12,865 research outputs found

    Development of sputtered techniques for thrust chambers, task 1

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    Filler materials proposed for use in the sputter fabrication regeneratively cooled thrust chambers were evaluated. Low melting castable alloys, CERROBEND. CERROCAST, and CERROTRU, slurry applied SERMETEL 481 and flame-sprayed aluminum were investigated as filler materials. Sputter deposition from a cylindrical cathode inverted magnestron was used to apply an OFHC copper closeout layer to filled OFHC copper ribbed-wall cylindrical substrates. The sputtered closeout layer structure was evaluated with respect to filler material contamination, predeposition machining and finishing operations, and deposition parameters. The application of aluminum by flame-spraying resulted in excessiver filler porosity. Though the outgassing from this porosity was found to be detrimental to the closeout layer structure, bond strengths in excess of 10,500 psi were achieved. Removal of the aluminum from the grooves was readily accomplished by leaching in a 7.0 molar solution of sodium hydroxide at 353 K. Of the other filler materials evaluated, CERROTRU was found to be the most suitable material with respect to completely filling the ribbed-wall cylinders and vacuum system compatibility. However, bond contamination resulted in low closeout layer bond strength with the CERROTRU filler. CERROBEND, CERROCAST, and SERMETEL 481 were found to be unacceptable as filler materials

    Development of sputtered techniques for thrust chambers

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    Techniques and materials were developed and evaluated for the fabrication and coating of advanced, long life, regeneratively cooled thrust chambers. Materials were analyzed as fillers for sputter application of OFHC copper as a closeout layer to channeled inner structures; of the materials evaluated, aluminum was found to provide the highest bond strength and to be the most desirable for chamber fabrication. The structures and properties were investigated of thick sputtered OFHC copper, 0.15 Zr-Cu, Al2O3,-Cu, and SiC-Cu. Layered structures of OFHC copper and 0.15 Zr-Cu were investigated as means of improving chamber inner wall fatigue life. The evaluation of sputtered Ti-5Al-2.5Sn, NASA IIb-11, aluminum and Al2O3-Al alloys as high strength chamber outer jackets was performed. Techniques for refurbishing degraded thrust chambers with OFHC copper and coating thrust chambers with protective ZrO2 and graded ZrO2-copper thermal barrier coatings were developed

    Dynamic Model and Phase Transitions for Liquid Helium

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    This article presents a phenomenological dynamic phase transition theory -- modeling and analysis -- for superfluids. As we know, although the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model has been successfully used in superconductivity, and the classical Ginzburg-Landau free energy is still poorly applicable to liquid helium in a quantitative sense. The study in this article is based on 1) a new dynamic classification scheme of phase transitions, 2) new time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau models for general equilibrium transitions, and 3) the general dynamic transition theory. The results in this article predict the existence of a unstable region H, where both solid and liquid He II states appear randomly depending on fluctuations and the existence of a switch point M on the lambda-curve, where the transitions changes types

    Hamiltonian systems with symmetry, coadjoint orbits and plasma physics

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    The symplectic and Poisson structures on reduced phase spaces are reviewed, including the symplectic structure on coadjoint orbits of a Lie group and the Lie-Poisson structure on the dual of a Lie algebra. These results are applied to plasma physics. We show in three steps how the Maxwell-Vlasov equations for a collisionless plasma can be written in Hamiltonian form relative to a certain Poisson bracket. First, the Poisson-Vlasov equations are shown to be in Hamiltonian form relative to the Lie-Poisson bracket on the dual of the (nite dimensional) Lie algebra of innitesimal canonical transformations. Then we write Maxwell's equations in Hamiltonian form using the canonical symplectic structure on the phase space of the electromagnetic elds, regarded as a gauge theory. In the last step we couple these two systems via the reduction procedure for interacting systems. We also show that two other standard models in plasma physics, ideal MHD and two- uid electrodynamics, can be written in Hamiltonian form using similar group theoretic techniques

    Gravity anomaly detection: Apollo/Soyuz

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    The Goddard Apollo-Soyuz Geodynamics Experiment is described. It was performed to demonstrate the feasibility of tracking and recovering high frequency components of the earth's gravity field by utilizing a synchronous orbiting tracking station such as ATS-6. Gravity anomalies of 5 MGLS or larger having wavelengths of 300 to 1000 kilometers on the earth's surface are important for geologic studies of the upper layers of the earth's crust. Short wavelength Earth's gravity anomalies were detected from space. Two prime areas of data collection were selected for the experiment: (1) the center of the African continent and (2) the Indian Ocean Depression centered at 5% north latitude and 75% east longitude. Preliminary results show that the detectability objective of the experiment was met in both areas as well as at several additional anomalous areas around the globe. Gravity anomalies of the Karakoram and Himalayan mountain ranges, ocean trenches, as well as the Diamantina Depth, can be seen. Maps outlining the anomalies discovered are shown

