127 research outputs found

    The digital silver lining of the pandemic: the impact on preservice teachers’ technological knowledge and beliefs

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    COVID-19 drastically disrupted teaching and learning worldwide and across all educational levels. Technology took on a central role in redefining education under these exceptional circumstances and frequently revealed challenges related to both infrastructure and to teachers’ and learners’ technological skills and readiness. This study aimed to investigate whether the experience of emergency remote education significantly impacted preservice teachers’ knowledge and beliefs for their future teaching with technology. We investigated three cohorts of preservice teachers (pre-lockdown, n = 179; during lockdown, n = 48; post-lockdown, n = 228) and explored differences in their self-reported technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and their technological beliefs. Findings showed positive effects in the post-lockdown cohort, reflected in higher levels of technological knowledge (TK) and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) compared to the pre-lockdown cohort. In addition, unique positive effects on content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) were found in the post-lockdown cohort among preservice teachers with prior teaching experiences. No effects of either cohort or experience emerged for preservice teachers’ technological beliefs. These findings indicate that, despite the challenges related to COVID-19 lockdowns, preservice teachers not only appear to have maintained positive beliefs towards technology but may have even been able to draw benefits from the experience of lockdown. These findings and the positive effects associated with teaching experience are discussed with regard to their implication for teacher education

    Zwei Reinigungssysteme im Vergleich

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    Das UniversitĂ€tsspital Basel (USB) ist eines der fĂŒnf grössten Gesundheitszentren der Schweiz. Die Abteilung Infrastruktur ist u.a. verantwortlich fĂŒr die Erbringung von bedĂŒrfnisgerechten und den neusten Erkenntnissen entsprechenden Reinigungsdienstleistungen. Im Rahmen einer ÜberprĂŒfung der Reinigungsprozesse wurde das Institut fĂŒr Facility Management (IFM) der ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften beauftragt, die Prozesse zu analysieren und mögliche Optimierungspotenziale aufzuzeigen

    Investigating contextual knowledge within TPACK: How has it been done empirically so far?

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    The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework traditionally describes seven domains of knowledge which teachers rely on for effectively combining technology, pedagogy and content within their teaching contexts. To date, the context construct has been acknowledged interchangeably as both the settings within which teachers operate as well as teachers’ knowledge of their teaching environments. The need to distinguish between the two has been emphasized by Mishra (2019) by explicitly upgrading context as an eighth domain of knowledge of TPACK. To support future research on contextual knowledge, based on a systematic review of the TPACK literature published between 2005 and 2020, this study offers an overview of the current empirical methods, instruments, and findings surrounding this construct. Findings reveal a range of approaches (i.e., self-report, interviews, artifacts, observations, vignettes, and multimethods) for investigating contextual knowledge and the comparison of these approaches and their related findings are discussed

    Von Nippes nach Pulheim: Über die zunehmende Abwanderung von Familien ins Kölner Umland

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    Seit dem Jahr 2010 ist in Köln ein besonders starker Bevölkerungsanstieg zu verzeichnen, der sich laut der jĂŒngsten Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung bis zum Jahr 2040 - wenngleich deutlich moderater - fortsetzen wird (Stadt Köln 2019a). Köln profitiert ebenso wie andere Ballungszentren insbesondere von hohen Zuzugsgewinnen bei jungen Menschen, die fĂŒr Ausbildung, Studium oder Berufseinstieg in die Domstadt ziehen. Gleichzeitig verlassen aber auch zahlreiche Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner Köln: Ein Trend, der trotz oder gerade wegen des Bevölkerungswachstums zunimmt. Dieser Beitrag nimmt die Abwanderungen aus Köln in die umgebenden Gemeinden, die sogenannte Wohnungsmarktregion, in den Blick. In das umgangssprachlich als SpeckgĂŒrtel bezeichnete Gebiet ziehen vor allem Familien aus dem Kölner Stadtkern. Im Zeitverlauf lassen sich fĂŒr Quell- wie Zielregion sowohl Intensivierung als auch rĂ€umliche Ausdehnung der Umlandwanderungen beobachten

