437 research outputs found

    Filling patterns in left ventricular hypertrophy: A combined acoustic quantification and Doppler study

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    AbstractObjectives. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of acoustic quantification compared with Doppler echocardiography for assessment of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.Background. Diastolic dysfunction usually accompanies left ventricular hypertrophy. Although Doppler echocardiography is widely used, it has known limitations in the diagnosis of diastolic abnormalities. The ventricular area-change waveform obtained with acoustic quantification technology may provide an alternative to assess diastolic dysfunction.Methods. Potential acoustic quantification variables (peak rate of area change and mean slope of area change rate during rapid filling, amount of relative area change during rapid filling and atrial contraction) were obtained and compared with widely used Doppler indexes of ventricular filling (isovolumetric relaxation time, pressure half-time, peak early diastolic velocity/peak late diastolic velocity ratio, rapid filling, atrial contribution to filling) ia 16 healthy volunteers and 30 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy.Results. Criteria for abnormal relaxation were present in 68% of patients by acoustic quantification and in 64% of patients by Doppler echocardiography. However, abnormal relaxation was identified in 89% of patients by one or both methods. Acoustic quantification indicated abnormal relaxation in the presence of completely normalized Doppler patterns and in patients with mitral regurgitation or abnormal rhythm with unreliable Doppler patterns.Conclusions. Acoustic quantification potentially presents a new way to assess diastolic dysfunction. This technique may be regarded as complementary to Doppler echocardiography. The combined use of the methods may improve the diagnosis of left ventricular relaxation abnormalities

    Asymptomatic cardiac disease following mediastinal irradiation

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    AbstractObjectivesThis study was designed to evaluate the potential benefit of screening previously irradiated patients with echocardiography.BackgroundMediastinal irradiation is known to cause cardiac disease. However, the prevalence of asymptomatic cardiac disease and the potential for intervention before symptom development are unknown.MethodsWe recruited 294 asymptomatic patients (mean age 42 ± 9 years, 49% men, mean mantle irradiation dose 43 ± 0.3 Gy) treated with at least 35 Gy to the mediastinum for Hodgkin's disease. After providing written consent, each patient underwent electrocardiography and transthoracic echocardiography.ResultsValvular disease was common and increased with time following irradiation. Patients who had received irradiation more than 20 years before evaluation had significantly more mild or greater aortic regurgitation (60% vs. 4%, p < 0.0001), moderate or greater tricuspid regurgitation (4% vs. 0%, p = 0.06), and aortic stenosis (16% vs. 0%, p = 0.0008) than those who had received irradiation within 10 years. The number needed to screen to detect one candidate for endocarditis prophylaxis was 13 (95% confidence interval [CI] 7 to 44) for patients treated within 10 years and 1.6 (95% CI 1.3 to 1.9) for those treated at least 20 years ago. Compared with the Framingham Heart Study population, mildly reduced left ventricular fractional shortening (<30%) was more common (36% vs. 3%), and age- and gender-adjusted left ventricular mass was lower (90 ± 27 g/m vs. 117 g/m) in irradiated patients.ConclusionsThere is a high prevalence of asymptomatic heart disease in general, and aortic valvular disease in particular, following mediastinal irradiation. Screening echocardiography should be considered for patients with a history of mediastinal irradiation

    Operator Coproduct-Realization of Quantum Group Transformations in Two Dimensional Gravity, I.

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    A simple connection between the universal RR matrix of Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) (for spins \demi and JJ) and the required form of the co-product action of the Hilbert space generators of the quantum group symmetry is put forward. This gives an explicit operator realization of the co-product action on the covariant operators. It allows us to derive the quantum group covariance of the fusion and braiding matrices, although it is of a new type: the generators depend upon worldsheet variables, and obey a new central extension of Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) realized by (what we call) fixed point commutation relations. This is explained by showing that the link between the algebra of field transformations and that of the co-product generators is much weaker than previously thought. The central charges of our extended Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) algebra, which includes the Liouville zero-mode momentum in a nontrivial way are related to Virasoro-descendants of unity. We also show how our approach can be used to derive the Hopf algebra structure of the extended quantum-group symmetry U_q(sl(2))\odot U_{\qhat}(sl(2)) related to the presence of both of the screening charges of 2D gravity.Comment: 33 pages, latex, no figure