    Raman Scattered He II λ\lambda 6545 Line in the Symbiotic Star V1016 Cygni

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    We present a spectrum of the symbiotic star V1016 Cyg observed with the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, in order to illustrate a method to measure the covering factor of the neutral scattering region around the giant component with respect to the hot emission region around the white dwarf component. In the spectrum, we find broad wings around Hα\alpha and a broad emission feature around 6545A˚{\rm \AA} that is blended with the [N II]λ \lambda 6548 line. These two features are proposed to be formed by Raman scattering by atomic hydrogen, where the incident radiation is proposed to be UV continuum radiation around Lyβ\beta in the former case and He II λ\lambda 1025 emission line arising from n=6n=2n=6\to n=2 transitions for the latter feature. We remove the Hα\alpha wings by a template Raman scattering wing profile and subtract the [N II] λ\lambda 6548 line using the 3 times stronger [N II] λ\lambda 6583 feature in order to isolate the He II Raman scattered 6545 \AA line. We obtain the flux ratio F6545/F6560=0.24F_{6545}/F_{6560}=0.24 of the He II λ\lambda 6560 emission line and the 6545 \AA feature for V1016 Cyg. Under the assumption that the He II emission from this object is isotropic, this ratio is converted to the ratio Φ6545/Φ1025=0.17\Phi_{6545}/\Phi_{1025}=0.17 of the number of the incident photons and that of the scattered photons. This implies that the scattering region with H I column density NHI1020cm2N_{HI}\ge 10^{20}{\rm cm^{-2}} covers 17 per cent of the emission region. By combining the presumed binary period 100\sim 100 yrs of this system we infer that a significant fraction of the slow stellar wind from the Mira component is ionized and that the scattering region around the Mira extends a few tens of AU, which is closely associated with the mass loss process of the Mira component.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Two-State Migration of DNA in a structured Microchannel

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    DNA migration in topologically structured microchannels with periodic cavities is investigated experimentally and with Brownian dynamics simulations of a simple bead-spring model. The results are in very good agreement with one another. In particular, the experimentally observed migration order of Lambda- and T2-DNA molecules is reproduced by the simulations. The simulation data indicate that the mobility may depend on the chain length in a nonmonotonic way at high electric fields. This is found to be the signature of a nonequilibrium phase transition between two different migration states, a slow one and a fast one, which can also be observed experimentally under appropriate conditions.Comment: Revised edition corresponding to the comments by the referees, submitted to Physical Review

    Variational Calculations of the 12C^{12}C Nucleus Structure in a 3α\alpha Model Using a Deep Potential with Forbidden States

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    The energy spectrum of the 12C^{12}C nucleus with (Jπ,T)=(0+,0)(J^{\pi}, T)=(0^+,0) and (2+,0)(2^+,0) is investigated in the framework of the multicluster dynamical model by using a deep αα\alpha \alpha-potential with forbidden states in the S and D waves. A very high sensitivity of the compact ground and first excited 21+2^+_1 states energy levels to the description of the two-body forbidden states wave functions has been estabilished. It is shown also that the chosen method of orthogonalizing pseudopotentials yields convergent results for the energies of the excited (02+,0)(0^+_2,0) and (03+,0)(0^+_3,0) states of the 12C^{12}C nucleus with a well developed cluster like structure

    Influence of correlations on molecular recognition

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    The influence of the patchiness and correlations in the distribution of hydrophobic and polar residues at the interface between two rigid biomolecules on their recognition ability is investigated in idealised coarse-grained lattice models. A general two-stage approach is utilised where an ensemble of probe molecules is designed first and the recognition ability of the probe ensemble is related to the free energy of association with both the target molecule and a different rival molecule in a second step. The influence of correlation effects are investigated using numerical Monte Carlo techniques and mean field methods. Correlations lead to different optimum characteristic lengths of the hydrophobic and polar patches for the mutual design of the two biomolecules on the one hand and their recognition ability in the presence of other molecules on the other hand.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure