665 research outputs found

    Directional solidification of superalloys

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    This invention relates to the directional solidification of superalloys, in particular nickel-based superalloys, by imposition of a predetermined temperature profile in the solidification front and, depending on the desired results, a predetermined rate of advance of said solidification front, whereas castings of markedly superior fatigue resistance are produced

    Changes in genetic and environmental influences on disordered eating between early and late adolescence: a longitudinal twin study

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    Author version under embargo for a period of 6 months from the date of publication, made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.Background: We investigated the genetic and environmental contributions to disordered eating (DE) between early and late adolescence in order to determine whether different sources of heritability and environmental risk contributed to these peak times of emergence of eating disorders. Methods: Adolescent female twins from the Australian Twin Registry were interviewed over the telephone with the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE). Data were collected at 12-15 and 16-19 years (Wave 1: N=699, 351 pairs; Wave 3: N=499, 247 pairs). Assessments also involved self-report measures related to negative life events and weight-related peer teasing. Results: Unstandardised estimates from the bivariate Cholesky decomposition model showed both genetic influences and non-shared environmental influences increased over adolescence, but shared environmental influences decreased. While non-shared environmental sources active at ages 12-15 continued to contribute at 16-19 years, new sources of both additive genetic and non-shared environmental risk were introduced at ages 16-19. Weight-related peer teasing in early-mid adolescence predicted increases of DE in later adolescence, while negative life events did not. Conclusions: Two-thirds of the heritable influence contributing to DE in late adolescence was unique to this age group. During late adolescence independent sources of genetic risk, as well as environmental influences are likely to be related in part to peer teasing, appear key antecedents in growth of DE. Key words: Global EDE, adolescents, twins, genetic, environmental, longitudina

    Microdialysis fluxes of inorganic nitrogen differ from extractable nitrogen by minimising disturbance of mineral-associated sources

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    Measuring soil nitrogen (N) provides important information for ecosystem productivity and improving N use efficiency in agricultural systems. Conventional means of sampling N using soil extractions disturb soil structure and function, and likely distort accurate quantification. In situ microdialysis is a novel sampling method that generates differing N profiles compared to soil extractions. Here we test the hypothesis that differences observed between sampling methods are due to the minimal disturbance and sampling of a mobile N fraction when using microdialysis, with discernible patterns expected across soils with distinct clay and organic matter contents. In a short-term laboratory microcosm experiment with 21 sugarcane cropping soils, we compared salt (potassium chloride; KCl) or aqueous (H2O) extractants and microdialysis. KCl-extractable ammonium (NH4+) was highly correlated with the content of clay, total N and carbon, indicative of bound N being solubilised. In contrast, NH4 (+) contributed significantly less to microdialysis fluxes and was not correlated with the measured soil properties, which we attribute to minimal disturbance of bound N center dot H2O extracts sampled proportionally more NH4 (+) than microdialysis but were significantly correlated with fluxes. This suggests that while microdialysis and H2O extraction sample from a dissolved N pool, H2O extracts sample from an additional pool of loosely-bound NH4+. Nitrate (NO3) measures were correlated between methods, but shared no relationship with the measured soil properties, indicating that NO3 sampling is less affected by the disturbance introduced by extractions. We conclude that sampling inorganic N is biased by the degree to which soil sampling methods disturb adsorbed N sources with implications for interpreting soil N measurements

