1,265 research outputs found

    Solid-state ensemble of highly entangled photon sources at rubidium atomic transitions

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    Semiconductor InAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by the Stranski-Krastanov method are among the leading candidates for the deterministic generation of polarization entangled photon pairs. Despite remarkable progress in the last twenty years, many challenges still remain for this material, such as the extremely low yield (<1% quantum dots can emit entangled photons), the low degree of entanglement, and the large wavelength distribution. Here we show that, with an emerging family of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots grown by droplet etching and nanohole infilling, it is possible to obtain a large ensemble (close to 100%) of polarization-entangled photon emitters on a wafer without any post-growth tuning. Under pulsed resonant two-photon excitation, all measured quantum dots emit single pairs of entangled photons with ultra-high purity, high degree of entanglement (fidelity up to F=0.91, with a record high concurrence C=0.90), and ultra-narrow wavelength distribution at rubidium transitions. Therefore, a solid-state quantum repeater - among many other key enabling quantum photonic elements - can be practically implemented with this new material

    Kennzeichnung von Schlachtnebenprodukten zur sicheren Klassifizierung als tierische Nebenprodukte der Kategorie 3 und zur Verbesserung ihrer Verfolgbarkeit im Warenstrom: Kennzeichnung von Schlachtnebenprodukten zur sicheren Klassifizierung als tierische Nebenprodukte der Kategorie 3 und zur Verbesserung ihrerVerfolgbarkeit im Warenstrom

