures which should now be taken in a landscape approach

    Influencia del efecto de borde sobre la productividad de la teca (Tectona grandis Lf): estudio de caso de las plantaciones de teca privadas del sur del Benin

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    The present study aims to improve the production of teak wood (Tectona grandis L.f.) in private plantations in southern Benin through the application of a central concept in landscape ecology: the edge effect. As teak is an heliophilous species, the hypothesis of a higher wood production in edges was tested on the basis of the basal area. Sixty-two private teak plantations were investigated and 10,667 trees were measured. The stratified sampling scheme in three distinct parts for each plantation (the centre, the edge and the summits) permitted to highlight the edge effect on wood production. For each part, a plot was installed and the diameter at breast height (dbh) was measured for all trees. The leaf area between the edge and the centre of plantations was measured. Finally, the influence of the spatial configuration of plantations and the direction of each side of these plantations on the production of wood was tested. Results show that the edge effect on the production of teak wood affects four planting lines, the first presenting a production of 150% relative to the centre. We noticed a significant influence of the edge on the leaf area of about 218% relative to the centre. No influence of the direction of the sides of the plantation was observed. The shape of the plantations presents a significant influence on the wood production. These results permitted to propose a planting model included in an agroforestry system that optimizes the production of wood per area and having a succession of two planting lines interrupted by fields.La présente étude vise à améliorer la production du bois de teck (Tectona grandis L.f.) à l’échelle des plantations privées du Sud-Bénin à travers l’application d’un concept central de l’écologie du paysage: l’effet de lisière. Le teck étant une espèce héliophile, l’hypothèse d’une plus forte production de bois en lisière a été testée. Ainsi, 62 teckeraies privées ont été parcourues et 10667 arbres ont été mesurés. L’échantillonnage stratifié en trois zones distinctes pour chaque plantation: le centre, la lisière et les sommets (coins des plantations), a permis de mettre en évidence l’effet de lisière sur la production de bois. Dans chaque zone, une placette a été installée et le diamètre à 130 cm du sol (dbh) a été mesuré pour tous les arbres. La différence de surface foliaire par individu entre la lisière et le centre des plantations a également été mesurée. Enfin, l’influence de la configuration spatiale des plantations et de l’orientation de chaque coté des plantations sur la production de bois a été testée. Les résultats montrent que l’effet de lisière sur la production du bois de teck touche quatre lignes de plantations, la première présentant une production de l’ordre de 150% par rapport au centre. On note également une influence significative de la lisière sur la surface foliaire, (production de l’ordre de 218% en lisière par rapport au centre). Aucune influence de l’orientation des côtés de la plantation n’a été observée. La forme des plantations présente une influence significative sur la production de bois. Ainsi, les plantations ayant une forme maximisant leur périmètre par rapport à leur surface, présentent une production de bois plus importante. Ces résultats ont permis de proposer un modèle de plantation inclus dans un système agroforestier qui optimise la production de bois par unité de surface et présentant une succession de deux lignes de plantation entrecoupées de champs

    Biodiversity of inhabited plots in peri-urban zone of Kinshasa: socio- biophysics determinants and representations

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    Les zones périurbaines de Kinshasa présentent une luxuriante végétation principalement privée mais menacée par des coupes incontrôlées. Pour sa meilleure conceptualisation et gestion, la présente étude propose une analyse des déterminantes socio-biophysiques et des représentations de la végétation présente dans les parcelles habitées dans une commune périurbaine de la ville, à travers le terme proposé d’« usage du végétal pour l’habitat (UVH) ». Conduite dans la commune de Kisenso, l’étude a consisté à relever les UVH présents dans 442 parcelles ainsi que les espèces végétales les composant et les représentations associées. La richesse moyenne des parcelles en UVH obtenue est de 3 avec un coefficient de variation de 22,2%. La zone géomorphologique de la parcelle, la province d’origine de son propriétaire et le nombre de ménages y vivant se révèlent être les principaux déterminants de la pratique de la plupart des UVH identifiés. Si les représentations associées aux UVH s’avèrent pour une grande part positive, elles intègrent cependant très peu les enjeux paysagers et environnementaux de la grande échelle. Ces résultats ouvrent un cadre de réflexion sur la meilleure prise en compte et la valorisation multifonctionnelle de la biodiversité des parcelles habitées en zone urbaine et périurbaine.Mots clés: biodiversité urbaine, espace périurbain, habitat, végétation domestique, perception

