147 research outputs found


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    In spite of the increasing sophistication and power of commercial spreadsheet packages, we still lack a formal theory or a methodology to support the construction and maintenance of spreadsheet models. Using a dual logical/physical perspective, we identify four principal components that characterize any spreadsheet model: schema, data, editorial, and binding. We present a factoring algorithm for identifying and extracting these components from conventional spreadsheets with minimal user intervention, and a synthesis algorithm that assists users in the construction of executable spreadsheets from reusable model components. This approach opens new possibilities for applying object-oriented and model management techniques to support the construction, sharing, and reuse, of spreadsheet models in organizations. Importantly, our approach to model management and the Windows-based prototype that we have developed are designed to coexist with, rather than replace, traditional spreadsheet programs. In other words, the users are not required to learn a new modeling language; instead, their logical models and data sets are extracted from their spreadsheets transparently, as a side-effect of using standard spreadsheet program.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    In spite of the increasing sophistication and power of commercial spreadsheet packages, we still lack a formal theory of spreadsheets and a methodology that aids their construction and maintenance. Using a new functional relational language, this paper identifies four principal components that characterize any spreadsheet model: Model, Data, Editorial, and Binding. We present a factoring algorithm for identifying and extracting these components from conventional spreadsheets automatically, and a synthesis algorithm that assists users in the construction of executable spreadsheets from reusable components. This approach opens new possibilities for applying object oriented and model management techniques to support the construction, sharing, and reuse, of spreadsheet models in organizations.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    In spite of the increasing sophistication and power of commercial spreadsheet packages, we still lack a formal theory of spreadsheets and a methodology that aids their construction and maintenance. Using a new functional relational language, this paper identifies four principal components that characterize any spreadsheet model: Model, Data, Editorial, and Binding. We present a factoring algorithm for identifying and extracting these components from conventional spreadsheets automatically, and a synthesis algorithm that assists users in the construction of executable spreadsheets from reusable components. This approach opens new possibilities for applying object oriented and model management techniques to support the construction, sharing, and reuse, of spreadsheet models in organizations.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Intoxicação natural por Clostridium botulinum tipo “C” em grupo de aves domésticas.

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    Clostridium botulinum causative oftoxic infections due to toxin ingestion previouslyformed, occur in several ingestion species, mainlybirds. In a poultry farm, located at São Paulo State,more than 3,000 birds have been attacked by thistoxic infections, when the birds showed motionless,loss of weight, accelerated, breathing, resulting indeath of the birds. The blood harvest for attainmentof the serum and later necropsy was carried outthrowgh the following samples: liver, gizzard, crop,feed, water and litter. After that, the toxin wasextracted by gelatin-phosphate buffer and inoculationin mice, isolation of the agent in Blood ágar andReinforced Clostridium ágar and neutralization oftoxin determine its type. The inoculation in miceshowed positive results in samples of liver, gizzad,crop and symptoms like was waist, and death ofthe birds by limp paralysis. The colonies that havebeen isolated, suspected of Clostridium botulinumshowed expected results and further analysisrevealed positive results to botulinical toxin type C.The farms have to pay attention in the routine jobs,choicer, and elimination of carcass because theyare essential to keep this problem away.O Clostridium botulinum, causador detoxinfecção devido à ingestão de toxina previamenteformada, acomete várias espécies com destaquepara as aves. Em uma granja do estado deSão Paulo, mais de 3000 aves foram acometidaspor esta toxinfecção, a qual foi caracterizada poranimais imóveis, dispnéicos, anoréxicos, paralisiaflácida e morte subseqüente. Foi realizada a colheitade sangue para obtenção do soro e posteriornecropsia sendo que as amostras separadas paraanálise foram: fígado, conteúdo da moela e do inglúvio,ração, água e cama. Foram realizadas extraçãode toxina em gelatina tamponada e inoculaçãoem camundongos, isolamento do agente em meioAgar Sangue, “Reinforced Clostridium ágar“ e neutralizaçãoda toxina para especificação de seu tipo.A inoculação em camundongos apresentou positividadepara amostras do fígado, conteúdo da moelae do inglúvio, pela observação de cintura de vespae morte dos animais por paralisia flácida. Colôniasisoladas suspeitas de Clostridium botulinum apresentarambioquímica compatível com a da espéciee a análise com a antitoxina revelou positividadepara toxina botulínica tipo C. A conscientização doprodutor para um bom manejo e eliminação adequadade carcaças são práticas fundamentais para evitar casos como este

    ACCF/AHA 2011 Expert Consensus Document on Hypertension in the Elderly: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents

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    This document was written with the intent to be a complete reference at the time of publication on the topic of managing hypertension in the elderly. This document has been developed as an expert consensus document by the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) and the American Heart Association (AHA), in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), the American College of Physicians (ACP), the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), the American Society of Hypertension (ASH), the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the American Society for Preventive Cardiology (ASPC), the Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC), and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Expert consensus documents are intended to inform practitioners, payers, and other interested parties of the opinion of ACCF and document cosponsors concerning evolving areas of clinical practice and/or technologies that are widely available or new to the practice community

    ACCF/AHA 2011 Expert Consensus Document on Hypertension in the Elderly: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents

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    This document was written with the intent to be a complete reference at the time of publication on the topic of managing hypertension in the elderly. This document has been developed as an expert consensus document by the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) and the American Heart Association (AHA), in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), the American College of Physicians (ACP), the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), the American Society of Hypertension (ASH), the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the American Society for Preventive Cardiology (ASPC), the Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC), and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Expert consensus documents are intended to inform practitioners, payers, and other interested parties of the opinion of ACCF and document cosponsors concerning evolving areas of clinical practice and/or technologies that are widely available or new to the practice community

    Incidental cardiac findings on computed tomography imaging of the thorax

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Investigation of pulmonary pathology with computed tomography also allows visualisation of the heart and major vessels. We sought to explore whether clinically relevant cardiac pathology could be identified on computed tomography pulmonary angiograms (CTPA) requested for the exclusion of pulmonary embolism (PE). 100 consecutive CT contrast-enhanced pulmonary angiograms carried out for exclusion of PE at a single centre were assessed retrospectively by two cardiologists.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Evidence of PE was reported in 5% of scans. Incidental cardiac findings included: aortic wall calcification (54%), coronary calcification (46%), cardiomegaly (41%), atrial dilatation (18%), mitral annulus calcification (15%), right ventricular dilatation (11%), aortic dilatation (8%) and right ventricular thrombus (1%). Apart from 3 (3%) reports describing cardiomegaly, no other cardiac findings were described in radiologists' reports. Other reported pulmonary abnormalities included: lung nodules (14%), lobar collapse/consolidation (8%), pleural effusion (2%), lobar collapse/consolidation (8%), emphysema (6%) and pleural calcification (4%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CTPAs requested for the exclusion of PE have a high yield of cardiac abnormalities. Although these abnormalities may not have implications for acute clinical management, they may, nevertheless, be important in long-term care.</p