7 research outputs found

    Acceleration and evolution of faults: An example from the Hunter Mountain-Panamint Valley fault zone, Eastern California

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    We present new space geodetic data indicating that the present slip rate on the Hunter Mountain–Panamint Valley fault zone in Eastern California (5.0 ± 0.5 mm/yr) is significantly faster than geologic estimates based on fault total offset and inception time. We interpret this discrepancy as evidence for an accelerating fault and propose a new model for fault initiation and evolution. In this model, fault slip rate initially increases with time; hence geologic estimates averaged over the early stages of the fault\u27s activity will tend to underestimate the present-day rate. The model is based on geologic data (total offset and fault initiation time) and geodetic data (present day slip rate). The model assumes a monotonic increase in slip rate with time as the fault matures and straightens. The rate increase follows a simple Rayleigh cumulative distribution. Integrating the rate-time path from fault inception to present-day gives the total fault offset

    Central Cascadia Subduction Zone Creep

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    Central Cascadia between 43ÂșN and 46ÂșN has reduced interseismic uplift observed in geodetic data and coseismic subsidence seen in multiple thrust earthquakes, suggesting elevated persistent fault creep in this section of the subduction zone. We estimate subduction thrust decade-scale locking and crustal block rotations from three-component continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) time series from 1997 to 2013, as well as 80 year tide gauge and leveling-derived uplift rates. Geodetic observations indicatecoastal central Oregon is rising at a slower rate than coastal Washington, southern Oregon and northern California. Modeled locking distributions suggest a wide locking transition zone that extends inland undercentral Oregon. Paleoseismic records of multiple great earthquakes along Cascadia indicate less subsidence in central Oregon. The Cascade thrust under central Oregon may be partially creeping for at least 6500 years(the length of the paleoseismic record) reducing interseismic uplift and resulting in reduced coseismic subsidence. Large accretions of Eocene age basalt (Siletzia terrane) between 43ÂșN and 46ÂșN may be less perme-able compared to surrounding terranes, potentially increasing pore ïŹ‚uid pressures along the fault interface resulting in a wide zone of persistent fault creep. In a separate inversion, three-component GPS time series from 1 July 2005 to 1 January 2011 are used to estimate upper plate deformation, locking between slow-slip events (SSEs), slip from 16 SSEs and an earthquake mechanism. Cumulative SSEs and tectonic tremor are weakest between 43ÂșN and 46ÂșN where partial fault creep is increased and Siletzia terrane is thick, suggesting that surrounding rock properties may inïŹ‚uence the mode of slip

    Strain Accumulation Across the Carrizo Segment of the San Andreas Fault, California: Impact of Laterally Varying Crustal Properties

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    Major strike slip faults juxtapose geologically dissimilar terrain which may vary in mechanical properties, leading to an asymmetric pattern of strain accumulation. We present new GPS data on the Carrizo segment of the San Andreas Fault, separating the Salinian block southwest of the fault from Franciscan terrane northeast of the fault, to better quantify asymmetric strain accumulation. We also present a series of finite element models to investigate the possible role of variable elastic layer thickness and material properties of the upper crust. The geodetic data are well fit with a simple model comprising a weak upper crustal zone 10–25 km wide northeast of the fault. This model is also consistent with geologic data on the distribution of major rock types and corresponding laboratory data on their material properties, as well as paleoseismic, seismic and magnetotelluric data. Using this model, we estimate a “long-term” (average over several seismic cycles) slip rate for the San Andreas Fault of 36−1.5+2 mm/yr in agreement with the known Holocene rate within uncertainties, and a viscosity for the combined lower crust/upper mantle of 2–5 × 1019 Pa s

    Reconciling Patterns of Interseismic Strain Accumulation with Thermal Observations Across the Carrizo Segment of the San Andreas Fault

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    The Carrizo segment of the San Andreas Fault separates rocks of the Salinian Block southwest of the fault characterized by high heat flow (~ 75–95 mW/m2) and shallow seismicity (2) and deeper seismicity

    Comparisons of corrected daily integrated erythemal UVR from the U.S. EPA/UGA network of Brewer spectroradiometers with model and satellite data

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    A network of 21 Brewer spectroradiometers, owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and operated by the University of Georgia, is measuring UV spectral irradiances throughout the United States. Corrections to the raw data have now been implemented. These corrections include (1) stray light rejection, (2) the cosine errors associated with the full sky diffuser, (3) the temperature dependence of the response of the instruments and (4) the temporal variation in the instrument response due to optical changes in the characteristics of the instruments. While for many sites the total corrections amount to less than 10%, for certain sites they are much larger, in some cases amounting to more than 25%. Application of these corrections brings the errors of the absolute irradiance values to approximately ± 5 to 7% for all sources of error. Comparisons of corrected daily integrated erythemal UVR data (DUV) to model and TOMS-inferred values are performed for sites at Acadia National Park, Bigbend National Park, Everglades National Park and the Virgin Islands. All sites show very good agreement with the TUVSPEC model but comparison with TOMS-inferred DUV values indicate a 10-20% overestimate by TOMS for the four sites