969 research outputs found

    Women and Priestly Ministry: The New Testament Evidence

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    In August 1976 the Executive Board of the Catholic Biblical Association of America appointed a committee of prominent scholars from its membership to study and report on the Role of Women in Early Christianity. This Committee developed into a Task Force whose members are Madeleine Boucher, Richard J Dillon, John R Donahue, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Eugene H Maly, Sandra M Schneiders, and Richard J Sklba. The statement is a précis of the ongoing discussion of the Task Force. Their conclusion: an examination of the biblical evidence shows that there is positive evidence in the NT that ministries were shared by various groups and that women did in fact exercise roles and functions later associated with priestly ministry; that the arguments against the admission of women to priestly ministry based on the praxis of Jesus and the apostles, disciplinary regulations, and the created order cannot be sustained. The conclusion we draw is that the NT evidence, while not decisive by itself, points toward the admission of women to priestly ministry

    Religious Life

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    Religious life is a generic term for a variety of forms of Christian life that originated, as a radical response to the gospel, in the rst century and continue to develop in the present, predominantly among Roman *Catholics and *Eastern Orthodox but also, especially recently, among Protestants and Anglicans. The Protestant community of *Taize in France has fostered ecumenical exchange

    Religion vs. Spirituality: A Contemporary Conundrum

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    The problem with which this essay is concerned is perhaps peculiar to contemporary first world western culture. It is, like many of our cultural problems such as inclusivity, addictions, and family breakdown, ironically a product, to a large extent, of our unprecedented abundance, leisure, and freedom. The problem is the relationship between religion and spirituality

    Helge Schneiders Nicht-Filme

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    Diese Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit den Filmen von Helge Schneider und vertritt die These, dass hinter Schneiders dilettantischen Schwachsinns-Filmen eine filmpolitische Dimension erkennbar ist. Schneiders Unsinn bezieht sich auf die Normen des Mediums und kann als „filmischer Unsinn“ gelesen werden. Die Arbeit wird sich zunĂ€chst mit dem Begriff des Nicht-Films den Filmen von Helge Schneider annĂ€hern. Anhand von Standardwerken zu Film- und ErzĂ€hltechnik soll gezeigt werden, dass sich Schneiders Filme gegen die Gewohnheiten des Mediums richten und gegen sĂ€mtliche Regeln verstoßen, die sich auf Film beziehen. Daran anschließend wird es im zweiten Teil der Arbeit um die Frage gehen, welche Begriffe und Diskurse, abgesehen von dem des Nicht-Films, fĂŒr Schneiders Filme relevant sind. Schneiders Filme sollen mit dem frĂŒhen Kino und mit theoretischen AnsĂ€tzen, die sich mit einer Filmsprache jenseits narrativer MaßstĂ€be auseinandersetzten, in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Schneiders Filme sind von einem befreiten und entfesselten Umgang mit dem Medium gekennzeichnet, der darauf abzielt, einen sinnvollen Film als in sich abgeschlossenes Werk zu verunmöglichen. Hier stellt sich heraus, dass der Begriff des Ereignisses ein zentraler SchlĂŒssel zum VerstĂ€ndnis von Schneiders Filmen ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Arbeit auf die filmische Improvisation sowie auf die RepĂ€sentationskritik in Schneiders performativem und direktem Kino eingehen. Abschließend soll die politische Bedeutung von Unsinn, AbsurditĂ€t und Freiheit in den Kontext von Schneiders filmischem Werk gestellt werden und Schneiders damit einhergehender Kunstbegriff thematisiert werden.This diploma thesis attends to the movies of Helge Schneider and supports the hypothesis that his dilettante and amateurish films contain a filmpolitical issue. The nonsense of Schneider is refering to a normatised understanding of the medium and therefore it has to be seen as „filmic nonsense“. At first the paper will approach to the movies of Helge Schneider by the term „antifilm“. The movies of Schneider disapprove standards within the medium and deconstruct a filmic canon. The second part concerns the question, which kind of discourses and definitions are relevant for Schneiders movies. The films will be taken into the context of early cinema in regard of their non-narrative and non-illusionistic theories. It can be shown, that Helge Schneider denies a senseful and homogenious film in his liberated handling of the medium. In this relation the term of „film as event“ is essential for Schneiders movies. Further the paper will focus on Schneiders filmic improvisation and his representational critique. As a conclusion political significance of nonsense and its relation to absurdity in the filmic work of Schneider will be examined

    Non-Dyadic Human-Robot Interaction: Concepts and Interaction Techniques

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    Non-Dyadic Collaboration In Human-Robot Interaction

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    Regulatory sandboxes in the energy sector: are they key to the transition to a net zero future?

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    Regulatory sandboxes are becoming a popular policy tool. They can play a key role in allowing for experimentation with new business models and roles enabled by net zero policies. This paper aims to assess whether sandboxes in the energy sector can play a key role in the transition to net zero. It reviews literature on the rollout of energy sandboxes so far, and focuses on the early movers, namely the Netherlands’ and United Kingdom’s sandboxes. The paper concludes that sandboxes can be a useful complementary tool to existing regulatory processes, as long as current limitations around their lack of representation of consumer interests, transparency, knowledge of experimenters, financial help, as well as short timeframes and inability to derogate from all applicable laws are addressed. These inhibit sandboxes from fulfilling their main aim; namely to enable stakeholders to learn from the challenges raised by a net zero future

    Is Accurate Understanding of Global Warming Necessary to Promote Willingness to Sacrifice?

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    Although not definitive, the authors\u27 study suggests potential benefits from having a general public better informed about global climate change. They find, e.g., that accurate information appears to increase willingness to accept personal sacrifice

    Editorial for Theological Studies (September 2011)

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