    Conscience et activité métalinguistique. Quelques points de rencontre

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    Cet article prĂ©sente un examen des recherches et des modĂšles d’acquisition en L2 qui doit permettre d’éclairer les choix pĂ©dagogiques des professeurs, choix qui sont nĂ©cessairement sous-tendus par une conception de l’apprentissage. Les auteurs Ă©voquent en particulier la question des processus conscients vs inconscients et explicites vs implicites, et soulĂšvent les problĂšmes d’ordre terminologiques qui existent autour de ces notions dans une mĂȘme langue ou dans le passage d’une langue Ă  l’autre. L’article fait Ă©galement le point sur les dĂ©bats rĂ©cents qui traversent la recherche anglo-saxonne sur ces thĂšmes pour les mettre en perspective avec les approches francophones. Il en ressort que les chercheurs n’abordent pas la question de la conscience dans les mĂȘmes termes mais s’appuient frĂ©quemment sur les productions des apprenants pour en Ă©tudier les traces. Les auteurs insistent sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de recueillir des donnĂ©es abondantes tout au long du parcours acquisitionnel et illustrent ce point de vue par trois Ă©tudes de cas portant en particulier sur l’attention portĂ©e Ă  l’input, qui ont permis de tirer des enseignements sur le rĂŽle de la conscience dans l’acquisition. Les auteurs concluent, qu’en dĂ©pit des difficultĂ©s mĂ©thodologiques, il faut poursuivre ces recherches, mĂȘme si elles impliquent de procĂ©der pour une part « à l’aveuglette ».After pointing out that pedagogical choices made by language teachers also imply choices regarding theories of language acquisition, this article presents a review of research and acquisition models which may guide language teachers. Questions concerning conscious/unconscious and implicit/explicit processes in language learning are examined, and some terminological problems are outlined. Recent points of view in the anglophone literature are summarised, while some aspects of francophone research are provided. This article also highlights the polysemic character of the existing terminology occurring within one language, as well as in the process of translating from one language to another. If anglophone and francophone researchers seem to formulate their research related to consciousness in different terms, they come close with respect to data collection, since they both frequently examine learners’ productions. The authors next point out the necessity of gathering detailed information about linguistic evolution of individuals while acquiring a L2. After examining three case studies related to attention to input, some lessons to be drawn from these studies regarding the role of consciousness are identified. While aware of the fact that case studies should be used carefully and despite inevitable methodological difficulties, they argue that efforts to study the role of consciousness in acquisition must continue. As in the field of neurology, it is important to find the “best way” that will be appropriate for applied linguistics and L2 teaching. Though this may entail some stumbling in the dark, it is possible that reasearch into metalinguistic reflection may yet play a major role

    Population dynamics of DENV-1 genotype V in Brazil is characterized by co-circulation and strain/lineage replacement

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    Following successive outbreaks of dengue fever caused predominantly by dengue virus (DENV) 2 and 3, DENV-1 is now the primary serotype circulating in Brazil. We sequenced and analyzed Brazilian DENV-1 genomes and found that all isolates belong to genotype V and are subdivided into three lineages, which were introduced during four different events. The first introduction occurred in 1984-85, the second in 1997-99, and the third and fourth occurred from 2004 to 2007. These events were associated with an increase in genetic diversity but not with positive selection. Moreover, a potential new recombinant strain derived from two distinct lineages was detected. We demonstrate that the dynamics of DENV-1 in Brazil is characterized by introduction, movement, local evolution, and lineage replacement. This study strengthens the relevance of genotype surveillance in order to identify, trace, and control virus populations circulating in Brazil and Latin America.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (Brazil) Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerai

    Self-reported pregnancy exposures and placental DNA methylation in the MARBLES prospective autism sibling study.

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    Human placenta is a fetal-derived tissue that offers a unique sample of epigenetic and environmental exposures present in utero. In the MARBLES prospective pregnancy study of high-risk younger siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), pregnancy and environmental factors collected by maternal interviews were examined as predictors of placental DNA methylation, including partially methylated domains (PMDs), an embryonic feature of the placental methylome. DNA methylation data from MethylC-seq analysis of 47 placentas of children clinically diagnosed at 3 years with ASD or typical development using standardized assessments were examined in relation to: child's gestational age, birth-weight, and diagnosis; maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, smoking, education, parity, height, prenatal vitamin and folate intake; home ownership; pesticides professionally applied to lawns or gardens or inside homes, pet flea/tick pouches, collars, or soaps/shampoos used in the 3 months prior to or during pregnancy. Sequencing run, order, and coverage, and child race and sex were considered as potential confounders. Akaike information criterion was used to select the most parsimonious among candidate models. Final prediction models used sandwich estimators to produce homoscadisticity-robust estimates of the 95% confidence interval (CI) and P-values controlled the false discovery rate at 5%. The strongest, most robust associations were between pesticides professionally applied outside the home and higher average methylation over PMDs [0.45 (95% CI 0.17, 0.72), P = 0.03] and a reduced proportion of the genome in PMDs [-0.42 (95% CI - 0.67 to -0.17), P = 0.03]. Pesticide exposures could alter placental DNA methylation more than other factors

