596 research outputs found

    Chloroplastic Glutamine Synthetase from Brassica napus

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    Chirp subbottom profiler for quantitative sediment analysis

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    A wide‐band, frequency‐modulated, subbottom profiling system (the chirp sonar) can remotely determine the acoustic attenuation of ocean sediments and produce artifact‐free sediment profiles in real time. The chirp sonar is controlled by a minicomputer which performs analog‐to‐digital and digital‐to‐analog conversion, correlation processing, and attenuation estimation in real time. The minicomputer generates an FM pulse that is phase‐ and amplitude‐compensated to correct for the sonar system response. Such precise waveform control helps suppress correlation noise and source ringing. The chirp sonar, which has an effective bandwidth of 5 kHz, can generate chirp (Klauder) wavelets with a tuning thickness (Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution) of approximately 0.1 ms. After each return is correlated, a computationally fast algorithm estimates the attenuation of subbottom reflections by waveform matching with a theoretically attenuated waveform. This algorithm obtains an attenuation estimate by minimizing the mean‐square error between the autocorrelation function of the theoretically attenuated wavelet and the autocorrelation function of the subbottom reflection. The chirp sonar was tested in Narragansett Bay, R.I. along a line that had been previously cored. Experimental results show that correlation noise from the seafloor reflection was below −60 dB, the quantization noise level, thereby allowing detection of small subbottom impedance contrasts and accurate estimation of attenuation. Attenuation coefficient estimates from this sandy region agree with in‐situ measurements made by other investigators

    Analysis, Optimization, and Assessment of Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic System Design for an Illustrative Space Mission

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    A companion paper presented at this conference described the design of a Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic (RTPV) Generator for an illustrative space mission (Pluto Fast Flyby). It presented a detailed design of an integrated system consisting of a radioisotope heat source, a thermophotovoltaic converter, and an optimized heat rejection system. The present paper describes the thermal, electrical, and structural analyses which led to that optimized design, and compares the computed RTPV performance to that of a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) designed for the same mission. RTPV's are of course much less mature than RTGs, but our results indicate that - when fully developed - they could result in a 60% reduction of the heat source's mass, cost, and fuel loading, a 50% reduction of generator mass, a tripling of the power system's specific power, and a quadrupling of its efficiency. The paper concludes by briefly summarizing the RTPV's current technology status and assessing its potential applicability for the PFF mission. For other power systems (e.g. RTGs), demonstrating their flight readiness for a long mission is a very time-consuming process to determine the long-term effect of temperature-induced degradation mechanisms. But for the case of the described RTPV design, the paper lists a number of factors, primarily its cold (0 to 10 degrees C) converter temperature, that may greatly reduce the need for long-term tests to demonstrate generator lifetime. In any event, our analytical results suggest that the RTPV generator, when developed by DOE and/or NASA, would be quite valuable not only for the Pluto mission but also for other future missions requiring small, long-lived, low mass generators. Another copy is in the Energy Systems files

    Glutamine Synthetase from Roots of Brassica napus (Nucleotide Sequence of a Cytosolic Isoform)

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    Nuclear Heat Source for Cryogenic Refrigerators in Space

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    To supply the heat input required by space-borne cryogenic refrigerators, a possible design for a reliable Pu-238 radioisotope heat source, based on state-of-the-art technology, is described. The isotope heat source, which makes use of existing fuel elements, would replace electrical heaters powered by solar panels and batteries, without requiring redesign of the refrigerators. The heat source contains all necessary safety features, and also a simple thermal control system to permit refrigerator shut-down for indefinite duration. A system for thermal interfacing with the spacecraft, the booster, and ground support is also described. The isotope heaters are compared with solar-electric heaters for the same application, and found to result in very significant weight and size savings

    Using machine learning to study the kinematics of cold gas in galaxies

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    Next generation interferometers, such as the Square Kilometre Array, are set to obtain vast quantities of information about the kinematics of cold gas in galaxies. Given the volume of data produced by such facilities astronomers will need fast, reliable, tools to informatively filter and classify incoming data in real time. In this paper, we use machine learning techniques with a hydrodynamical simulation training set to predict the kinematic behaviour of cold gas in galaxies and test these models on both simulated and real interferometric data. Using the power of a convolutional autoencoder we embed kinematic features, unattainable by the human eye or standard tools, into a 3D space and discriminate between disturbed and regularly rotating cold gas structures. Our simple binary classifier predicts the circularity of noiseless, simulated, galaxies with a recall of 85% and performs as expected on observational CO and H i velocity maps, with a heuristic accuracy of 95%. The model output exhibits predictable behaviour when varying the level of noise added to the input data and we are able to explain the roles of all dimensions of our mapped space. Our models also allow fast predictions of input galaxies’ position angles with a 1σ uncertainty range of ±17° to ±23° (for galaxies with inclinations of 82.5° to 32.5°, respectively), which may be useful for initial parametrization in kinematic modelling samplers. Machine learning models, such as the one outlined in this paper, may be adapted for SKA science usage in the near future

    Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic (RTPV) Generator and Its Applicability to an Illustrative Space Mission

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    The paper describes the results of a DOE-sponsored design study of a radioisotope thermophotovoltaic generator (RTPV), to complement similar studies of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) and Stirling Generators (RSGs) previously published by the author. Instead of conducting a generic study, it was decided to focus the design effort by directing it at a specific illustrative space mission, Pluto Fast Flyby (PFF). That mission, under study by JPL, envisages a direct eight-year flight to Pluto (the only unexplored planet in the solar system), followed by comprehensive mapping, surface composition, and atmospheric structure measurements during a brief flyby of the planet and its moon Charon, and transmission of the recorded science data to Earth during a post-encounter cruise lasting up to one year

    Na incorporation into Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cell absorbers deposited on polyimide: Impact on the chemical and electronic surface structure

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 111.3 (2012): 034903 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/111/3/10.1063/1.3679604Na has deliberately been incorporated into Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) chalcopyrite thin-film solar cell absorbers deposited on Mo-coated polyimide flexible substrates by adding differently thick layers of NaF in-between CIGSe absorber and Mo back contact. The impact of Na on the chemical and electronic surface structure of CIGSe absorbers with various Cu-contents deposited at comparatively low temperature (420 C) has been studied using x-ray photoelectron and x-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy. We observe a higher Na surface content for the Cu-richer CIGSe samples and can distinguish between two different chemical Na environments, best described as selenide-like and oxidized Na species, respectively. Furthermore, we find a Cu-poor surface composition of the CIGSe samples independent of Na content and - for very high Na contents - indications for the formation of a (Cu,Na)-(In,Ga)-Se like compound. With increasing Na surface content, also a shift of the photoemission lines to lower binding energies could be identified, which we interpret as a reduction of the downward band bending toward the CIGSe surface explained by the Na-induced elimination of In Cu defects.X.S., R.F., D.G., R.G.W., and M.B. are grateful to the Helmholtz-Association for financial support (VH-NG-423). R.F. also acknowledges the support by the German Academic Exchange Agency (DAAD; 331 4 04 002)

    Design, Analysis, and Optimization of a Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic (RTPV) Generator, and its Applicability to an Illustrative Space Mission

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    Paper presented at the 45th Congress of the IAF in Jerusalem, Israel, October 1994. The paper describes the results of a DOE-sponsored design study of a radioisotope thermophotovoltaic generator (RTPV), to complement similar studies of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) and Stirling Generators (RSGs) previously published by the authors. To focus the design effort, it was decided to direct it at a specific illustrative space mission, Pluto Fast Flyby (PFF). That mission, under study by the JPL, envisages a direct eight to nine-year flight to Pluto (the only unexplored planet in the solar system), followed by comprehensive mapping, surface composition, and atmospheric structure measurements during a brief flyby of the planet and its moon Charon, and transmission of the recorded science data to Earth during a six-week post-encounter cruise

    Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic (RTPV) Generator and Its Application to the Pluto Fast Flyby Mission

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    This paper describes the results of a DOE-sponsored design study of a radioisotope thermophotovoltaic generator. Instead of conducting a generic study, it was decided to focus the design by directing it at a specific space mission, Pluto Fast Flyby (PFF). That mission, under study by JPL, envisages a direct eight-year flight to Pluto (the only unexplored planet in the solar system), followed by comprehensive mapping, surface composition, and atmospheric structure measurements during a brief flyby of the planet and its moon Charon, and transmission of the recorded science data to Earth during a one-year post-encounter cruise. Because of Pluto's long distance from the sun (30-50 A.U.) and the mission's large energy demand, JPL has baselined the use of a radioisotope power system for the PFF spacecraft. The chief advantage of Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic (RTPV) power systems over current Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) is their much higher conversion efficiency, which greatly reduces the mass and cost of the required radioisotope heat source. Those attributes are particularly important for the PFF mission, which - like all NASA missions under current consideration - is severely mass- and cost-limited. The paper describes the design of the radioisotope heat source, the thermophotovoltaic converter, and the heat rejection system; and presents the results of the thermal, electrical, and structural analysis and the design optimization of the integrated RTPV system. It briefly summarizes the RTPV system's current technology status, and lists a number of factors that my greatly reduce the need for long-term tests to demonstrate generator lifetime. Our analytical results show very substantial performance improvements over an RTG designed for the same mission, and suggest that the RTPV generator, when developed by DOE and/or NASA, would be quite valuable not only for the PFF mission but also for other future missions requiring small, long-lived, low-mass generators. There is a duplicate copy
