221 research outputs found

    Versorgung Digital : AALBridge

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    Pflege- und Alterseinrichtungen bekunden zunehmend Interesse an Active Assisted Living (AAL)-Lösungen. Aktuell fehlen aber Wegleitungen fĂŒr deren Einsatz, insbesondere bei Sondersettings. AALBridge untersucht einerseits das Sondersetting «BrĂŒckenfunktionsangebot » als ein neues mögliches Angebot von Pflege- und Alterseinrichtungen fĂŒr Ă€ltere Menschen nach einem Spitalaufenthalt. Andererseits sollen konkrete user-centred AAL-Lösungen und digitale Daten- und Informationslösungen fĂŒr dieses Setting identifiziert werden. Ziel ist es, zu verstehen, wie eine bessere Integration smarter ICT-Lösungen aus dem AAL-Bereich und digitaler Informationen (des medizinisch-pflegerischen und des nicht-medizinischen Bereichs) erreicht werden kann. Egal, ob wir in Zukunft Sondersettings im Sinne eines Hospital at home oder eines BrĂŒckenfunktionsangebotes realisieren, jedes Angebot fĂŒr Ă€ltere Menschen braucht konsequent die Abstimmung und Vernetzung aller Beteiligten, also der Ă€lteren Menschen, der Angehörigen und des Fachpersonals ĂŒber die institutionellen Grenzen hinweg

    Digitally transforming facility management in healthcare : a systematic review of key digital technologies and systems

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    The COVID-19 pandemic led to an acceleration of digitalisation in healthcare institutions, not only in the medical field but also within non-medical, which includes facility management (FM). FM organisations are increasingly confronted with the need to digitally transform their operations and to implement new digital technologies. This paper aims at providing scholars and professionals with an overview of the various digital technologies and systems that are relevant in shaping the digital transformation. An integrative literature review has been chosen, as it provides a systematic approach to map, collate and report on key findings and concepts from the literature for researchers and practitioners. Overall, 33 articles were systematically reviewed. 22 different digital technologies and systems were identified in the literature and were added to so-called technology clusters. From all the described technologies, Building Information Modelling (BIM) is most prominently cited. Furthermore, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), Digital Twins (DT), and Blockchain technologies are commonly found. Additional technologies and systems mentioned in the literature, though not further detailed, were also added within a separate cluster. This study also discusses the implications for the digital transformation which is important when introducing novel digital technologies in healthcare organisations. It is argued that FM in healthcare needs to focus on integrating technologies, both at a technological level, and particularly at an organisational and interorganisational level

    Es werde Licht im dunklen Digital-Urwald

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    In MĂ€rchen wird immer wieder vom dunklen Wald berichtet, in welchem sich der MĂ€rchenheld oder die MĂ€rchenheldin zurechtfinden, Gefahren ĂŒberwinden oder BĂŒndnisse eingehen muss, um heil davonzukommen oder gar gestĂ€rkt aus dem Abenteuer hervorzugehen. Nehmen wir den dunklen Wald als Analogie fĂŒr unseren privaten und geschĂ€ftlichen digitalen Alltag

    Lost in Transformation

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    Durch die COVID-19 Krise wurde noch einmal die Dringlichkeit der Digitalisierung in den Schweizer SpitÀlern deutlich. Aber wo zuerst investieren und was zahlt sich am Ende wirklich aus? Wie schaffen die Institutionen die digitale Transformation insgesamt? Diese Fragen soll das kommende Forschungsprojekt DC4HC beantworten

    Die Messung des digitalen Reifegrads

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    Im Zuge der COVID-19 Pandemie, des verstĂ€rkten Kostendrucks, des FachkrĂ€ftemangels und der behördlichen Massnahmen hat die Digitalisierung die Schweizer Gesundheitsorganisationen voll erfasst. Dies betrifft nicht nur die medizinisch-pflegerischen Bereiche, sondern auch die nicht-medizinischen Supportprozesse. Gerade hier fehlen geeignete Instrumente, um die Gesundheitsorganisationen in ihrem Digitalisierungsprozess zu unterstĂŒtzen. Abhilfe könnte die digitale Assessment Plattform schaffen, entstanden aus dem Forschungsprojekt Digital Competence for Healthcare DC4HC

