6 research outputs found

    A sustentabilidade nas políticas públicas de crédito rural e seguro agrícola para a agricultura familiar

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    This paper aims identify and understand the operational dynamics and capacity of the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf) and the Family Agriculture Insurance (SEAF) to stimulate or restrict the adoption of sustainability principles. The theoretical reference of “Three I’s” oriented the analysis by the ideas, interests and institutions that interfere on the technical-productive rationality of the family farmers, stimulating them and/or coercing to adopt techniques and inputs towards the greater or lesser sustainability - understood here as a gradual step, since nothing is totally sustainable. The case study conducted in nineteen municipalities in the Far West region of Santa Catarina included semi-structured interviews with twenty local operators and 37 family farmers, among whom nine are oriented by agroecology. The discourse analysis of the interviews allows to conclude that these public policies offer stimuli to the adoption of more intensive systems of production that disregard the precepts of sustainability, besides facing difficulties to meet the specificities of the production guided by agroecology.O objetivo do trabalho foi identi car e compreender as dinâmicas operacionais e a capacidade do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf) e do Seguro da Agricultura Familiar (SEAF) em estimular ou restringir a adoção dos preceitos da sustentabilidade. O referencial teórico dos "Três Is" orientou a análise pelas ideias, interesses e instituições que interferem sobre a racionalidade técnico-produtiva dos agricultores familiares, lhes estimulando e/ou coagindo a adotar técnicas e insumos na direção da maior ou menor sustentabilidade - aqui entendida como um parâmetro gradual, visto que nada é totalmente sustentável. O estudo de caso conduzido em dezenove municípios região Extremo Oeste Catarinense contemplou entrevistas semiestruturadas com vinte operadores locais e 37 agricultores familiares, dentre o quais nove são orientados pela agroecologia. A análise de discurso das entrevistas permite concluir que essas políticas públicas oferecem estímulos à adoção de sistemas de produção mais intensivos que desconsideram preceitos da sustentabilidade, além de enfrentarem dificuldades para atender as especi cidades da produção orientada pela agroecologia.

    Land use and land cover mapping in detailed scale: A case study in santa rosa de Lima-SC

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    It is challenging to reconcile large scale data with the dynamic characteristics present in land use. Such dynamism requires data with a high repetition of sampling. An alternative is the integration of data of high spatial resolution and low temporal resolution, with that of high temporal resolution and low spatial resolution. The aim addressed in this article is related to the integration of aerial photographs and temporal series for land use and land cover mapping in high detail scale. We conducted a case study in Santa Rosa de Lima-SC. The main data used was the aerial survey that overlaid the state of Santa Catarina, executed in 2010/2011. The interpretation key included typical elements of photointerpretation (color, texture, size, shape), aiming to classify the land use and land cover classes. The mapping evaluation resulted in 75.6% global accuracy, ranging from 54% (Grassland and Wetlands) to 96% (Water Bodies and Rocks). Such results are considered satisfactory. The integration of high-resolution images with high temporal resolution data has enabled the discrimination between classes that present great difficulties of separability. Such discrimination is essential in the territorial management processes of Encosta da Serra and the municipality of Santa Rosa de Lima

    Carbon sequestration potential of pastures in Southern Brazil: A systematic review

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    ABSTRACT Since the industrial revolution, human activities have emitted approximately 2,500 Gt of CO2, increasing the concentration of atmospheric CO2 by 50 % compared to pre-industrial levels. To better understand the potential for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through proper management of degraded pasture areas, we conducted a systematic literature review and identified 23 publications reporting carbon sequestration values for pastures managed under different conditions in the south and southeast regions of Brazil. From this dataset, 17 publications considered to be in line with the research premises were selected to estimate the potential for soil carbon sequestration (SEQ) through pasture recovery in the southern region of Brazil, using conservative and regenerative agricultural management practices. Results show that managed pastures can sustain carbon sequestration rates of around 2.50 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 over approximately 20 years. However, due to the numerous variables influencing SEQ rates, the limited number of publications, and the lack of data for some variables among them, a more extensive analysis of publications and data is needed to establish causal and preponderance relationships regarding the effect of each variable on the found SEQ rates. Under current pasture occupation conditions in Brazil’s south region, it is estimated these areas could sequester between 0.433 and 1.273 Gt CO2 at the end of 20 years if managed under appropriate practices. These numbers are not representative to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration from legacy emissions and significantly mitigate physical impacts of climate change, reinforcing the importance of prioritizing the reduction of global GHG emissions as the primary mitigation strategy. On the other hand, from the perspective of mitigating the national agricultural sector’s annual GHG emissions, this potential cannot be considered negligible. Carbon sequestration by soils under agricultural management can play a vital role in mitigating climate change, integrating the set of necessary solutions and actions for a Paris Agreement goals compatible trajectory of limiting global warming to between 1.5 and 2 °C by the end of the century

    Relatorio e revisao bibligrafica do estagio supervisionado

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Agronomia

    Pathways to agroecological management through mediated markets in Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Agroecology, as a social movement and scientific discipline, applies ecological principles to the design and management of agricultural systems to improve environmental outcomes and livelihoods for farmers and rural communities. However, little research to date has assessed the policy mechanisms that could facilitate increased adoption of agroecological management practices. We investigated if and how public food procurement programs that provide financial incentives for organic and agroecological production can mitigate key constraints to agroecological transition. We explored the experience of participants in Brazil’s National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in Santa Catarina, which offers both a structured market for small-scale family farmers and a price premium for certified agroecological production systems. We found that the PNAE provides an economic incentive for small-scale farmers to begin an agroecological transition by creating a price-differentiated market that is otherwise absent in the regional context. However, without external network linkages – such as participation in farmers’ associations, cooperatives, and non-governmental agricultural extension programs that support agroecological practices – the influence of PNAE is limited in stimulating a broader scaling up of agroecological production


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    It is challenging to reconcile large scale data with the dynamic characteristics present in land use.Such dynamism requires data with a high repetition of sampling. An alternative is the integration of data of high spatial resolution and low temporal resolution, with that of high temporal resolution and low spatial resolution. The aim addressed in this article is related to the integrationof aerial photographs and temporal series for land use and land cover mapping in high detail scale. We conducted a case study in Santa Rosa de Lima-SC. The main data used was the aerial survey that overlaid the state of Santa Catarina, executed in 2010/2011. The interpretation key included typical elements of hotointerpretation (color, texture, size, shape), aiming to classify the land use and land cover classes. The mapping evaluation resulted in 75.6% global accuracy, ranging from 54% Grassland and Wetlands) to 96% (Water Bodies and Rocks). Such results are considered satisfactory. The integration of high-resolution images with high temporal resolution data has enabled the iscrimination between classes that present great difficulties of separability. Such discrimination is essential in the territorial management processes of Encosta da Serra and the municipality of Santa Rosa de Lima