12 research outputs found

    Near-Curie magnetic anomaly at the Ni/C interface observed by Electron Holography

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    A Nickel film, coated with Carbon, has been observed with electron holography. The magnetization has been measured from room temperature to 720 K, crossing the nominal Curie temperature Tc=635 K. An anomaly is revealed, resulting (a) in a 10% increase of Tc; (b) in a hump of the magnetization (largely exceeding the residual magnetiztion due to the weak external field) above Tc. The anomaly is interpreted as due to a strain-induced spin reorientation triggered by the differential thermal expansion of Ni and C. A mean- field model is presented that quantitatively reproduces the the main features of the observed signal. The model is developed in terms of an anisotropic exchange coupling between the Ni moments at the C interface, that favors vertical alignment at low temperatures and in-plane reorientration at high temperatures

    Role of structurally and magnetically modified nanoclusters in colossal magnetoresistance

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    It is generally accepted that electronic and magnetic phase separation is the origin of many of exotic properties of strongly correlated electron materials, such as colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), an unusually large variation in the electrical resistivity under applied magnetic field. In the simplest picture, the two competing phases are those associated with the material state on either side of the phase transition. Those phases would be paramagnetic insulator and ferromagnetic metal for the CMR effect in doped manganites. It has been speculated that a critical component of the CMR phenomenon is nanoclusters with quite different properties than either of the terminal phases during the transition. However, the role of these nanoclusters in the CMR effect remains elusive because the physical properties of the nanoclusters are hard to measure when embedded in bulk materials. Here we show the unexpected behavior of the nanoclusters in the CMR compound La1-xCaxMnO3 (0.4 ≤ x < 0.5) by directly correlating transmission electron microscopy observations with bulk measurements. The structurally modified nanoclusters at the CMR temperature were found to be ferromagnetic and exhibit much higher electrical conductivity than previously proposed. Only at temperatures much below the CMR transition, the nanoclusters are antiferromagnetic and insulating. These findings substantially alter the current understanding of these nanoclusters on the material’s functionality and would shed light on the microscopic study on the competing spin-lattice-charge orders in strongly correlated systems

    Graphene-oxide loading on natural zeolite particles for enhancement of adsorption properties

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    Multiple methods of grafting graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets to natural clinoptilolite-rich zeolite particles were developed in our laboratory. In this study, we have systematically characterized the GO coated particles prepared by various methods to select the most promising method for further research efforts. This study revealed that the most promising coating method was the clean-acid-treated zeolite particles followed by deposition of GO nanosheets onto the zeolite surface and mild thermal treatment of the particles. GO and its synergistic interaction in zeolite was attributed to electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds. Hydrophobic interactions are enhanced both due to dealumination of zeolite caused by the cleaning method followed by acid treatment and due to partial thermal deoxygenation of GO. This method provided a ten times larger surface area (from 10.55 m2 g−1 to 117.96 m2 g−1) and three times smaller pore diameter (from 81.91 Å to 30.68 Å), providing great particles for a variety of applications as adsorbents or catalysts

    Evidence of Nanocrystalline Semiconducting Graphene Monoxide during Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide in Vacuum

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    As silicon-based electronics are reaching the nanosize limits of the semiconductor roadmap, carbon-based nanoelectronics has become a rapidly growing field, with great interest in tuning the properties of carbon-based materials. Chemical functionalization is a proposed route, but syntheses of graphene oxide (G-O) produce disordered, nonstoichiometric materials with poor electronic properties. We report synthesis of an ordered, stoichiometric, solid-state carbon oxide that has never been observed in nature and coexists with graphene. Formation of this material, graphene monoxide (GMO), is achieved by annealing multilayered G-O. Our results indicate that the resulting thermally reduced G-O (TRG-O) consists of a two-dimensional nanocrystalline phase segregation: unoxidized graphitic regions are separated from highly oxidized regions of GMO. GMO has a quasi-hexagonal unit cell, an unusually high 1:1 O:C ratio, and a calculated direct band gap of ∼0.9 eV

    Evidence of Nanocrystalline Semiconducting Graphene Monoxide during Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide in Vacuum

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    As silicon-based electronics are reaching the nanosize limits of the semiconductor roadmap, carbon-based nanoelectronics has become a rapidly growing field, with great interest in tuning the properties of carbon-based materials. Chemical functionalization is a proposed route, but syntheses of graphene oxide (G-O) produce disordered, nonstoichiometric materials with poor electronic properties. We report synthesis of an ordered, stoichiometric, solid-state carbon oxide that has never been observed in nature and coexists with graphene. Formation of this material, graphene monoxide (GMO), is achieved by annealing multilayered G-O. Our results indicate that the resulting thermally reduced G-O (TRG-O) consists of a two-dimensional nanocrystalline phase segregation: unoxidized graphitic regions are separated from highly oxidized regions of GMO. GMO has a quasi-hexagonal unit cell, an unusually high 1:1 O:C ratio, and a calculated direct band gap of ∼0.9 eV

    Evidence of Nanocrystalline Semiconducting Graphene Monoxide during Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide in Vacuum

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    As silicon-based electronics are reaching the nanosize limits of the semiconductor roadmap, carbon-based nanoelectronics has become a rapidly growing field, with great interest in tuning the properties of carbon-based materials. Chemical functionalization Is a proposed route, but syntheses of graphene oxide (G-O) produce disordered, nonstoichiometric materials with poor electronic properties. We report synthesis of an ordered, stoichiometric, solid-state carbon oxide that has never been observed in nature and coexists with graphene. Formation of this material, graphene monoxide (GMO), is achieved by annealing multilayered G-O. Our results indicate that the resulting thermally reduced G-O (TRG-O) consists of a two-dimensional nanocrystalline phase segregation: unoxidized graphitic regions are separated from highly oxidized regions of GMO. GMO has a quasi-hexagonal unit cell, an unusually high 1:1 0:C ratio, and a calculated direct band gap of similar to 0.9 eV