    Lessons Learned: The Multifaceted Field of (Digital) Neighborhood Development

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    In a cross-national project, 14 neighborhoods from Germany, Austria and Switzerland were accompanied on their way to digitally supported neighborhood work. This paper discusses general requirements, choosing a suitable digital tool, the implementation process as well as the challenges faced by the various stakeholders. The following factors have been found to play a major role in sustainable neighborhood work: good fit with overall development strategy, interplay between online neighborhood work and physical interactions, strong existing neighborhood management structures, strategic planning of digitalization activities, start-up funding for innovation activities, and above all, the presence of a committed person or team as well as interesting content to attract users. Depending on the neighborhood, self-managed and individualistic solutions are preferred to generic and/or commercial solutions. There is no ‘fit-for-all’ path to sustainable digitally supported neighborhoods

    Multiband diffusion-weighted MRI of the eye and orbit free of geometric distortions using a RARE-EPI hybrid

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    Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) provides information on tissue microstructure. Single-shot echo planar imaging (EPI) is the most common technique for DWI applications in the brain, but is prone to geometric distortions and signal voids. Rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement [RARE, also known as fast spin echo (FSE)] imaging presents a valuable alternative to DWI with high anatomical accuracy. This work proposes a multi-shot diffusion-weighted RARE-EPI hybrid pulse sequence, combining the anatomical integrity of RARE with the imaging speed and radiofrequency (RF) power deposition advantage of EPI. The anatomical integrity of RARE-EPI was demonstrated and quantified by center of gravity analysis for both morphological images and diffusion-weighted acquisitions in phantom and in vivo experiments at 3.0 T and 7.0 T. The results indicate that half of the RARE echoes in the echo train can be replaced by EPI echoes whilst maintaining anatomical accuracy. The reduced RF power deposition of RARE-EPI enabled multiband RF pulses facilitating simultaneous multi-slice imaging. This study shows that diffusion-weighted RARE-EPI has the capability to acquire high fidelity, distortion-free images of the eye and the orbit. It is shown that RARE-EPI maintains the immunity to B0 inhomogeneities reported for RARE imaging. This benefit can be exploited for the assessment of ocular masses and pathological changes of the eye and the orbit

    Reifegradmodelle als Grundlage fĂŒr den digitalen VerĂ€nderungsprozess im Facility Management in Healthcare : eine integrative Literaturrecherche

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    Healthcare organizations frequently lack the knowledge about the digital maturity of their non-medical support services to which facility management (FM) belongs. However, there is a significant leveraging effect in the digital transformation. It would be important for FM organizations to understanding their current digital capabilities in order to draw strategic decisions. Despite the extensive variety of maturity models, a comprehensive framework for this domain is lacking. The aim of this paper is to create a fundamental understanding, from which to develop a dedicated model. An integrative review was performed to systematically collect, screen and review the literature. A total of 124 articles were screened. Of these, 96 articles were further reviewed. The findings show that none of the identified maturity models cover all organizational domains and systems of healthcare organizations. Moreover, there is a clear contrast observed with digital maturity models in the FM domain. These maturity models mostly address individual technology applications, which limits the effectiveness of such models for an FM organization. Overall, the integrative review demonstrates the need to develop a holistic maturity model for FM in healthcare, that includes transformational capabilities, rather than just technological applications. As such a maturity model should offer a level of adaptability for healthcare organizations to align the model to their organizational characteristics

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning for maturity evaluation and model validation

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    In this paper, we discuss the possibility of using machine learning (ML) to specify and validate maturity models, in particular maturity models related to the assessment of digital capabilities of an organization. Over the last decade, a rather large number of maturity models have been suggested for different aspects (such as type of technology or considered processes) and in relation to different industries. Usually, these models are based on a number of assumptions such as the data used for the assessment, the mathematical formulation of the model and various parameters such as weights or importance indicators. Empirical evidence for such assumptions is usually lacking. We investigate the potential of using data from assessments over time and for similar institutions for the ML of respective models. Related concepts are worked out in some details and for some types of maturity assessment models, a possible application of the concept is discussed

    Are language production problems apparent in adults who no longer meet diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?

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    In this study, we examined sentence production in a sample of adults (N = 21) who had had attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as children, but as adults no longer met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria (APA, 2000). This “remitted” group was assessed on a sentence production task. On each trial, participants saw two objects and a verb. Their task was to construct a sentence using the objects as arguments of the verb. Results showed more ungrammatical and disfluent utterances with one particular type of verb (i.e., participle). In a second set of analyses, we compared the remitted group to both control participants and a “persistent” group, who had ADHD as children and as adults. Results showed that remitters were more likely to produce ungrammatical utterances and to make repair disfluencies compared to controls, and they patterned more similarly to ADHD participants. Conclusions focus on language output in remitted ADHD, and the role of executive functions in language production
