211 research outputs found

    Metodologias simplificadas de avaliação do desempenho energético de edificações

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    Esse trabalho apresenta uma revisão das principais metodologias simplificadas de avaliação do desempenho energético de edificações As diversas formas de modelagem dos fenômenos térmicos é apresentada para então mostrar as metodologias simplificadas em ambientes monozona. A maior atenção é dada aos modelos baseados em analogia elétrica e em regressão linear. Após a revisão, é feita uma avaliação crítica das diversas metodologias apresentadas para possibilitar a escolha de uma dessas para o desenvolvimento de um diagnóstico energético conforme o grau de precisão desejado

    Inverse design methodology to optimize sensible thermal energy storage systems working as rectifiers

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    The main goal of this paper is to present a methodology to achieve the optimal design of a sensible thermal energy storage system (T3S) working as a thermal rectifier. The system was composed by the heat storage material (HSM), distributed in a set of flat parallel plates, and the working fluid, both modeled by a simplified lumped element model (LEM). The ratio of operational outlet temperature range to source temperature oscillation is defined as the designed rectifying duty. Optimization procedure combines a one‐factor‐at‐a‐time (OFAT) and line search strategies in order to find optimal T3S design that satisfies the designed rectifying duty with the minimum HSM mass. The inverse design philosophy is applied to the optimal results to generalize the T3S dynamic behavior as functions fitting curves of the number of transfer unit (NTU) and the time constant τ. These fitting curves can be used to identify T3S geometric parameters, HSM thermal properties, fluid inlet conditions, among others, which guarantee the outlet fluid temperature to be found within the operational range with the minimum HSM mass. A three step‐by‐step sequence design methodology is presented and detailed, based on design charts from the NTU and τ correlations. The proposed design methodology is able to find the optimal plate length L, plate thickness es, and plate distance e f that satisfies the designed rectifying duty for three test cases. These optimal T3S designs are simulated in a computer fluid dynamics (CFD) code, with deviations below 1.5% between the designed rectifying duty and the one simulated. With the proposed approach, several design solutions or configurations can be found for T3S operating as a thermal rectifier based on NTU and τ fitting curves submitted to a sinusoidal cyclic temperature input and with constant and uniform HSM and fluid properties

    Auditoria energética visando o selo Procel de Economia de energia para uma Edificação Pública de Ensino / Energy audit aiming at the Procel seal of energy savings for a Public Education Building

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    O presente artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma auditoria energética em uma edificação pública com vistas à obtenção do Selo Procel Edificações. A etiqueta PBE Edifica identifica o desempenho energético da edificação através da classificação em categorias mais eficientes (A) até menos eficientes (E). O selo é obtido ao se alcançar a classificação A na avaliação completa da edificação, o que compreende a envoltória, a iluminação e o condicionamento de ar. O prédio público selecionado para a auditoria é a Faculdade de Farmácia da UFRGS, localizado em Porto Alegre/RS. As análises são feitas a partir da utilização dos métodos de simulação e prescrição, seguindo as diretrizes normativas do RTQ-C (Requisitos Técnicos da Qualidade para o nível de Eficiência Energética de Edificações Comerciais, de Serviços e Públicos). O software EnergyPlus® é usado para a simulação do comportamento transiente anual da edificação e da estimativa do seu consumo energético final. A avaliação da edificação em seu estado atual classifica-a como C na etiqueta PBE Edifica e, portanto, não apta ao Selo Procel Edificações. A redução do consumo da edificação em até 20% em relação ao estado atual é atingida com a utilização de lâmpadas de LED, colocação de película nos vidros, pintura das paredes com cores claras e modernização do sistema de condicionamento de ar. A instalação da película seletiva se mostrou como a de melhor retorno financeiro, com VPL positivo de cerca de 720 mil reais, TIR em 25%, e tempo de retorno de investimento de 4 anos e 8 meses

    Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology:An energy storage solution for islands, coastal regions, offshore wind power and hydrogen compression

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    The world is undergoing a substantial energy transition with an increasing share of intermittent sources of energy on the grid such as wind and solar. These variable renewable energy sources require an energy storage solution to allow a smooth integration of these sources. Batteries can provide short-term storage solutions. However, there is still a need for technologies that can provide weekly energy storage at locations without potential for pumped hydro storage. This paper presents innovative solutions for energy storage based on “buoyancy energy storage” in the deep ocean. The ocean has large depths where potential energy can be stored in gravitational based energy storage systems. The deeper the system, the greater the amount of stored energy. The cost of Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology (BEST) is estimated to vary from 50 to 100 USD/kWh of stored electric energy and 4,000 to 8,000 USD/kW of installed capacity. BES could be a feasible option to complement batteries, providing weekly storage cycles. As well as from storing energy, the system can also be used to compress hydrogen efficiently

    Buoyancy energy storage technology : an energy storage solution for islands, coastal regions, offshore wind power and hydrogen compression

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    The world is undergoing a substantial energy transition with an increasing share of intermittent sources of energy on the grid such as wind and solar. These variable renewable energy sources require an energy storage solution to allow a smooth integration of these sources. Batteries can provide short-term storage solutions. However, there is still a need for technologies that can provide weekly energy storage at locations without potential for pumped hydro storage. This paper presents innovative solutions for energy storage based on “buoyancy energy storage” in the deep ocean. The ocean has large depths where potential energy can be stored in gravitational based energy storage systems. The deeper the system, the greater the amount of stored energy. The cost of Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology (BEST) is estimated to vary from 50 to 100 USD/kWh of stored electric energy and 4,000 to 8,000 USD/kW of installed capacity. BES could be a feasible option to complement batteries, providing weekly storage cycles. As well as from storing energy, the system can also be used to compress hydrogen efficiently