    A critical turn in numeracy education and practice

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    Research into the nature of numeracy and numeracy practice has typically been focused on the capabilities required to participate effectively within personal, civic, and work life. In this article, we document the development of numeracy theory and practice from a functional perspective through to a view that includes evaluative and decision-making capabilities now required for informed and responsible citizenship—a critical turn. We map this development through an audit of policy and curriculum documents in addition to published research, making connections to the ever-changing mathematical demands of society. These include new demands that require critical approaches to the deployment of numeracy capabilities. We argue that this turn to the critical is central to how citizens support their societies' responses to recent and intensifying disruptive phenomena such as COVID-19 and for ensuring equity, inclusiveness, and social justice remain a high priority in a rapidly changing world

    Wer wenig hat, zahlt viel: Über die Entwicklung der Mietbelastung auf dem Kölner Wohnungsmarkt

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    KKölns Wohnungsmarkt ist angespannt. Erhöht wurde der Druck auf diesen Markt vor allem durch das anhaltende Bevölkerungswachstum in den 2010er Jahren, das von einer entsprechenden Steigerung der Mieten begleitet wurde. Sowohl bei den Angebots- als auch den Bestandsmieten waren deutliche Zunahmen zu verzeichnen. So stiegen die Neuvermietungspreise im Zeitraum 2009 bis 2019 um rund 40 %. Diese Entwicklung blieb nicht ohne Konsequenzen. So stellt der Kölner Wohnungsmarkt insbesondere einkommensschwĂ€chere Haushalte vor erhebliche finanzielle Herausforderungen. Der Beitrag fokussiert die finanzielle Belastung von Haushalten durch die von ihnen zu zahlende Miete. Datengrundlage ist die stĂ€dtische Bevölkerungsumfrage "Leben in Köln". Es erfolgt ein Vergleich der letzten Befragungsergebnisse aus dem Jahr 2016 mit Ergebnissen der Erhebung 2009. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt zudem auf der BerĂŒcksichtigung unterschiedlicher Miet- und Haushaltsformen und, damit verbunden, ungleichen EinkommensverhĂ€ltnissen

    â€čTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledgeâ€ș als Leitmodell medienpĂ€dagogischer Kompetenz

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    Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) ist international ein weit verbreitetes Modell, welches die wichtigsten Kompetenzfacetten beschreibt, die Lehrpersonen zu einem effektiven Einsatz digitaler Medien im Unterricht benötigen. Bislang wird TPACK vor allem als ein mediendidaktisches Modell verstanden. Der Artikel zeigt, dass TPACK auch als Leitmodell zur Beschreibung einer umfassend verstandenen medienpĂ€dagogischen Kompetenz von Lehrpersonen dienen kann. HierfĂŒr gibt es unterschiedliche Varianten, mit denen sich fast alle Kompetenzfacetten medienpĂ€dagogisch orientierter Modelle in das TPACK-Modell integrieren lassen. Je nach Variante dient TPACK als Kompetenzmodell fĂŒr eine fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifende, eine lernkulturorientierte, eine fachdidaktisch orientierte oder eine lebensweltorientierte Medienbildung

    Dupilumab for Chronic Prurigo: Case Series on Effectiveness, Safety, and Quality of Life