    Impact of the developmental appropriateness of teacher guidance strategies on kindergarten children’s interpersonal relations

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    This initial study explored the social behaviors of kindergarten children in two classrooms (one developmentally appropriate, one developmentally inappropriate) where the teacher used either positive or negative guidance strategies. Six pairs of kindergartners-three dyads (boy-boy, girl-girl, boy-girl) from a classroom in which the teacher used positive guidance strategies and three from a classroom where the teacher used negative guidance strategies-were observed while playing in a researcher-designed play center. Observations over a three-month period revealed an increase in positive social behaviors among children from the positive guidance classroom and a decrease in positive social behaviors among children from the negative guidance classroom. Implications are discussed. © 2007 by the Association for Childhood Education International

    Emergence of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer

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    Industrial chlorofluorocarbons that cause ozone depletion have been phased out under the Montreal Protocol. A chemically driven increase in polar ozone (or “healing”) is expected in response to this historic agreement. Observations and model calculations together indicate that healing of the Antarctic ozone layer has now begun to occur during the month of September. Fingerprints of September healing since 2000 include (i) increases in ozone column amounts, (ii) changes in the vertical profile of ozone concentration, and (iii) decreases in the areal extent of the ozone hole. Along with chemistry, dynamical and temperature changes have contributed to the healing but could represent feedbacks to chemistry. Volcanic eruptions have episodically interfered with healing, particularly during 2015, when a record October ozone hole occurred after the Calbuco eruption.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (FESD Grant OCE-1338814)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Atmospheric Chemistry Program (Grant 1539972

    Tricuspid Valve Replacement in a Patient with a Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker: Current Guidelines and Recommendations for Perioperative Management

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    Leadless cardiac pacemakers were developed to reduce complications associated with conventional transvenous pacemakers. While this technology is still relatively new, devices are increasingly being implanted. The perioperative management of patients with these devices has been underreported; we thus seek to add to the limited body of knowledge of perioperative management of patients with leadless cardiac pacemakers. An elderly female patient with a Micra VR transcatheter pacing system leadless cardiac pacemaker placed for tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome with intermittent complete heart block was scheduled for elective tricuspid valve replacement for severe tricuspid regurgitation. Pacemaker interrogation was performed several hours prior to the scheduled surgery based on the electrophysiologist's availability; the device was kept in its programmed VVIR mode, and the base rate was increased from 60 to 80 beats per minute in anticipation of the upcoming surgery. Upon preoperative evaluation, the anesthesiologist asked that the electrophysiology team be placed on standby intraoperatively due to the concern that either oversensing in the setting of pacemaker dependence and/or undesirable tachycardia from rate-responsive pacing could occur. The surgeon used monopolar electrocautery for the duration of the cardiac surgery. Despite the patient having evidence of pacemaker dependence in the intensive care unit preoperatively, no electromagnetic interference leading to oversensing nor rate modulation was detected during intraoperative electrocardiographic and intraarterial invasive monitoring. Evidence-based guidelines regarding perioperative management specifically of leadless cardiac pacemakers do not exist. As these devices become more prevalent, further evaluation will be paramount to determine whether existing guidelines for perioperative management of conventional transvenous pacemakers apply
