606 research outputs found

    A Theater Intervention to Prevent Teen Dating Violence for Mexican-American Middle School Students

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    Purpose To test a theater intervention designed to raise awareness of the dynamics and consequences of teen dating violence (TDV) and to facilitate creation of nonviolent responses to TDV among Latino and Latina adolescents. The intervention was based on Theater of the Oppressed, which advocates the use of theater methods to explore social issues and to allow audiences to experiment with problem-solving, thereby promoting change. Methods This study used a pretest–posttest, no control group, mixed-measures design to study 66 Mexican-American adolescents (mean age, 13.4 ± 5 years). Two plays containing subtle and overt signs of control and abuse were written and performed. Scripts were based on data from prior studies of TDV among Latino and Latina adolescents. At baseline, we measured sociodemographics, personal safety, and ethnic identity. Pre–post instruments measured acceptance of TDV, confidence to resolve conflicts nonviolently, and intentions to use nonviolent strategies to resolve conflict. We collected qualitative data via essay. Results At posttest, participants had less acceptance of TDV (t = −2.08; p \u3c .05), increased confidence to resolve conflicts nonviolently (t = 3.82; p \u3c .001), and higher intentions to use nonviolent strategies (t = 3.35; p = .001). We analyzed 20 essays. Qualitative results provided context for understanding participants\u27 changes in attitude, confidence, and nonviolent behavioral intentions. Conclusions This adaptation of Theater of the Oppressed was an effective way to interact with Latino adolescents. In a safe setting, participants vicariously experienced TDV, which facilitated self-reflection and cognitive rehearsal strategies to respond nonviolently to TDV

    Changes in diatom productivity and upwelling intensity off Peru since the Last Glacial Maximum: Response to basin-scale atmospheric and oceanic forcing

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    New records of stable silicon isotope signatures (δ30Si) together with concentrations of biogenic opal and organic carbon from the central (9° S) and northern (5° S) Peruvian margin reveal changes in diatom productivity and nutrient utilization during the past 20,000 years. The findings are based on a new approach using the difference between the δ30Si signatures of small (11-32μm) and large (>150μm) diatom fractions (Δ30Sicoscino-bSi) in combination with the variance in diatom assemblages for reconstruction of past upwelling intensity. Combination of our records with two previously published records from the southern upwelling area off Peru (12-15° S) shows a general decoupling of the environmental conditions at the central and southern shelf mainly caused by a northward shift of the main upwelling cell from its modern position (12-15° S) towards 9° S during Termination 1. At this time only moderate upwelling intensity and productivity levels prevailed between 9° S and 12° S interpreted by a more northerly position of Southern Westerly Winds and the South Pacific Subtropical High. Furthermore, a marked decrease in productivity at 12-15° S during Heinrich Stadial 1 coincided with enhanced biogenic opal production in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, which was induced by a southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence zone and enhanced northeasterly trade winds. Modern conditions were only established at the onset of the Holocene. Past changes in preformed δ30Si signatures of subsurface waters reaching the Peruvian Upwelling System did not significantly affect the preserved δ30Si signatures

    Structure and mechanism of the RNA dependent RNase Cas13a from Rhodobacter capsulatus

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    Cas13a are single-molecule effectors of the Class II, Type VI family of CRISPR-Cas systems that are part of the bacterial and archaeal defense systems. These RNA-guided and RNA-activated RNA endonucleases are characterized by their ability to cleave target RNAs complementary to the crRNA-spacer sequence, as well as bystander RNAs in a sequence-unspecific manner. Due to cleavage of cellular transcripts they induce dormancy in the host cell and thus protect the bacterial population by aborting the infectious cycle of RNA-phages. Here we report the structural and functional characterization of a Cas13a enzyme from the photo-auxotrophic purple bacteria Rhodobacter capsulatus. The X-ray crystal structure of the RcCas13a-crRNA complex reveals its distinct crRNA recognition mode as well as the enzyme in its contracted, pre-activation conformation. Using site-directed mutagenesis in combination with mass spectrometry, we identified key residues responsible for pre-crRNA processing by RcCas13a in its distinct catalytic site, and elucidated the acid-base mediated cleavage reaction mechanism. In addition, RcCas13a cleaves target-RNA as well as bystander-RNAs in Escherichia coli which requires its catalytic active HEPN (higher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide binding) domain nuclease activity. Our data provide further insights into the molecular mechanisms and function of this intriguing family of RNA-dependent RNA endonucleases that are already employed as efficient tools for RNA detection and regulation of gene expression