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    Die seit 2004 in Deutschland bekannt gewordenen Fälle der illegalen Rückführung und irrtümlichen Fehlverbringung von gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1774/2002 nicht für den Genuss durch den Menschen bestimmten tierischen Nebenprodukten (TNP) der Kategorie 3 in die Lebensmittelkette haben zu der politischen Diskussion beigetragen, ob die Pflicht der Materialidentifizierbarkeit durch das Getrennthalten TNP am Ort des Anfalls sowie die ausschließliche Kennzeichnung ihrer Transportbehälter bei der Beförderung einen ausreichenden Schutz der Verbraucher garantieren können. Um eine ordnungsgemäße Verwendung TNP der Kategorie 3 sicherzustellen, hat der Bundesrat ihre unmittelbare und eindeutige Kennzeichnung, z.B. durch Farbstoffe, gefordert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen geeigneten, futtermittelrechtlich zugelassenen Marker für Schlachtnebenprodukte der Kategorie 3 zu erörtern, der eine technisch praktikable, vom Ort des Anfalls bis zum Verarbeitungsbetrieb optisch eindeutige, dauerhafte und nach der Verarbeitung nachweisbare sowie umwelt- und wirtschaftsverträgliche Markierung von Schlachtnebenprodukten zur sicheren Verfolgbarkeit ihrer bestimmungsgemäßen Verwendung als TNP der Kategorie 3 ermöglicht, um ihren Eintrag in die Lebensmittelkette zu unterbinden, ohne die Neutralität der Endprodukte bei der Verwendung markierter TNP als Rohstoffe für Futtermittel zu beeinträchtigen. Für die Markierung von Schlachtnebenprodukten mittels Sprühsystemen wurden für Futtermittel zugelassene, färbende Zusatzstoffe (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1831/2003) sowie in der medizinischen Diagnostik etablierte Fluoreszenz-Farbstoffe ausgewählt und hinsichtlich der Eindeutigkeit ihrer Markierung, ihrer Farbhaltung nach Bearbeitung sowie ihrer optischen Neutralität in Lebens- und Futtermitteln, die aus markierten TNP hergestellt worden sind, von fünf ungeschulten Prüfpersonen im Rahmen einer einfach beschreibenden, sensorischen und unabhängigen Prüfung gemäß §35 LMBG (L 00.90-6, ASU) beurteilt. Die Ergebnisse der sensorischen Prüfung wurden mit den RGB-Farbprofilen der markierten und nicht markierten TNP vergleichend analysiert. Zum Nachweis des irrtümlichen oder vorsätzlichen Eintrags von mit den ausgewählten Markerfarbstoffen markierten TNP in Lebensmitteln konnten die Analyseverfahren Dünnschichtchromatographie (DC), optische Emissionsspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Hochfrequenzplasma (ICP-OES), Photometrie sowie die Fluoreszenzspektrometrie hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit untersucht werden. Die Untersuchung der sensorischen Neutralität der Markerfarbstoffe im Endprodukt Futtermittel erfolgte unter anderem durch einen Futtermittelpräferenzversuch an neun Hunden der Rasse Beagle. Brillantsäuregrün E142 (1,3 mg E142/kg TNP) konnte auf Grund der Eindeutigkeit der Markierung von Schlachtnebenprodukten durch die gegenüber den nativen TNP signifikant unterschiedlichen Rot-Farbintensitäten bei gleichzeitiger Neutralität in den Endprodukten (Lebens- oder Futtermittel) und einer guten bis sehr guten Farbhaltung nach dem Waschen der Nebenprodukte, der Kühl- (8°C über zwei Tage) sowie Gefrierlagerung (-25°C über 14 Tage) und dem Verwenden einer 14, 90 als auch 150 Tage gelagerten Farbstofflösung in Kombination mit dem chemisch nachweisbaren Titandioxid (90 mg E171/ kg TNP) als Markerfarbstofflösung zur eindeutigen Markierung von Nebenprodukten der Schlachtung am Ort ihres Anfalls selektiert werden. Die für die Markierung bestimmten Dosierungen der Markerfarbstoffe gelten für Tiere und Menschen als unbedenklich. Die mit den färbenden Zusatzstoffen E142 und E171 markierten Nebenprodukte der Schlachtung können mittels DC (Nachweisgrenze: ≥7,5 µg E142/kg Probe) beziehungsweise ICP-OES und Photometrie (Nachweisgrenze ICP-OES: 8,3 mg E171/kg Probe) ab einem eingebrachten Anteil von 0,55% (DC: E142) beziehungsweise 9% (ICP-OES: E171) in diversen Produkten (Lebens- oder Futtermittel) nachgewiesen werden. In den chemisch und thermisch extrahierten Fetten aus markierten, fettreichen TNP waren die Farbstoffe E142 und E171 jedoch nicht nachweisbar. Eine Fluoreszenzmarkierung TNP kann hingegen nicht präferiert werden, da nicht markierte Nebenprodukte der Schlachtung eine sichtbare und fluoreszenzspektrometrisch nachweisbare Autofluoreszenz aufweisen und in den thermisch verarbeiteten Produkten keine für die Fluoreszenz-farbstoffe charakteristischen Absorptions- und Emissionsspektren nachweisbar waren. Die Markierung mittels Sprühtechnik erscheint unter den Aspekten Substanzverlust und adaptierter Markerfarbstoff pro Kilogramm TNP praktikabel. Die im Labor bestimmte Markierungszeit für TNP (5 sec./kg) ist unter Einbeziehung der Durchsatzraten am Schlachthof als zu lang zu bewerten. Durch die rückstandsfreie Entfernung der Farbstoffe von Edelstahl- und glatten Kunststoffflächen sowie glasierten Fliesen ergeben sich keine Nachteile der Markierung TNP für die Produktion von Futtermitteln und technischen Erzeugnissen. Die in dem Präferenzversuch untersuchten Futtermittel für Hunde aus markierten TNP zeigten keine Abweichungen von der handelsüblichen sensorischen Produktqualität und hinsichtlich ihrer Haltbarkeit durch Sterilisation (F0-Wert). Mit E142 und E171 markierte TNP (Kat. 3) eignen sich somit als Rohstoffe zur Herstellung von Heimtierfuttermitteln. Bei Anwendung einer Kombinationsfarbstofflösung (E142 und E171) würden die für die Marker anfallenden Kosten pro Tonne TNP bis zu 33 Euro betragen. Bei der ausschließlichen Verwendung von E142, welches der optisch eindeutig markierende Farbstoff ist und das eine hohe Sensitivität im dünnschichtchromatographischen Nachweis zeigt, würden die Kosten 1,70 bis 3,40 Euro/t betragen. Bisher konnte kein EU-einheitlicher Rechtsrahmen zur Markierung TNP der Kategorie 3 gestaltet werden. Die politische Diskussion wird aber vor allem national fortgesetzt.Since 2004 several illegal or aberrant transfers of animal by-products (ABP) from category 3 (according to Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002: not intended for food production) back into food chain, have led to the political discussion, whether duty of material identifiability by separate storing of ABP on site and sole labeling of containers during transport are sufficient to protect consumers from ABP not intended for human consumption. To guarantee adequate utilisation of ABP from category 3, the German Federal Council claimed for an immediate and conclusive marking of ABP by dyeing or similar solutions. This study was implemented to define a convenient, registered feed additive for dyeing of slaughter by-products from category 3, which realize a feasible, from extraction to processing visually conclusive, long-lasting, traceable as well as sustainable and cost-effective marking on site to ensure traceability of intended utilisation as ABP from category 3 and to prevent their influx into food chain, without an impairment of the neutrality of products (e.g. pet food) made from marked ABP. For marking of slaughter by-products by air spraying device, registered colouring feed additives (Regulation (EC) No. 1831/2003) as well as diagnostically established fluorescence pigments were selected and investigated regarding their marking unambiguousness, colour retention after processing and visual neutrality in food and feed made from marked ABP by evaluation of five untrained judging persons in the course of a simply delineative, sensorial and impartial test (official list of analysis methods, ASU §35 LMBG, L 00.90-6), and by comparative RGB-colour measurement of images scanned from stained ABP samples. Detection of aberrant or deliberate discharge of marked ABP into food production was evaluated by investigation of thin layer chromatography (TLC), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), photometry and fluorescence spectrometry. Neutrality of marking feed additives in feedstuff was determined by a feeding preference test with nine dogs of the Beagle breed using pet food made from unmarked und marked ABP. Lissamine Green E142 (1,3 mg E142 per kg ABP) was selected as marker dye for slaughter by-products on site based on its unambiguousness of marking due to the significant different red-colour intensity compared to the non-marked ABP as well as the simultaneous neutrality of the colouring additive E142 in the final products feed and food. Colour retention of E142 marking was conclusive with regard to handling by washing, cold (8°C for two days) respectively fridge storage (-25°C for 14 days) and utilisation of a 14-, 90- and 150-days-stored marker solution. For marking, Lissamine Green was combined with the chemical detectable and registered food colour titanium dioxide (E171: 90 mg/kg ABP). The marker additives are classified as safe for humans and animals within the preferred concentrations for colouring ABP. With E142 und E171 marked ABP were traceable in food and feed using detection methods TLC (limit of detection: ≥7,5 µg E142 per kg sample), photometry and ICP-OES (limit of detection: ≥8,3 mg E171 per kg sample) at a proportion of 0,55% (TLC: E142) respectively 9% (ICP-OES: E171), whereas the named markers were not detectable in chemical and thermal extracted fats produced from marked high-fat ABP. Based on the visible and fluorescence spectrometric detectable autofluorescence of animal tissues as well as the uncharacteristic emission and absorption spectra of fluorescence pigments in processed ABP, fluorescence markers are not preferential for marking of slaughter by-products from category 3. Marking of slaughter by-products by air spraying device appeared practicable in due consideration of marker depletion and tissue-adapted marker per kg ABP. Current time of marking under laboratory conditions (5 sec. per kg ABP) must be graded as too long, regarding high transfer rates in slaughterhouses. Concerning the residue-free cleaning of stainless steel and even plastic surfaces from the marker solution, the utilisation of marked ABP for manufacturing of feed and technical products is unproblematic. Investigated pet food samples produced from marked ABP were from comparable commercial sensory product quality and showed no deviation of normal storability due to sterilisation. In conclusion, with E142 and E171 visible marked ABP from category 3 are suitable as crude materials for pet food production. The application of the combined marker solution (E142 and E171) have to be evaluated as comparative expensive (33 Euro per ton ABP), while the exclusive application of E142 as the optic conclusive and sensitive detectable marker for ABP is associated with sustainable costs from 1,70 to 3,40 Euro per ton ABP. To date, an EU-common regulatory framework for marking of ABP from category 3 could not be specified. Nevertheless the political discussion is still continued, especially in Germany

