566 research outputs found

    Trimitus parvus Grasse (Protozoa, Mastigophora) from a garter snake, Thamnophis radix

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    Reptiles collected in the vicinity of the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Dickinson County, Iowa, during the summer of 1950, were examined for helminths by Burnham (1951) and for protozoa by Schmidt (1954). lvlonocercomonas colubrorum, Trichomonas batrachorum and Haemogregarina sp. were found in both Thamnophis radix and T. ordinatus parietalis. An enteric flagellate of the genus Trimitus was found in a single specimen of T. radix. Special consideration is herein given to Trimitus because though this genus has been reported from North American amphibians and reptiles it appears that neither descriptions nor figures have been published, and also, because there is some uncertainty concerning the characterization of the genus

    Alternating metabolic pathways in NGF-deprived sympathetic neurons affect caspase-independent death

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    Mitochondrial release of cytochrome c in apoptotic cells activates caspases, which execute apoptotic cell death. However, the events themselves that culminate in caspase activation can have deleterious effects because caspase inhibitor–saved cells ultimately die in a caspase-independent manner. To determine what events may underlie this form of cell death, we examined bioenergetic changes in sympathetic neurons deprived of NGF in the presence of a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, boc-aspartyl-(OMe)-fluoromethylketone. Here, we report that NGF-deprived, boc-aspartyl-(OMe)-fluoromethylketone–saved neurons rely heavily on glycolysis for ATP generation and for survival. Second, the activity of F0F1 contributes to caspase-independent death, but has only a minor role in the maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential, which is maintained primarily by electron transport. Third, permeability transition pore inhibition by cyclosporin A attenuates NGF deprivation–induced loss of mitochondrial proteins, suggesting that permeability transition pore opening may have a function in regulating the degradation of mitochondria after cytochrome c release. Identification of changes in caspase inhibitor–saved cells may provide the basis for rational strategies to augment the effectiveness of the therapeutic use of postmitochondrial interventions

    Studying the Enteric Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Getting through the Growing Pains and Moving Forward

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    In this commentary, we will review some of the early efforts aimed at understanding the role of the enteric microbiota in the causality of inflammatory bowel diseases. By examining these studies and drawing on our own experiences bridging clinical gastroenterology and microbial ecology as part of the NIH-funded Human Microbiome Project (Turnbaugh et al., 2007), we hope to help define some of the “growing pains” that have hampered these initial efforts. It is our sincere hope that this discussion will help advance future efforts in this area by identifying current challenges and limitations and by suggesting strategies to overcome these obstacles

    Studying the Enteric Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Getting through the Growing Pains and Moving Forward

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    In this commentary, we will review some of the early efforts aimed at understanding the role of the enteric microbiota in the causality of inflammatory bowel diseases. By examining these studies and drawing on our own experiences bridging clinical gastroenterology and microbial ecology as part of the NIH-funded Human Microbiome Project (Turnbaugh et al., 2007), we hope to help define some of the “growing pains” that have hampered these initial efforts. It is our sincere hope that this discussion will help advance future efforts in this area by identifying current challenges and limitations and by suggesting strategies to overcome these obstacles

    Streamlined preparation of genomic DNA in agarose plugs for pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

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    Genome analysis using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) has been used in applications ranging from typing bacterial strains to radiobiology to cancer research. While methods for running PFGE have been significantly improved since its invention, the method for preparing chromosomal DNA itself has remained essentially unchanged. This limits the applicability of PFGE, especially when analyses require many samples. We have streamlined sample preparation for routine applications of PFGE through the use of deep-well 48-well plates. Besides saving time, our protocol has the added advantage of reducing the volume of expensive reagents. Our improved protocol enables us to reduce throughput time and simplify the procedure, facilitating wider application of PFGE-based analyses in the laboratory

    Cancer History: A Predictor of IPMN Subtype and Dysplastic Status?

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    Introduction The aim of this study was to determine the association of PMH and FH of pancreatic (PDAC) and non-pancreatic cancers with IPMN malignant risk. Methods A retrospective review of a prospective database of IPMN patients undergoing resection was performed to assess FH and PMH. Results FH of PDAC was present in 13% of 362 included patients. Of these, 8% had at least one first degree relative (FDR) with PDAC. The rate of PDAC positive FH in non-invasive versus invasive IPMN patients was 14% and 8%, respectively (p = 0.3). In main duct IPMN patients, FH (44%) and PMH of non-pancreatic cancer (16%) was higher than that seen in branch duct IPMN (FH 29%; PMH 6%; p = 0.004 and 0.008). Conclusions FH of PDAC is not associated with IPMN malignant progression. FH and PMH of non-pancreatic cancer is associated with main duct IPMN, the subtype with the highest rate of invasive transformation

    Evolving treatment of necrotizing pancreatitis

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    Background Over the past decade, the treatment of necrotizing pancreatitis (NP) has incorporated greater use of minimally invasive techniques, including percutaneous drainage and endoscopic debridement. No study has yet compared outcomes of patients treated with all available techniques. We sought to evaluate the evolution of NP treatment at our high volume pancreas center. We hypothesized that minimally invasive techniques (medical only, percutaneous, and endoscopic) were used more frequently in later years. Methods Treatment strategy of NP patients at a single academic medical center between 2005 and 2014 was reviewed. Definitive management of pancreatic necrosis was categorized as: 1) medical treatment only; 2) surgical only; 3) percutaneous (interventional radiology – IR) only; 4) endoscopic only; and 5) combination (Surgery ± IR ± Endoscopy). Results 526 NP patients included biliary (45%), alcoholic (17%), and idiopathic (20%) etiology. Select patients were managed exclusively by medical, IR, or endoscopic treatment; use of these therapies remained relatively consistent over time. A combination of therapies was used in about 30% of patients. Over time, the percentage of NP patients managed without operation increased from 28% to 41%. 247 (47%) of patients had operation as the only NP treatment; an additional 143 (27%) required surgery as part of a multidisciplinary management. Conclusion Select NP patients may be managed exclusively by medical, IR, or endoscopic treatment. Combination treatment is necessary in many NP patients, and surgical treatment continues to play an important role in the definitive therapy of necrotizing pancreatitis patients

    High Rates of Readmission in Necrotizing Pancreatitis: Natural History or Opportunity for Improvement?

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    Background Necrotizing pancreatitis (NP) is a complex and heterogeneous disease with a protracted disease course. Hospital readmission is extremely common; however, few data exist regarding the cause of readmission in NP. Methods A retrospective review of NP patients treated between 2005 and 2017 identified patients readmitted both locally and to our hospital. All patients with unplanned hospital readmissions were evaluated to determine the cause for readmission. Clinical and demographic factors of all patients were recorded. As appropriate, two independent group t tests and Pearson’s correlation or Fisher’s exact tests were performed to analyze the relationship between index admission clinical factors and readmission. p values of < 0.05 were accepted as statistically significant. Results Six hundred one NP patients were reviewed. Median age was 52 years (13–96). Median index admission length of stay was 19 days (2–176). The most common etiology was biliary (49.9%) followed by alcohol (20.0%). Unplanned readmission occurred in 432 patients (72%) accounting for a total of 971 unique readmissions (mean readmissions/patient, 2.3). The most common readmission indications were symptomatic necrosis requiring supportive care and/or intervention (31.2%), infected necrosis requiring antibiotics and/or intervention (26.6%), failure to thrive (9.7%), and non-necrosis infection (6.6%). Patients requiring readmission had increased incidence of index admission renal failure (21.3% vs. 14.2%, p = 0.05) and cardiovascular failure (12.5% vs. 4.7%, p = 0.01). Discussion Readmission in NP is extremely common. Significant portions of readmissions are a result of the disease natural history; however, a percentage of readmissions appear to be preventable. Patients with organ failure are at increased risk for unplanned readmission and will benefit from close follow-up

    The Dilemma of the Dilated Main Pancreatic Duct in the Distal Pancreatic Remnant After Proximal Pancreatectomy for IPMN

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    Objective(s) A dilated main pancreatic duct in the distal remnant after proximal pancreatectomy for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) poses a diagnostic dilemma. We sought to determine parameters predictive of remnant main-duct IPMN and malignancy during surveillance. Methods Three hundred seventeen patients underwent proximal pancreatectomy for IPMN (Indiana University, 1991–2016). Main-duct dilation included those ≥ 5 mm or “dilated” on radiographic reports. Statistics compared groups using Student’s T/Mann-Whitney U tests for continuous variables or chi-square/Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables with P < 0.05 considered significant. Results High-grade/invasive IPMN or adenocarcinoma at proximal pancreatectomy predicted malignant outcomes (100.0% malignant outcomes; P < 0.001) in remnant surveillance. Low/moderate-grade lesions revealed benign outcomes at last surveillance regardless of duct diameter. Twenty of 21 patients undergoing distal remnant reoperation had a dilated main duct. Seven had main-duct IPMN on remnant pathology; these patients had greater mean maximum main-duct diameter prior to reoperation (9.5 vs 6.2 mm, P = 0.072), but this did not reach statistical significance. Several features showed high sensitivity/specificity for remnant main-duct IPMN. Conclusions Remnant main-duct dilation after proximal pancreatectomy for IPMN remains a diagnostic dilemma. Several parameters show a promise in accurately diagnosing main-duct IPMN in the remnant