    Quantum Group Structure and Local Fields in the Algebraic Approach to 2D Gravity

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    This review contains a summary of work by J.-L. Gervais and the author on the operator approach to 2d gravity. Special emphasis is placed on the construction of local observables -the Liouville exponentials and the Liouville field itself - and the underlying algebra of chiral vertex operators. The double quantum group structure arising from the presence of two screening charges is discussed and the generalized algebra and field operators are derived. In the last part, we show that our construction gives rise to a natural definition of a quantum tau function, which is a noncommutative version of the classical group-theoretic representation of the Liouville fields by Leznov and Saveliev.Comment: 38 pages, LaTex file. Proceedings of the Vth International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Strings and Quantum gravity, Alushta, Ukraine 199

    Peptidasas en piroplasmas bovinos patógenos: análisis genómico comparativo entre Babesia bovis y Theileria annulata

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    Las enzimas proteolíticas de los patógenos Apicomplexa juegan un rol sumamente importante en la invasión, supervivencia y egreso de la célula hospedera. La función vital que cumplen para el ciclo de vida del parásito y su estructura altamente conservada, ha hecho que este tipo de enzimas sean consideradas como interesantes candidatos vacunales o blancos para el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos. Se diseñó un algoritmo para predecir mediante herramientas de bioinformática los repertorios putativos de proteasas en los genomas de dos piroplasmas bovinos patógenos: B. bovis y T. annulata.Asociación Parasitológica Argentin

    Historia evolutiva y filogenia molecular del género Babesia

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    Babesia comprende hemoprotozoos transmitidos por garrapatas que infectan mamíferos y aves y que son reconocidos mundialmente por su impacto en la salud de animales domésticos y sus costos económicos asociados. Además, la babesiosis puede ser fatal en animales silvestres si está asociada con prácticas de manejo estresantes, y es también de creciente interés como zoonosis emergente. Debido a la gran diversidad de hospedadores de Babesia hallados, se puede considerar que todos los vertebrados son portadores potenciales, siempre y cuando puedan ser parasitados por las garrapatas vectores. En esta presentación se proveerá una reseña de las especies de Babesia más relevantes, y una discusión sobre criterios taxonómicos clásicos. Se describirá un posible panorama de la historia natural de los piroplásmidos, que agrupa a los géneros cercanamente relacionados Babesia, Cytauxzoon y Theileria, y se discutirán sus implicancias para futuras líneas de investigación. Asimismo, se presentará una clasificación molecular revisada de los piroplásmidos, basada en nuevos árboles filogenéticos generados con todas las secuencias disponibles de los genes 18S rRNA y hsp70. Finalmente, para reconciliar las estimaciones existentes para el origen de los piroplásmidos y las garrapatas (~300 millones de años, Ma, respectivamente) y la radiación de los mamíferos (60 Ma), hipotetizamos que el ciclo de vida dixénico de los piroplásmidos evolucionó con el origen de las garrapatas. Así, el salto observado entre el origen de estos artrópodos y la radiación de los mamíferos indica la existencia de linajes de piroplásmidos previamente desconocidos y/o especies en taxones de vertebrados existentes, incluyendo reptiles y quizás también anfibios. Un muestreo más amplio de taxones que incluya todos los potenciales hospedadores, tanto entre los vertebrados como entre las garrapatas, y la construcción de árboles utilizando múltiples genes permitirá perfeccionar la filogenia y taxonomía del género Babesia.Asociación Parasitológica Argentin

    Quantum Liouville theory and BTZ black hole entropy

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    In this paper I give an explicit conformal field theory description of (2+1)-dimensional BTZ black hole entropy. In the boundary Liouville field theory I investigate the reducible Verma modules in the elliptic sector, which correspond to certain irreducible representations of the quantum algebra U_q(sl_2) \odot U_{\hat{q}}(sl_2). I show that there are states that decouple from these reducible Verma modules in a similar fashion to the decoupling of null states in minimal models. Because ofthe nonstandard form of the Ward identity for the two-point correlation functions in quantum Liouville field theory, these decoupling states have positive-definite norms. The explicit counting from these states gives the desired Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in the semi-classical limit when q is a root of unity of odd order.Comment: LaTeX, 33 pages, 4 eps figure