    Comportamento de compra dos clientes da lancheria Piriri na cidade de Bom Retiro do Sul/RS

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar as principais características de compra dos clientes da Lancheria Piriri localizada na cidade de Bom Retiro do Sul. Em relação à teoria, baseia-se em temas relacionados ao Marketing, como: estratégia, composto de marketing, análise dos clientes, concorrentes e análise do ambiente. Para tanto a estrutura da pesquisa dividiu-se em duas fases, a primeira exploratória, através de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; e a segunda descritiva, do tipo survey, com a aplicação de um questionário a 52 pesquisados, de uma amostra selecionada por conveniência, no período de 3 a 12 de abril de 2014. A análise dos dados descreveu o perfil dos clientes da Lancheria Piriri, apontou os atributos na decisão de compra, relacionou as principais características dos concorrentes, identificou as principais influências do ambiente no consumo e propôs ações de melhoria para a empresa estudada. Em relação aos principais resultados obtidos na pesquisa foram identificados: um perfil jovem de 20 a 30 anos, com renda familiar superior a três salários mínimos e que consomem lanches rápidos no mínimo uma vez por semana. A condição financeira e a estação do ano não influenciam no consumo desses clientes, que não se alimentam mais com este tipo de refeição, pelo fato de estarem preocupados com sua saúde, ou seja, hoje basicamente, o fast food oferece lanches muito calóricos. O atributo importante na decisão de compra é a localização e o determinante é a qualidade. Nas considerações finais destacam-se os resultados alcançados, as sugestões de melhoria e as limitações do estudo

