62 research outputs found

    Chapter 5 Switchgrass Harvest and Storage

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    The feedstock characteristics of the conversion platform will influence the optimal harvest and post harvest management practices for switchgrass. However, many of the harvest management practices are tied to plant phenology and will be similar across platforms. Proper harvest and storage of switchgrass will help provide a consistent and high-quality feedstock to the biorefinery. Bioenergyspecific switchgrass strains are high-yielding and in most cases can be harvested and baled with commercially available haying equipment. Many options are available for packaging switchgrass for storage and transportation, but large round bales or large rectangular bales are the most readily available and are in use on farms. Large round bales tend to have less storage losses than large rectangular bales when stored outside, but rectangular bales tend to be easier to handle and load a truck for transport without road width restrictions. Although there is limited large-scale experience with harvesting and storing switchgrass for bioenergy, extensive research, as well as a history of harvesting hay crops for livestock in many agroecoregions, makes harvesting and preserving switchgrass for bioenergy feasible at the landscape scale

    Chapter 5 Switchgrass Harvest and Storage

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    The feedstock characteristics of the conversion platform will influence the optimal harvest and post harvest management practices for switchgrass. However, many of the harvest management practices are tied to plant phenology and will be similar across platforms. Proper harvest and storage of switchgrass will help provide a consistent and high-quality feedstock to the biorefinery. Bioenergyspecific switchgrass strains are high-yielding and in most cases can be harvested and baled with commercially available haying equipment. Many options are available for packaging switchgrass for storage and transportation, but large round bales or large rectangular bales are the most readily available and are in use on farms. Large round bales tend to have less storage losses than large rectangular bales when stored outside, but rectangular bales tend to be easier to handle and load a truck for transport without road width restrictions. Although there is limited large-scale experience with harvesting and storing switchgrass for bioenergy, extensive research, as well as a history of harvesting hay crops for livestock in many agroecoregions, makes harvesting and preserving switchgrass for bioenergy feasible at the landscape scale

    Water Use Efficiency by Switchgrass Compared to a Native Grass or a Native Grass Alfalfa Mixture

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    Perennial grass systems are being evaluated as a bioenergy feedstock in the northern Great Plains. Inter-annual and inter-seasonal precipitation variation in this region will require efficient water use to maintain sufficient yield production to support a mature bioenergy industry. Objectives were to evaluate the impact of a May–June (early season) and a July–August (late season) drought on the water use efficiency (WUE), amount of water used, and biomass production in monocultures of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve), and a western wheatgrass–alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) mixture using an automated rainout shelter. WUE was strongly driven by biomass accumulation and ranged from 5.6 to 7.4 g biomass mm−1 water for switchgrass to 1.06 to 2.07 g biomass mm−1 water used with western wheatgrass. Timing of water stress affected WUE more in western wheatgrass and the western wheatgrass–alfalfa mixture than switchgrass. Water deficit for the western wheatgrass–alfalfa mixture was 23 % lower than western wheatgrass (P=0.0045) and 31 % lower than switchgrass (P\u3c0.0001) under the May–June stress water treatment, while switchgrass had a 37 and 38%greater water deficit than did western wheatgrass or western wheatgrass–alfalfa mixture, respectively (P\u3c0.001) under the July–August water stress treatment. Water depletion was always greatest in the upper 30 cm. Switchgrass had greater WUE but resulted in greater soil water depletion at the end of the growing season compared to western wheatgrass and a western wheatgrass– alfalfa mixture which may be a concern under multi-year drought conditions

    Switchgrass Biomass Simulation at Diverse Sites in the Northern Great Plains of the U.S.

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    The Agricultural Land Management Alternatives with Numerical Assessment Criteria (ALMANAC) model, originally developed and tested in Texas, needs to be tested for switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) simulation in more northerly locations. The Northern Great Plains of the U.S. has regionally adapted native populations of switchgrass and has excellent potential for growing switchgrass as a biofuel crop. The objective of this study was to adjust switchgrass parameters (potential leaf area index (DMLA) and degree days to maturity (PHU)) for northern sites and populations and to validate the model against switchgrass data from diverse sites in this region. Three or 4 years of measured yield data were used from a ten field sites in North Dakota (ND), South Dakota (SD), and Nebraska (NE). ALMANAC realistically simulated mean annual switchgrass yields ranging from means of 4.75 to 9.13 Mg ha−1. Mean simulated yields were within 3%, 15%, and 9% of mean measured yields for NE, SD, and ND, respectively. Sensitivity analysis with temperature and rainfall demonstrated variable responses of potential yields depending on whether season duration, soil water, or soil nitrogen was the limiting factor at a site. ALMANAC shows promise as a useful tool for switchgrass evaluation and management in the northern Great Plains and in similar latitudes with low rainfall such as the East European Plain

    Field-Scale Soil Property Changes under Switchgrass Managed for Bioenergy

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    The capacity of perennial grasses to affect change in soil properties is well documented but information on switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) managed for bioenergy is limited. An on-farm study (10 fields) in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska was sampled before switchgrass establishment and after 5 years to determine changes in soil bulk density (SBD), pH, soil phosphorus (P), and equivalent mass soil organic carbon (SOC). Changes in SBD were largely constrained to near-surface depths (0–0.05 m). SBD increased (0–0.05 m) at the Nebraska locations (mean=0.16 Mgm-3), while most South Dakota and North Dakota locations showed declines in SBD (mean=-0.18 Mgm-3; range=-0.42–0.07 Mgm-3). Soil pH change was significant at five of the 10 locations at near surface depths (0–0.05 m), but absolute changes were modest (range=-0.67–0.44 pH units). Available P declined at all sites where it was measured (North Dakota and South Dakota locations). When summed across the surface 0.3 m depth, annual decreases in available P averaged 1.5 kg P ha-1 yr-1 (range=0.5–2.8 kg P ha-1 yr-1). Averaged across locations, equivalent mass SOC increased by 0.5 and 2.4 Mg Cha-1 yr-1 for the 2500 and 10 000 Mg ha-1 soil masses, respectively. Results from this study underscore the contribution of switchgrass to affect soil property changes, though considerable variation in soil properties exists within and across locations

    Big Bluestem and Indiangrass from Remnant Prairies: Plant Biomass and Adaptation

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    Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) and indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans L.) were collected from remnant Midwestern prairies and evaluated as individual prairie accessions in replicated space-transplanted nurseries near Mead, NE, Ames, IA, and West Lafayette, IN. The objective was to determine the extent of differences among the accessions for plant biomass (g plant−1) and biomass quality, the extent of strain x location interactions, and the relationship between geographical locations of collection sites and evaluation locations for plant biomass production. Plant biomass has been used previously as a measure of plant adaptation and fitness. Big bluestem and indiangrass accessions differed significantly (P \u3c 0.05) for plant biomass at all locations. Strain mean squares for plant biomass were 10® greater than strain x location effects for big bluestem and were not significant for indiangrass, indicating a general lack of specific adaptation across the Midwest. Accessions were identified that had high plant biomass at all three locations. These accessions should have value in breeding programs and for use in revegetation. Regression analyses were used to test the effect of north-to-south, east-to-west, and direct distances between the collection sites and the evaluation locations on plant biomass. The most important distance effects were the north-to-south effects, which were significant for plant biomass for big bluestem at all locations and for indiangrass at West Lafayette. Moving northern big bluestem accessions south resulted in reduced plant biomass, with the opposite effect when southern accessions were moved north. Results support the regional adaptation of the best accessions and cultivars for these grasses

    Soil Carbon Storage by Switchgrass Grown for Bioenergy

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    Life-cycle assessments (LCAs) of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) grown for bioenergy production require data on soil organic carbon (SOC) change and harvested C yields to accurately estimate net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To date, nearly all information on SOC change under switchgrass has been based on modeled assumptions or small plot research, both of which do not take into account spatial variability within or across sites for an agro-ecoregion. To address this need, we measured change in SOC and harvested C yield for switchgrass fields on ten farms in the central and northern Great Plains, USA (930 km latitudinal range). Change in SOC was determined by collecting multiple soil samples in transects across the fields prior to planting switchgrass and again 5 years later after switchgrass had been grown and managed as a bioenergy crop. Harvested aboveground C averaged 2.5± 0.7 Mg C ha−1 over the 5 year study. Across sites, SOC increased significantly at 0–30 cm (P=0.03) and 0–120 cm (P=0.07), with accrual rates of 1.1 and 2.9 Mg C ha−1 year−1 (4.0 and 10.6 Mg CO2 ha−1 year−1), respectively. Change in SOC across sites varied considerably, however, ranging from −0.6 to 4.3 Mg C ha−1 year−1 for the 0–30 cm depth. Such variation in SOC change must be taken into consideration in LCAs. Net GHG emissions from bioenergy crops vary in space and time. Such variation, coupled with an increased reliance on agriculture for energy production, underscores the need for long-term environmental monitoring sites in major agro-ecoregions

