4,007 research outputs found

    Suppression of combustion oscillations with mechanical devices Interim report

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    Static rocket thrust chamber simulator for cylindrical cold flow-type apparatus desig

    Limit cycles in the presence of convection, a travelling wave analysis

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    We consider a diffusion model with limit cycle reaction functions, in the presence of convection. We select a set of functions derived from a realistic reaction model: the Schnakenberg equations. This resultant form is unsymmetrical. We find a transformation which maps the irregular equations into model form. Next we transform the dependent variables into polar form. From here, a travelling wave analysis is performed on the radial variable. Results are complex, but we make some simple estimates. We carry out numerical experiments to test our analysis. An initial `knock' starts the propagation of pattern. The speed of the travelling wave is not quite as expected. We investigate further. The system demonstrates distinctly different behaviour to the left and the right. We explain how this phenomenon occurs by examining the underlying behaviour.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Introducing CatOracle: Corpus-based concatenative improvisation with the Audio Oracle algorithm

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    CATORACLE responds to the need to join high-level control of audio timbre with the organization of musical form in time. It is inspired by two powerful existing tools: CataRT for corpus-based concatenative synthesis based on the MUBU for MAX library, and PYORACLE for computer improvisation, combining for the first time audio descriptor analysis and learning and generation of musical structures. Harnessing a user-defined list of audio fea- tures, live or prerecorded audio is analyzed to construct an “Audio Oracle” as a basis for improvisation. CatOracle also extends features of classic concatenative synthesis to include live interactive audio mosaicking and score-based transcription using the BACH library for MAX. The project suggests applications not only to live performance of written and improvised electroacoustic music, but also computer-assisted composition and musical analysis

    Estimation of turbulence in fan-rotor wakes for broadband noise prediction during acoustic preliminary design

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    When calculating broadband fan noise caused by rotor-stator wake interaction analytically, information about the airflow, particularly about the turbulence in the rotor wakes, is necessary. During the pre-design phase, two-dimensional streamline methods are commonly used. These provide only general flow quantities like mean-flow velocities or total-pressure losses. Turbulent parameters such as turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent integral length scale need to be deduced from these quantities. There are several models mentioned in the literature which correlate the wake size with the wake turbulence. But they usually comprise calibration factors that need to be assessed empirically by numerical simulations or measurements. The contribution of the paper is to present an updated semi-empirical model for rotor-wake turbulence quantities, derived on the basis of an extensive comparison of the model with measurements and numerical simulations on four different turbofan stages. A recalibration of the empirical factors improved the noise prediction by 8 dB, reaching an accuracy of 2 dB. In addition, it is shown, that the endwall flow is responsible for large variance in the noise prediction, and may have a contribution of up to 2 dB to the overall sound power

    Q(2) dependence of nuclear transparency for exclusive rho(0) production

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    Exclusive coherent and incoherent electroproduction of the rho(0) meson from H-1 and N-14 targets has been studied at the HERMES experiment as a function of coherence length (l(c)), corresponding to the lifetime of hadronic fluctuations of the virtual photon, and squared four-momentum of the virtual photon (-Q(2)). The ratio of N-14 to H-1 cross sections per nucleon, called nuclear transparency, was found to increase (decrease) with increasing l(c) for coherent (incoherent) rho(0) electroproduction. For fixed l(c), a rise of nuclear transparency with Q(2) is observed for both coherent and incoherent rho(0) production, which is in agreement with theoretical calculations of color transparency

    A model sensitivity study of the impact of clouds on satellite detection and retrieval of volcanic ash

