4,934 research outputs found

    The Effect of Focal Damage to the Right Medial Posterior Cerebellum on Word and Sentence Comprehension and Production

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    Functional imaging studies of neurologically intact adults have demonstrated that the right posterior cerebellum is activated during verb generation, semantic processing, sentence processing, and verbal fluency. Studies of patients with cerebellar damage converge to show that the cerebellum supports sentence processing and verbal fluency. However, to date there are no patient studies that investigated the specific importance of the right posterior cerebellum in language processing, because: (i) case studies presented patients with lesions affecting the anterior cerebellum (with or without damage to the posterior cerebellum), and (ii) group studies combined patients with lesions to different cerebellar regions, without specifically reporting the effects of right posterior cerebellar damage. Here we investigated whether damage to the right posterior cerebellum is critical for sentence processing and verbal fluency in four patients with focal stroke damage to different parts of the right posterior cerebellum (all involving Crus II, and lobules VII and VIII). We examined detailed lesion location by going beyond common anatomical definitions of cerebellar anatomy (i.e., according to lobules or vascular territory), and employed a recently proposed functional parcellation of the cerebellum. All four patients experienced language difficulties that persisted for at least a month after stroke but three performed in the normal range within a year. In contrast, one patient with more damage to lobule IX than the other patients had profound long-lasting impairments in the comprehension and repetition of sentences, and the production of spoken sentences during picture description. Spoken and written word comprehension and visual recognition memory were also impaired, however, verbal fluency was within the normal range, together with object naming, visual perception and verbal shortterm memory. This is the first study to show that focal damage to the right posterior cerebellum leads to language difficulties after stroke; and that processing impairments persisted in the case with most damage to lobule IX. We discuss these results in relation to current theories of cerebellar contribution to language processing. Overall, our study highlights the need for longitudinal studies of language function in patients with focal damage to different cerebellar regions, with functional imaging to understand the mechanisms that support recovery

    Potassium nutrition of heat-stressed lactating dairy cows

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    A Candidate Sub-Parsec Supermassive Binary Black Hole System

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    We identify SDSS J153636.22+044127.0, a QSO discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, as a promising candidate for a binary black hole system. This QSO has two broad-line emission systems separated by 3500 km/sec. The redder system at z=0.3889 also has a typical set of narrow forbidden lines. The bluer system (z=0.3727) shows only broad Balmer lines and UV Fe II emission, making it highly unusual in its lack of narrow lines. A third system, which includes only unresolved absorption lines, is seen at a redshift, z=0.3878, intermediate between the two emission-line systems. While the observational signatures of binary nuclear black holes remain unclear, J1536+0441 is unique among all QSOs known in having two broad-line regions, indicative of two separate black holes presently accreting gas. The interpretation of this as a bound binary system of two black holes having masses of 10^8.9 and 10^7.3 solar masses, yields a separation of ~ 0.1 parsec and an orbital period of ~100 years. The separation implies that the two black holes are orbiting within a single narrow-line region, consistent with the characteristics of the spectrum. This object was identified as an extreme outlier of a Karhunen-Loeve Transform of 17,500 z < 0.7 QSO spectra from the SDSS. The probability of the spectrum resulting from a chance superposition of two QSOs with similar redshifts is estimated at 2X10^-7, leading to the expectation of 0.003 such objects in the sample studied; however, even in this case, the spectrum of the lower redshift QSO remains highly unusual.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Nature in pres

    The Formation of the First Low-Mass Stars From Gas With Low Carbon and Oxygen Abundances

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    The first stars in the Universe are predicted to have been much more massive than the Sun. Gravitational condensation accompanied by cooling of the primordial gas due to molecular hydrogen, yields a minimum fragmentation scale of a few hundred solar masses. Numerical simulations indicate that once a gas clump acquires this mass, it undergoes a slow, quasi-hydrostatic contraction without further fragmentation. Here we show that as soon as the primordial gas - left over from the Big Bang - is enriched by supernovae to a carbon or oxygen abundance as small as ~0.01-0.1% of that found in the Sun, cooling by singly-ionized carbon or neutral oxygen can lead to the formation of low-mass stars. This mechanism naturally accommodates the discovery of solar mass stars with unusually low (10^{-5.3} of the solar value) iron abundance but with a high (10^{-1.3} solar) carbon abundance. The minimum stellar mass at early epochs is partially regulated by the temperature of the cosmic microwave background. The derived critical abundances can be used to identify those metal-poor stars in our Milky Way galaxy with elemental patterns imprinted by the first supernovae.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures (appeared today in Nature

    Distinction of representations via Bruhat-Tits buildings of p-adic groups

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    Introductory and pedagogical treatmeant of the article : P. Broussous "Distinction of the Steinberg representation", with an appendix by Fran\c{c}ois Court\`es, IMRN 2014, no 11, 3140-3157. To appear in Proceedings of Chaire Jean Morlet, Dipendra Prasad, Volker Heiermann Ed. 2017. Contains modified and simplified proofs of loc. cit. This article is written in memory of Fran\c{c}ois Court\`es who passed away in september 2016.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Exoplanet Catalogues

