160 research outputs found

    Generic Security Proof of Quantum Key Exchange using Squeezed States

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    Recently, a Quantum Key Exchange protocol that uses squeezed states was presented by Gottesman and Preskill. In this paper we give a generic security proof for this protocol. The method used for this generic security proof is based on recent work by Christiandl, Renner and Ekert.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted at IEEE ISIT 200

    Divisions and Square Roots with Tight Error Analysis from Newton–Raphson Iteration in Secure Fixed-Point Arithmetic

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    In this paper, we present new variants of Newton–Raphson-based protocols for the secure computation of the reciprocal and the (reciprocal) square root. The protocols rely on secure fixed-point arithmetic with arbitrary precision parameterized by the total bit length of the fixed-point numbers and the bit length of the fractional part. We perform a rigorous error analysis aiming for tight accuracy claims while minimizing the overall cost of the protocols. Due to the nature of secure fixed-point arithmetic, we perform the analysis in terms of absolute errors. Whenever possible, we allow for stochastic (or probabilistic) rounding as an efficient alternative to deterministic rounding. We also present a new protocol for secure integer division based on our protocol for secure fixed-point reciprocals. The resulting protocol is parameterized by the bit length of the inputs and yields exact results for the integral quotient and remainder. The protocol is very efficient, minimizing the number of secure comparisons. Similarly, we present a new protocol for integer square roots based on our protocol for secure fixed-point square roots. The quadratic convergence of the Newton–Raphson method implies a logarithmic number of iterations as a function of the required precision (independent of the input value). The standard error analysis of the Newton–Raphson method focuses on the termination condition for attaining the required precision, assuming sufficiently precise floating-point arithmetic. We perform an intricate error analysis assuming fixed-point arithmetic of minimal precision throughout and minimizing the number of iterations in the worst case.</p

    Secure Groups for Threshold Cryptography and Number-Theoretic Multiparty Computation

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    In this paper, we introduce secure groups as a cryptographic scheme representing finite groups together with a range of operations, including the group operation, inversion, random sampling, and encoding/decoding maps. We construct secure groups from oblivious group representations combined with cryptographic protocols, implementing the operations securely. We present both generic and specific constructions, in the latter case specifically for number-theoretic groups commonly used in cryptography. These include Schnorr groups (with quadratic residues as a special case), Weierstrass and Edwards elliptic curve groups, and class groups of imaginary quadratic number fields. For concreteness, we develop our protocols in the setting of secure multiparty computation based on Shamir secret sharing over a finite field, abstracted away by formulating our solutions in terms of an arithmetic black box for secure finite field arithmetic or for secure integer arithmetic. Secure finite field arithmetic suffices for many groups, including Schnorr groups and elliptic curve groups. For class groups, we need secure integer arithmetic to implement Shanks’ classical algorithms for the composition of binary quadratic forms, which we will combine with our adaptation of a particular form reduction algorithm due to Agarwal and Frandsen. As a main result of independent interest, we also present an efficient protocol for the secure computation of the extended greatest common divisor. The protocol is based on Bernstein and Yang’s constant-time 2-adic algorithm, which we adapt to work purely over the integers. This yields a much better approach for multiparty computation but raises a new concern about the growth of the BĂ©zout coefficients. By a careful analysis, we are able to prove that the BĂ©zout coefficients in our protocol will never exceed 3max(,) in absolute value for inputs a and b. We have integrated secure groups in the Python package MPyC and have implemented threshold ElGamal and threshold DSA in terms of secure groups. We also mention how our results support verifiable multiparty computation, allowing parties to jointly create a publicly verifiable proof of correctness for the results accompanying the results of a secure computation

    Explicit Optimal Binary Pebbling for One-Way Hash Chain Reversal

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    We present explicit optimal binary pebbling algorithms for reversing one-way hash chains. For a hash chain of length 2k2^k, the number of hashes performed in each output round does not exceed ⌈k/2⌉\lceil k/2 \rceil, whereas the number of hash values stored (pebbles) throughout is at most kk. This is optimal for binary pebbling algorithms characterized by the property that the midpoint of the hash chain is computed just once and stored until it is output, and that this property applies recursively to both halves of the hash chain. We introduce a framework for rigorous comparison of explicit binary pebbling algorithms, including simple speed-1 binary pebbling, Jakobsson\u27s speed-2 binary pebbling, and our optimal binary pebbling algorithm. Explicit schedules describe for each pebble exactly how many hashes need to be performed in each round. The optimal schedule turns out to be essentially unique and exhibits a nice recursive structure, which allows for fully optimized implementations that can readily be deployed. In particular, we develop the first in-place implementations with minimal storage overhead (essentially, storing only hash values), and fast implementations with minimal computational overhead. Moreover, we show that our approach is not limited to hash chains of length n=2kn=2^k, but accommodates hash chains of arbitrary length n≄1n\geq1, without incurring any overhead. Finally, we show how to run a cascade of pebbling algorithms along with a bootstrapping technique, facilitating sequential reversal of an unlimited number of hash chains growing in length up to a given bound

    Universally Verifiable Multiparty Computation from Threshold Homomorphic Cryptosystems

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    Multiparty computation can be used for privacy-friendly outsourcing of computations on private inputs of multiple parties. A computation is outsourced to several computation parties; if not too many are corrupted (e.g., no more than half), then they cannot determine the inputs or produce an incorrect output. However, in many cases, these guarantees are not enough: we need correctness even if /all/ computation parties may be corrupted; and we need that correctness can be verified even by parties that did not participate in the computation. Protocols satisfying these additional properties are called ``universally verifiable\u27\u27. In this paper, we propose a new security model for universally verifiable multiparty computation, and we present a practical construction, based on a threshold homomorphic cryptosystem. We also develop a multiparty protocol for jointly producing non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, which may be of independent interest

    Proofs of partial knowledge and simplified design of witness hiding protocols

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    Suppose we are given a proof of knowledge P in which a prover demonstrates that he knows a solution to a given problem instance. Suppose also that we have a secret sharing scheme S on n participants. Then under certain assumptions on P and S , we show how to transform P into a witness indistinguishable protocol, in which the prover demonstrates knowledge of the solution to some subset of n problem instances out of a collection of subsets defined by S . For example, using a threshold scheme, the prover can show that he knows at least d out of n solutions without revealing which d instances are involved. If the instances are independently generated, we get a witness hiding protocol, even if P did not have this property. Our results can be used to efficiently implement general forms of group oriented identification and signatures. Our transformation produces a protocol with the same number of rounds as P and communication complexity n times that of P . Our results use no unproven complexity assumptions