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    Volcanic ash is commonly observed by infrared detectors on board Earth-orbiting satellites. In the presence of ice and/or liquid-water clouds, the detected volcanic ash signature may be altered. In this paper the sensitivity of detection and retrieval of volcanic ash to the presence of ice and liquid-water clouds was quantified by simulating synthetic equivalents to satellite infrared images with a 3-D radiative transfer model. The sensitivity study was made for the two recent eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull (2010) and Grimsvotn (2011) using realistic water and ice clouds and volcanic ash clouds. The water and ice clouds were taken from European Centre for Medium-RangeWeather Forecast (ECMWF) analysis data and the volcanic ash cloud fields from simulations by the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART. The radiative transfer simulations were made both with and without ice and liquid-water clouds for the geometry and channels of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI). The synthetic SEVIRI images were used as input to standard reverse absorption ash detection and retrieval methods. Ice and liquid-water clouds were on average found to reduce the number of detected ash-affected pixels by 6-12 %. However, the effect was highly variable and for individual scenes up to 40% of pixels with mass loading > 0 : 2 gm 2 could not be detected due to the presence of water and ice clouds. For coincident pixels, i. e. pixels where ash was both present in the FLEXPART (hereafter referred to as "Flexpart") simulation and detected by the algorithm, the presence of clouds overall increased the retrieved mean mass loading for the Eyjafjallajokull (2010) eruption by about 13 %,while for the Grimsvotn (2011) eruption ash-mass loadings the effect was a 4% decrease of the retrieved ash-mass loading. However, larger differences were seen between scenes (standard deviations of +/- 30 and +/- 20% for Eyjafjallajokull and Grimsvotn, respectively) and even larger ones within scenes. The impact of ice and liquid-water clouds on the detection and retrieval of volcanic ash, implies that to fully appreciate the location and amount of ash, hyperspectral and spectral band measurements by satellite instruments should be combined with ash dispersion modelling

    Orbit Selection for the Proposed Lynx Observatory Mission

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    The Advanced Concepts Office design team performed several analyses and trades in support of orbit selection for the proposed Lynx mission, an x-ray observatory being submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Survey. Though the descriptions in this Technical Memorandum (TM) focus on the Lynx mission, the approach and process for selecting the final orbit is applicable to a variety of proposed science and exploration missions. To select the best orbit for the Lynx science, mission designers assembled a team of subsystem and discipline experts, in addition to mission analysts, to evaluate several candidate orbits. These discipline experts included members of the science and instrument team, power and avionics, thermal, propulsion, and environments. The goal was to clearly show the benefits and weaknesses of each orbit in the trade space and provide sound justification for the final selection. Discipline experts conducted trades and evaluated the results using a variety of methods including engineering judgement, rough estimates, and detailed calculations, and rolled the results into a final grade using a weighted grading method. The orbit options could then be ranked. The principal investigator (PI) for the mission, along with the science team, was given the task of final orbit selection. The result of the trades indicated that a halo orbit about the second Sun-Earth Lagrange point (SE-L2), similar to the planned orbit for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), was the best choice for the Lynx mission. Details of how the team arrived at this selection are below

    Evaluating privacy-preserving record linkage using cryptographic long-term keys and multibit trees on large medical datasets.

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    Background: Integrating medical data using databases from different sources by record linkage is a powerful technique increasingly used in medical research. Under many jurisdictions, unique personal identifiers needed for linking the records are unavailable. Since sensitive attributes, such as names, have to be used instead, privacy regulations usually demand encrypting these identifiers. The corresponding set of techniques for privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) has received widespread attention. One recent method is based on Bloom filters. Due to superior resilience against cryptographic attacks, composite Bloom filters (cryptographic long-term keys, CLKs) are considered best practice for privacy in PPRL. Real-world performance of these techniques using large-scale data is unknown up to now. Methods: Using a large subset of Australian hospital admission data, we tested the performance of an innovative PPRL technique (CLKs using multibit trees) against a gold-standard derived from clear-text probabilistic record linkage. Linkage time and linkage quality (recall, precision and F-measure) were evaluated. Results: Clear text probabilistic linkage resulted in marginally higher precision and recall than CLKs. PPRL required more computing time but 5 million records could still be de-duplicated within one day. However, the PPRL approach required fine tuning of parameters. Conclusions: We argue that increased privacy of PPRL comes with the price of small losses in precision and recall and a large increase in computational burden and setup time. These costs seem to be acceptable in most applied settings, but they have to be considered in the decision to apply PPRL. Further research on the optimal automatic choice of parameters is needed

    Interviewer effects on non-response propensity in longitudinal surveys:a multilevel modelling approach

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    The paper investigates two different multilevel approaches, the multilevel cross-classified and the multiple-membership models, for the analysis of interviewer effects on wave non-response in longitudinal surveys. The models proposed incorporate both interviewer and area effects to account for the non-hierarchical structure, the influence of potentially more than one interviewer across waves and possible confounding of area and interviewer effects arising from the non-random allocation of interviewers across areas. The methods are compared by using a data set: the UK Family and Children Survey