    Viabilidade econômico-financeira de empreendimento imobiliário

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Economia.O trabalho proposto consiste em uma análiseda viabilidade econômica e financeira para empreender um edifício Residencial no bairro de Coqueiros em Florianópolis – Santa Catarina. Haja vista que o planejamento econômico de investimentos imobiliáriosse trata da ferramenta que produz informações vitais para empresas e investidores quanto à tomada de decisões, este possui extrema importância. Para atender os objetivos deste trabalho, elaborou-se o planejamento da obra, e com os dados deste, a análise da viabilidade econômico-financeira. Portanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de mercado no que se refere a unidades residenciais, para coletar as informações de imóveis à venda na mesma região, a fim de estabelecer preços de venda de acordo com o mercado imobiliário local. O método de pesquisa adotado neste projeto foi o de estudo de caso. Ademais, foi possível desenvolver uma simulação do fluxo de caixa de acordo com as informaçõese assim utilizar os métodos de avaliação do Valor Presente Líquido, Taxa Interna de Retorno e o prazo de retorno do investimento inicial, para verificar a viabilidade do investimento do ponto de vista econômico de acordo com Taxa Mínima de Atratividade em quatro cenários. Os resultados mostraram a importância para a empresa da utilização dos métodos de análise de investimentos e planejamento prévio.The following thesis refers to a financial and economic analysis performed in order to understand the feasibility of constructing a residential building in the neighborhood of Coqueiros, located in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil. This thesis poses as extremely important when considering the vital role that financial and economic analysis plays in the decision-making process of real estate investments. In order to fulfill the objectives of the thesis, a construction plan was elaborated, providing the grounds for the financial and economic analysis performed. A market research was performed on Coqueiros, analyzing the list prices for all residential real estate for sale in the local market. The research method adopted in this thesis was a Case Study. In order to implement financial indicators such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR), discounted payback period and economic indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV), a cash flow projection was elaborated. All indicators were measured against the minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR) in four different scenarios to understand the economic feasibility of the project. The results have shown the importance for a company to apply an economic and financial analysis when investing in real estate projects

    Effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on gene expression profiles of normo- and dyslipidemic men

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    Using CycleGANs for effectively reducing image variability across OCT devices and improving retinal fluid segmentation

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become the most important imaging modality in ophthalmology. A substantial amount of research has recently been devoted to the development of machine learning (ML) models for the identification and quantification of pathological features in OCT images. Among the several sources of variability the ML models have to deal with, a major factor is the acquisition device, which can limit the ML model's generalizability. In this paper, we propose to reduce the image variability across different OCT devices (Spectralis and Cirrus) by using CycleGAN, an unsupervised unpaired image transformation algorithm. The usefulness of this approach is evaluated in the setting of retinal fluid segmentation, namely intraretinal cystoid fluid (IRC) and subretinal fluid (SRF). First, we train a segmentation model on images acquired with a source OCT device. Then we evaluate the model on (1) source, (2) target and (3) transformed versions of the target OCT images. The presented transformation strategy shows an F1 score of 0.4 (0.51) for IRC (SRF) segmentations. Compared with traditional transformation approaches, this means an F1 score gain of 0.2 (0.12).Comment: * Contributed equally (order was defined by flipping a coin) --------------- Accepted for publication in the "IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2019

    Impact of dopant compensation on the deactivation of boron-oxygen recombination centers in crystalline silicon

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    The boron-oxygen recombination center responsible for the light-induced degradation of Czochralski silicon solar cells can be permanently deactivated by illumination at elevated temperature. In this study, we examine the impact of dopant compensation on the deactivation process. The experimental results show that the deactivation rate depends inversely on the total boron concentration instead of the net doping concentration, suggesting that boron is directly involved in the deactivation process. A linear dependence of the activation energy on the total boron concentration further supports this conclusion.Funding was provided by the State of Lower Saxony and the DAAD/Go8 Australia Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme

    Generation and annihilation of boron–oxygen-related recombination centers in compensated p- and n-type silicon

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    The impact of boron–oxygen-related recombination centers as well as their defect kinetics have been intensely studied in boron-doped oxygen-rich p-type crystalline silicon. Experimental data for the defect in simultaneously boron- and phosphorus-doped compensated p- and n-type silicon, however, is sparse. In this study, we present time-resolved carrier lifetime measurements on Czochralski-grown silicon (Cz-Si) doped with both boron and phosphorus under illumination at 30 °C(defectgeneration) as well as at 200 °C in the dark (defect annihilation).Funding was provided by the State of Lower Saxony. D.M. is supported by an Australian Research Council QEII Fellowship