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    Background: Chronic prurigo (CPG) is a pruritic skin disease, characterized by an itch-scratch cycle and scarring. It reduces patients’ quality of life (QoL). Dupilumab is a monoclonal human IgG antibody that inhibits signaling of the interleukin 4 (IL-4) and interleukin 13 (IL-13) pathways through blockade of the IL-4 receptor. Patients with CPG who receive dupilumab often report great improvement in itch and overall QoL. We therefore reviewed our experience in order to follow up on QoL, safety, and treatment response in patients with CPG who received dupilumab. Methods: We conducted a real-world retrospective single-center case series. Outcomes were assessed by phone interviews and photographs using validated questionnaires and scores. Demographic data were obtained from the hospital files. Follow-up was up to 2 years. We assessed QoL with the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and the Itchy quality of life questionnaire (ItchyQoL). Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) was used to assess itch. Prurigo lesions were documented with the Prurigo activity and severity score (PAS). Results: Ten patients were included in this study. Results were reported up to 2 years after treatment with dupilumab. The response variables for DLQI, ItchyQoL, NRS, and PAS analyses showed a statistically significant decrease over time (DLQI: p ≀ 0.0001 [−0.84; −1.27], ItchyQoL: p ≀ 0.0001 [−9.89; −18.69], NRS maximum and average: p ≀ 0.0001 [−0.52; −0.86] and p ≀ 0.0001 [−0.55; −0.94], and PAS number of lesions: p = 0.0005 [−1.70; −5.28]). The percent decrease after 1 year of treatment (this estimate is based on model estimates) ranges from −42% to −82%. Four (40%) patients reported mild side effects. No serious side effects were reported. Conclusion: Dupilumab treatment of CGP for up to 2 years is associated with improved QoL and less itching

    The Added Value of FM:Different Research Perspectives

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    Purpose: This paper aims to present and compare research perspectives and theoretical reflections from a variety of academic fields on the concept of Added Value of Facilities Management (FM). Theory: The starting point is the so-called FM Value Map, which was presented in a paper by Jensen (2009) at the research symposium at EFMC 2009 in Amsterdam. Methodology: Literature reviews of the most influential journals within the academic fields of FM, Corporate Real Estate Management and Business to Business Marketing; reflections on EFMC-presentations; discussions between participants of an EuroFM research collaboration group working on a further exploration and testing of the FM Value Map. Findings: The research shows a number of different definitions and focus points of Added Value of FM, dependent on the academic field and the area of application. The different research perspectives explored a holistic view on the added value of FM by the integration of an external market based view (with a focus on the aimed output) and the internal resource based view (with a focus on the input from FM and RE). Good relationship management and building on trust shows to be equally important as delivering the agreed services. In order to measure the multidimensional components of adding value both qualitative and quantitative approaches are needed. Originality/value: Usually the concept of Added Value is discussed from a mono-disciplinary point of view. Based on this international collaboration a more complete picture will arise. The different backgrounds of the authors add value to an increased understanding of the added value of FM by comparing and testing different ways of conceptualising this concept. This is of great importance to FM-research and evidence-based FM as a sound basis for the long term recognition of FM

    Effects of Population Based Screening for Chlamydia Infections in The Netherlands Limited by Declining Participation Rates

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    Background: A large trial to investigate the effectiveness of population based screening for chlamydia infections was conducted in the Netherlands in 2008-2012. The trial was register based and consisted of four rounds of screening of women and men in the age groups 16-29 years in three regions in the Netherlands. Data were collected on participation rates and positivity rates per round. A modeling study was conducted to project screening effects for various screening strategies into the future. Methods and Findings: We used a stochastic network simulation model incorporating partnership formation and dissolution, aging and a sexual life course perspective. Trends in baseline rates of chlamydia testing and treatment were used to describe the epidemiological situation before the start of the screening program. Data on participation rates was used to describe screening uptake in rural and urban areas. Simulations were used to project the effectiveness of screening on chlamydia prevalence for a time period of 10 years. In addition, we tested alternative screening strategies, such as including only women, targeting different age groups, and biennial screening. Screening reduced prevalence by about 1% in the first two screening rounds and leveled off after that. Extrapolating observed participation rates into the future indicated very low participation in the long run. Alternative strategies only marginally changed the effectiveness of screening. Higher participation rates as originally foreseen in the program would have succeeded in reducing chlamydia prevalence to very low levels in the long run. Conclusions: Decreasing participation rates over time profoundly impact the effectiveness of population based screening for chlamydia infections. Using data from several consecutive rounds of screening in a simulation model enabled us to assess the future effectiveness of screening on prevalence. If participation rates cannot be kept at a sufficient level, the effectiveness of screening on prevalence will remain limited