    Las plantaciones forestales no compensaran las pérdidas de vegetación natural en el departamento de Atlántico en el sur del Benin

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    This study deals with land use and land cover changes for a 33 years period. We assessed these changes for eight land cover classes in the south of Benin by using an integrated multi-temporal analysis using three Landsat images (1972 Landsat MSS, 1986 Landsat TM and 2005 Landsat ETM+). Three scenarios for the future were simulated using a first-order Markovian model based on annual probability matrices. The contribution of tree plantations to compensate forest loss was assessed. The results show a strong loss of forest and savanna, mainly due to increased agricultural land. Natural woody vegetation (“forest”, “wooded savanna” and “tree and shrub savanna”) will seriously decrease by 2025 due to the expansion of agricultural activities and the increase of settlements. Tree plantations are expected to double by 2025, but they will not compensate for the loss of natural woody vegetation cover. Consequently, we assist to a continuing woody vegetation area decrease. Policies regarding reforestation and forest conservation must be initiated to reverse the currently projected tendencies.La présente étude traite des processus de changements d’occupation et d’utilisation du sol sur une durée de 33 années. Ces changements ont été évalués pour huit classes d’occupation du sol au sud de Bénin à partir d’une analyse multitemporelle de trois images satellitaires de type Landsat MSS 1972, Landsat TM 1986 et Landsat ETM+2005. Trois scénarii ont été simulés à partir d’une chaîne de Markov de premier ordre basée sur des matrices de probabilité. La contribution des plantations forestières en vue de compenser les pertes de végétation naturelle a été évaluée. Les résultats indiquent une perte importante des végétations naturelles boisées (“forêt”, “savane boisée” et “savanes arborée et arbustive”), principalement due à une augmentation des superficies agricoles. Les végétations naturelles boisées seront drastiquement réduites jusqu’en 2025 au profit des exploitations agricoles et des habitations. Les plantations forestières pourraient doubler leur superficie en 2025, mais elles ne pourront pas compenser les pertes de végétation naturelle boisée. Par conséquent, on assistera à une dégradation constante des végétations naturelles boisées. Des politiques de développement durable basées sur le reboisement et la conservation des forêts doivent être initiées en vue d’inverser les tendances actuelles

    What shapes the mammal species poaching in protected areas: biophysical or anthropogenic factors? A case study in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve

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    Understanding what shapes the mammal species poaching in protected areas is critical to developing targeted management strategies for reducing poaching. We collected the data for poaching incidents on the GPS coordinates from 2011 to 2017 to map poaching incidents in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve. Poaching incidents were then related to environmental and anthropogenic variables using regression analyses. The study shows that poaching is more concentrated along the main river in the Pendjari National Park. Only nearest distance to the main river significantly predicted the location of high poaching incidents. These results could be used as the starting point by the park managers when planning the anti-poaching activities

    What shapes the mammal species poaching in protected areas: biophysical or anthropogenic factors? A case study in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve

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    Understanding what shapes the mammal species poaching in protected areas is critical to developing targeted management strategies for reducing poaching. We collected the data for poaching incidents on the GPS coordinates from 2011 to 2017 to map poaching incidents in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve. Poaching incidents were then related to environmental and anthropogenic variables using regression analyses. The study shows that poaching is more concentrated along the main river in the Pendjari National Park. Only nearest distance to the main river significantly predicted the location of high poaching incidents. These results could be used as the starting point by the park managers when planning the anti-poaching activities