    Meiotic crossover reduction by virus-induced gene silencing enables the efficient generation of chromosome substitution lines and reverse breeding in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    Plant breeding applications exploiting meiotic mutant phenotypes (like the increase or decrease of crossover (CO) recombination) have been proposed over the last years. As recessive meiotic mutations in breeding lines may affect fertility or have other pleiotropic effects, transient silencing techniques may be preferred. Reverse breeding is a breeding technique that would benefit from the transient downregulation of CO formation. The technique is essentially the opposite of plant hybridization: a method to extract parental lines from a hybrid. The method can also be used to efficiently generate chromosome substitution lines (CSLs). For successful reverse breeding, the two homologous chromosome sets of a heterozygous plant must be divided over two haploid complements, which can be achieved by the suppression of meiotic CO recombination and the subsequent production of doubled haploid plants. Here we show the feasibility of transiently reducing CO formation using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) by targeting the meiotic gene MSH5 in a wild-type heterozygote of Arabidopsis thaliana. The application of VIGS (rather than using lengthy stable transformation) generates transgene-free offspring with the desired genetic composition: we obtained parental lines from a wild-type heterozygous F1 in two generations. In addition, we obtained 20 (of the 32 possible) CSLs in one experiment. Our results demonstrate that meiosis can be modulated at will in A. thaliana to generate CSLs and parental lines rapidly for hybrid breeding. Furthermore, we illustrate how the modification of meiosis using VIGS can open routes to develop efficient plant breeding strategies

    Functional conservation in the SIAMESE-RELATED family of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in land plants

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    © 2015 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. The best-characterized members of the plant-specific SIAMESE-RELATED (SMR) family of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors regulate the transition from the mitotic cell cycle to endoreplication, also known as endoreduplication, an altered version of the cell cycle in which DNA is replicated without cell division. Some other family members are implicated in cell cycle responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. However, the functions of most SMRs remain unknown, and the specific cyclin- dependent kinase complexes inhibited by SMRs are unclear. Here, we demonstrate that a diverse group of SMRs, including an SMR from the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens, can complement an Arabidopsis thaliana siamese (sim) mutant and that both Arabidopsis SIM and P. patens SMR can inhibit CDK activity in vitro. Furthermore, we show that Arabidopsis SIM can bind to and inhibit both CDKA;1 and CDKB1;1. Finally, we show that SMR2 acts to restrict cell proliferation during leaf growth in Arabidopsis and that SIM, SMR1/LGO, and SMR2 play overlapping roles in controlling the transition from cell division to endoreplication during leaf development. These results indicate that differences in SMR function in plant growth and development are primarily due to differences in transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation, rather than to differences in fundamental biochemical function

    Endoreplication Controls Cell Fate Maintenance

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    Cell-fate specification is typically thought to precede and determine cell-cycle regulation during differentiation. Here we show that endoreplication, also known as endoreduplication, a specialized cell-cycle variant often associated with cell differentiation but also frequently occurring in malignant cells, plays a role in maintaining cell fate. For our study we have used Arabidopsis trichomes as a model system and have manipulated endoreplication levels via mutants of cell-cycle regulators and overexpression of cell-cycle inhibitors under a trichome-specific promoter. Strikingly, a reduction of endoreplication resulted in reduced trichome numbers and caused trichomes to lose their identity. Live observations of young Arabidopsis leaves revealed that dedifferentiating trichomes re-entered mitosis and were re-integrated into the epidermal pavement-cell layer, acquiring the typical characteristics of the surrounding epidermal cells. Conversely, when we promoted endoreplication in glabrous patterning mutants, trichome fate could be restored, demonstrating that endoreplication is an important determinant of cell identity. Our data lead to a new model of cell-fate control and tissue integrity during development by revealing a cell-fate quality control system at the tissue level