    Near-Term Effects of Perennial Grasses on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Eastern Nebraska

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    Incorporating native perennial grasses adjacent to annual row crop systems managed on marginal lands can increase system resiliency by diversifying food and energy production. This study evaluated (1) soil organic C (SOC) and total N stocks (TN) under warm-season grass (WSG) monocultures and a low diversity mixture compared to an adjacent no-till continuous-corn system, and (2) WSG total above-ground biomass (AGB) in response to two levels of N fertilization from 2012 to 2017 in eastern Nebraska, USA. The WSG treatments consisted of (1) switchgrass (SWG), (2) big bluestem (BGB), and (3) low-diversity grass mixture (LDM; big bluestem, Indiangrass, and sideoat grama). Soils were sampled at fixed depth increments (0–120 cm) in the WSG plots and in the adjacent corn experiment in 2012 and 2017. Soil stocks (Mg ha-1) of SOC and TN were calculated on an equivalent soil mass (ESM) basis and compared within the three WSG treatments as well as between experiments (corn compared to the mean of all WSGs). Soil organic C and TN stocks within soil layers and cumulative stocks responded to the main effect of WSG (PWSG \u3c 0.05) but were no different when comparing the WSGs to corn (Pexpt = NS). Both SOC/TN stocks and cumulative stocks were generally greater in the LDM compared to the BGB. Neither SOC nor TN changed over time under either the WSGs or corn. Warm-season grass AGB responded to a three-way interaction of year, N rate, and WSG (p = 0.0007). Decreases in AGB over time were significant across WSGs and N levels except for SWG at 56 kg N ha-1 and LDM at 112 kg N ha-1. Above-ground biomass was generally greater in the LDM after the first harvest year (2013). Results suggest that incorporating WSGs into marginal cropland can maintain SOC and TN stocks while providing a significant source of biomass to be used in energy production or in integrated livestock systems

    Corn Residue Use by Livestock in the United States

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    Corn (Zea mays L.) residue grazing or harvest provides a simple and economical practice to integrate crops and livestock, but limited information is available on how widespread corn residue utilization is practiced by US producers. In 2010, the USDA Economic Research Service surveyed producers from 19 states on corn grain and residue management practices. Total corn residue grazed or harvested was 4.87 million ha. Approximately 4.06 million ha was grazed by 11.7 million livestock (primarily cattle) in 2010. The majority of grazed corn residue occurred in Nebraska (1.91 million ha), Iowa (385,000 ha), South Dakota (361,000 ha), and Kansas (344,000 ha). Average grazing days ranged from 10 to 73 d (mean = 40 d). Corn residue harvests predominantly occurred in the central and northern Corn Belt, with an estimated 2.9 Tg of corn residue harvested across the 19 states. This survey highlights the importance of corn residue for US livestock, particularly in the western Corn Belt

    Perennial warm-season grasses for producing biofuel and enhancing soil properties: An alternative to corn residue removal

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    Removal of corn (Zea mays L.) residues at high rates for biofuel and other off-farm uses may negatively impact soil and the environment in the long term. Biomass removal from perennial warm-season grasses (WSGs) grown in marginally-productive lands could be an alternative to corn residue removal as biofuel feedstocks while controlling water and wind erosion, sequestering carbon (C), cycling water and nutrients, and enhancing other soil ecosystem services. We compared wind and water erosion potential, soil compaction, soil hydraulic properties, soil organic C (SOC), and soil fertility between biomass removal from WSGs and corn residue removal from rainfed no-till continuous corn on a marginally productive site on a silty clay loam in eastern Nebraska after 2 and 3 yr of management. The field-scale treatments were: 1) switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), 2) big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii L.), and 3) low-diversity grass mixture [big bluestem, indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash), and sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.)], and 4) 50% corn residue removal with three replications. Across years, corn residue removal increased wind erodible fraction from 41% to 86% and reduced wet aggregate stability from 1.70 to 1.15 mm compared with WSGs in the upper 7.5 cm soil depth. Corn residue removal also reduced water retention by 15% between -33 and -300 kPa potentials and plant available water by 25% in the upper 7.5 cm soil depth. However, corn residue removal did not affect final water infiltration, SOC concentration, soil fertility, and other properties. Overall, corn residue removal increases erosion potential and reduces water retention shortly after removal, suggesting that biomass removal from perennial WSGs is a desirable alternative to corn residue removal for biofuel production and maintenance of soil ecosystem services