    Clickable report tags for identification of modified peptides by mass spectrometry

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    The identification and quantification of modified peptides are critical for the functional characterization of post-translational protein modifications (PTMs) to elucidate their biological function. Nowadays, quantitative mass spectrometry coupled with various bioinformatic pipelines has been successfully used for the determination of a wide range of PTMs. However, direct characterization of low abundant protein PTMs in bottom-up proteomic workflow remains challenging. Here, we present the synthesis and evaluation of tandem mass spectrometry tags (TMT) which are introduced via click-chemistry into peptides bearing alkyne handles. The fragmentation properties of the two mass tags were validated and used for screening in a model system and analysis of AMPylated proteins. The presented tags provide a valuable tool for diagnostic peak generation to increase confidence in the identification of modified peptides and potentially for direct peptide-PTM quantification from various experimental conditions

    The Impact of Worksite Weight-Related Social Norms on Associated Behaviors

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    Objective: To assess the association between descriptive social norms for weight and weight-related behaviors and associated behaviors at the worksite. Design and Sample: Baseline data from site-randomized trial of a worksite ecological intervention for weight control; 12 public high schools in central Massachusetts; Sample of 844 employees enrolled (~ 2/3 of all employees). Conclusions: Associations of weight loss and eating social norms with behavior; Unique from social support; No association of physical activity social norms with physical activity; May be little opportunity for and therefore little exposure to physical activity during the workday; Results support the development of weight loss interventions that address social norms for weight loss and eating behaviors at work

    Long‐term effects of pallidal and thalamic deep brain stimulation in myoclonus dystonia

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    Objective: Observational study to evaluate long-term effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus internus (GPi) and the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus (VIM) on patients with medically refractory myoclonus dystonia (MD). Background: More recently, pallidal as well as thalamic DBS have been applied successfully in MD but long-term data are sparse. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of seven MD patients with either separate (n = 1, VIM) or combined GPi- DBS and VIM-DBS (n = 6). Myoclonus, dystonia and disability were rated at baseline (BL), short-term (ST-FU) and long-term follow-up (LT-FU) using the United Myoclonus Rating Scale, Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) and Tsui rating scale, respectively. Quality of life (QoL) and mood were evaluated using the SF-36 and Beck Depression Inventory questionnaires, respectively. Results: Patients reached a significant reduction of myoclonus at ST-FU (62% ± 7.3%; mean ± SE) and LT-FU (68% ± 3.4%). While overall motor BFMDRS changes were not significant at LT-FU, patients with GPi-DBS alone responded better and predominant cervical dystonia ameliorated significantly up to 54% ± 9.7% at long-term. Mean disability scores significantly improved by 44% ± 11.4% at ST-FU and 58% ± 14.8% at LT-FU. Mood and QoL remained unchanged between 5 and up to 20 years postoperatively. No serious long-lasting stimulation-related adverse events were observed. Conclusions: We present a cohort of MD patients with very long follow-up of pallidal and/or thalamic DBS that supports the GPi as the favourable stimulation target in MD with safe and sustaining effects on motor symptoms (myoclonus>dystonia) and disability

    Data-driven Distributionally Robust Optimization over Time

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    Stochastic Optimization (SO) is a classical approach for optimization under uncertainty that typically requires knowledge about the probability distribution of uncertain parameters. As the latter is often unknown, Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) provides a strong alternative that determines the best guaranteed solution over a set of distributions (ambiguity set). In this work, we present an approach for DRO over time that uses online learning and scenario observations arriving as a data stream to learn more about the uncertainty. Our robust solutions adapt over time and reduce the cost of protection with shrinking ambiguity. For various kinds of ambiguity sets, the robust solutions converge to the SO solution. Our algorithm achieves the optimization and learning goals without solving the DRO problem exactly at any step. We also provide a regret bound for the quality of the online strategy which converges at a rate of O(logT/T)\mathcal{O}(\log T / \sqrt{T}), where TT is the number of iterations. Furthermore, we illustrate the effectiveness of our procedure by numerical experiments on mixed-integer optimization instances from popular benchmark libraries and give practical examples stemming from telecommunications and routing. Our algorithm is able to solve the DRO over time problem significantly faster than standard reformulations