224 research outputs found

    Two Basic Option Strategies for Producers: Buying Puts and Shorting Calls

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    Beginning in the Fall of 1984, agricultural producers and agribusinesses will be confronted with another dimension of the deregulation trend in American Industry. Options on domestically produced agricultural commodities once again can be traded. As the country debates the 1985 Farm Bill, producers and agribusinesses must be making every effort to be prepared for the possibility of greater dependence on the market oriented policies in agriculture. In a free market environment, options, and their associated strategies must be considered as part of producer and agribusiness market strategies. This paper describes the basic terms and types of options, examines two option trading strategies and discusses where commodity options fit in the alternative marketing strategies available to producers

    Mergers--What to Look For, When Should We Study, What Signals a Potential Merger

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    The Approach to the Unchurched

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    If God really sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to be the Savior of all men, then the most pressing and urgent task of every Christian is to bring this message to the entire world. It is a Satanic paradox for the Christian who has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior to stand idly by while countless millions of souls about him are heedlessly rushing to eternal perdition. The mission of the Christian church rests upon certain facts clearly taught in the Scriptures

    Rights, Water, and Guardians: How Rights of Nature Movements are Reshaping our Current Environmental Ethics and What These Policies Need to be Successful

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    Giving legal rights to nature is no longer a fringe idea in international environmental law. Rights of Nature movements have gained traction in countries around the world, including Ecuador, Australia, India, Aotearoa New Zealand, and the United States. The act of organizing to recognize legal rights and legal personhood for nature represents a philosophical, moral, and political shift from previous anthropocentric values. Through two case studies in Aotearoa New Zealand and the United States, this thesis examines the policy language and the context and history that led to their creation. The Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Act and the Lake Erie Bill of Rights are two examples of movements and policies that created legal rights for a natural entity, a river, and a lake, respectively. My analysis of these two unique case studies illustrates some of the elements necessary for such policies to be implemented and enforced effectively: careful consideration of the local community and existing systems, a collaboration between marginalized groups and legislatures, and chosen leaders to oversee implementation and guardianship of the entity. Using the text of the legislation, court cases, press releases, and images, I analyze the impacts, both philosophical and practical, of these salient political and environmental movements

    Sardanapalus and Gender: Examining Gender in the Works of Byron and Delacroix

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    This thesis discusses the gender standards as portrayed in Lord Byron\u27s play Sardanapalus (1824) and Eugène Delacroix\u27s painting Death of Sardanapalus (1828). These Romantic artists were part of a movement that changed gender rules forever. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought about a culture that was more visual than ever and symbols of gender identity were everywhere. Rules of masculinity evolved from valuing raw power to including middle class virtues like moderation. Women continued to be objects of male desire but also began to represent the nation and its history. To explore the specific gender relationships within Byron\u27s play and Delacroix\u27s painting, this thesis analyzes both works and builds on existing scholarship to provide a new analysis that changes the way we look at Sardanapalus. Even though Byron is cited as the source for Delacroix\u27s painting, their approaches to gender are vastly different. Byron presents an alternative ideal man in Sardanapalus while Delacroix rejects this new ideal and depicts Sardanapalus as a weak king, relaxing in a corner while destruction is all around him

    Basic Cooperative Principles and Methods of Doing Business

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    This paper will first define what a cooperative principle is. The dangerous viewing principles as cooperative objective or independent of rules and discipline are discussed. Second, a set of commonly used cooperative principles are critically examined for their implications for cooperatives as business organizations. Third, an alternative set of principles are advocated to eliminate the confusion currently existing. Finally, a potential role of the Extension Service and vocational agriculture instructors in assisting their clientele in the current crisis is reviewed

    Post-Operative Nausea and Vomiting

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    Post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is any nausea or vomiting that follows immediately after and up to 48 hours post surgery. PONV is common complaint from patients and has many serious consequences to the patient and hospital. There are several risk factors that make a patient more susceptible to experiencing PONV. Using a multimodal approach to work on all receptors involved with the vomiting reflex will help decrease the chances of the patient getting PONV. There are several implications for anesthesia providers to decrease PONV with their patients

    Implications of Basis Changes to Put Option Trading

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    Agricultural commodity options are based on futures contracts. Producers buying put options are subject to basis risk. Unlike a storage hedge, a put buyer must be concerned with how the basis changes. Eight basis change scenarios are analyzed to indicate why this is true. In addition, the returns to buying a put are contrasted with a storage hedge. Recommendations are made on how a producer might develop a strategy for when to use a put option versus hedging

    South Dakota Agricultural Producers Reduce Debt

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