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    One of the most exciting developments in the field of exoplanets has been the progression from 'stamp-collecting' to demography, from discovery to characterisation, from exoplanets to comparative exoplanetology. There is an exhilaration when a prediction is confirmed, a trend is observed, or a new population appears. This transition has been driven by the rise in the sheer number of known exoplanets, which has been rising exponentially for two decades (Mamajek 2016). However, the careful collection, scrutiny and organisation of these exoplanets is necessary for drawing robust, scientific conclusions that are sensitive to the biases and caveats that have gone into their discovery. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss and demonstrate important considerations to keep in mind when examining or constructing a catalogue of exoplanets. First, we introduce the value of exoplanetary catalogues. There are a handful of large, online databases that aggregate the available exoplanet literature and render it digestible and navigable - an ever more complex task with the growing number and diversity of exoplanet discoveries. We compare and contrast three of the most up-to-date general catalogues, including the data and tools that are available. We then describe exoplanet catalogues that were constructed to address specific science questions or exoplanet discovery space. Although we do not attempt to list or summarise all the published lists of exoplanets in the literature in this chapter, we explore the case study of the NASA Kepler mission planet catalogues in some detail. Finally, we lay out some of the best practices to adopt when constructing or utilising an exoplanet catalogue.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Invited review chapter, to appear in "Handbook of Exoplanets", edited by H.J. Deeg and J.A. Belmonte, section editor N. Batalh

    Right cerebral motor areas that support accurate speech production following damage to cerebellar speech areas

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    Specific regions of the cerebellum are activated when neurologically intact adults speak, and cerebellar damage can impair speech production early after stroke, but how the brain supports accurate speech production years after cerebellar damage remains unknown. We investigated this in patients with cerebellar lesions affecting regions that are normally recruited during speech production. Functional MRI activation in these patients, measured during various single word production tasks, was compared to that of neurologically intact controls, and patient controls with lesions that spared the cerebellar speech production regions. Our analyses revealed that, during a range of speech production tasks, patients with damage to cerebellar speech production regions had greater activation in the right dorsal premotor cortex (r-PMd) and right supplementary motor area (r-SMA) compared to neurologically intact controls. The loci of increased activation in cerebral motor speech areas motivate future studies to delineate the functional contributions of different parts of the speech production network, and test whether non-invasive stimulation to r-PMd and r-SMA facilitates speech recovery after cerebellar stroke

    Avoiding catastrophic failure in correlated networks of networks

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    Networks in nature do not act in isolation but instead exchange information, and depend on each other to function properly. An incipient theory of Networks of Networks have shown that connected random networks may very easily result in abrupt failures. This theoretical finding bares an intrinsic paradox: If natural systems organize in interconnected networks, how can they be so stable? Here we provide a solution to this conundrum, showing that the stability of a system of networks relies on the relation between the internal structure of a network and its pattern of connections to other networks. Specifically, we demonstrate that if network inter-connections are provided by hubs of the network and if there is a moderate degree of convergence of inter-network connection the systems of network are stable and robust to failure. We test this theoretical prediction in two independent experiments of functional brain networks (in task- and resting states) which show that brain networks are connected with a topology that maximizes stability according to the theory.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figure

    Interleukin-1β sequesters hypoxia inducible factor 2α to the primary cilium.

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    BACKGROUND: The primary cilium coordinates signalling in development, health and disease. Previously we have shown that the cilium is essential for the anabolic response to loading and the inflammatory response to interleukin-1β (IL-1β). We have also shown the primary cilium elongates in response to IL-1β exposure. Both anabolic phenotype and inflammatory pathology are proposed to be dependent on hypoxia-inducible factor 2 alpha (HIF-2α). The present study tests the hypothesis that an association exists between the primary cilium and HIFs in inflammatory signalling. RESULTS: Here we show, in articular chondrocytes, that IL-1β-induces primary cilia elongation with alterations to cilia trafficking of arl13b. This elongation is associated with a transient increase in HIF-2α expression and accumulation in the primary cilium. Prolyl hydroxylase inhibition results in primary cilia elongation also associated with accumulation of HIF-2α in the ciliary base and axoneme. This recruitment and the associated cilia elongation is not inhibited by blockade of HIFα transcription activity or rescue of basal HIF-2α expression. Hypomorphic mutation to intraflagellar transport protein IFT88 results in limited ciliogenesis. This is associated with increased HIF-2α expression and inhibited response to prolyl hydroxylase inhibition. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that ciliary sequestration of HIF-2α provides negative regulation of HIF-2α expression and potentially activity. This study indicates, for the first time, that the primary cilium regulates HIF signalling during inflammation
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