76 research outputs found

    Diseases of the lips

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    Heath care providers should be comfortable with normal as well as pathologic findings in the lips, because the lips are highly visible and may display clinical manifestations of local, as well as systemic inflammatory, allergic, irritant, and neoplastic alterations. Fortunately, the lips are easily accessible. The evaluation should include a careful history and physical examination, including visual inspection, as well as palpation of the lips and an examination of associated cervical, submandibular, and submental nodes. Pathologic and microscopic studies, as well as a review of medications, allergies, and habits, may further highlight possible etiologies. Many lip conditions, including premalignant changes, are relatively easy to treat, when the abnormalities are detected early; however, advanced disease and malignancies are challenging for both the patient and clinician. Treatment should be focused on eliminating potential irritants or allergens and treatment of the primary dermatosis. In this paper we review physiologic variants as well as pathologic conditions of the lips

    Long optical cavities for open-path monitoring of atmospheric trace gases and aerosol extinction

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    An incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy setup employing a 20 m long optical cavity is described for sensitive in situ measurements of light extinction between 630 and 690 nm. The setup was installed at the SAPHIR atmospheric simulation chamber during an intercomparison of instruments for nitrate (NO3) radical detection. The long cavity was stable for the entire duration of the two week campaign. A detection limit of similar to 2 pptv for NO3 in an acquisition time of 5 s was established during that time. In addition to monitoring NO3, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations were simultaneously retrieved and compared against concurrent measurements by a chemiluminescence detector. Some results from the campaign are presented to demonstrate the performance of the instrument in an atmosphere containing water vapor and inorganic aerosol. The spectral analysis of NO3 and NO2, the concentration dependence of the water absorption cross sections, and the retrieval of aerosol extinction are discussed. The first deployment of the setup in the field is also briefly described

    Monkeypox in a Patient with Controlled HIV Infection Initially Presenting with Fever, Painful Pharyngitis, and Tonsillitis

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    Background and Objectives: With more and more cases emerging outside central and west African countries, where the disease is endemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared human monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Typical symptoms of the disease include fever, myalgia, and lymphadenopathy followed by a rash, but other symptoms may occur. Immunocompromised patients, including patients with uncontrolled Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, may be at risk for more severe courses. Case presentation: We present the case of a 30-year-old male patient of Brazilian descent with monkeypox. Initial symptoms were fever and general discomfort, with painful pharyngitis and tonsillitis and finally a papular rash of the anogenital area as the disease progressed. The presumed date of infection was a sexual contact with an unknown male eight days before the first symptoms occurred. The patient had a known and controlled HIV infection. The main reason for the initial presentation at the hospital was painful pharyngitis and tonsillitis, limiting food intake. Monkeypox infection was confirmed via PCR testing from a swab sample of cutaneous lesions. Adequate systemic and local analgesia enabled oral food uptake again. Antiviral therapy with Tecovirimat was not administered due to the stable immune status of the patient and the mild clinical symptoms. To cover a possible bacterial superinfection or Syphilis infection of the tonsil, antibiotic therapy with Ceftriaxone was added. Several days after presentation, the inflammation of the pharynx resolved and was followed by non-painful mucosal peeling. The patient was followed up with telephone calls and reported a complete recovery. The skin lesions were completely dried out 18 days after the first symptoms. Conclusions: Painful pharyngitis and tonsillitis can be rare early symptoms of monkeypox, which is highly relevant in everyday clinical practice. Particularly in patients with risk factors for monkeypox infection, further clinical and microbiologic testing for monkeypox should be performed if there is a clinical presentation with pharyngitis and tonsillitis

    Interprofessional Collaboration between ICU Physicians, Staff Nurses, and Hospital Pharmacists Optimizes Antimicrobial Treatment and Improves Quality of Care and Economic Outcome

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    (1) Background: Antibiotic resistance is a worldwide health threat. The WHO published a global strategic plan in 2001 to contain antimicrobial resistance. In the following year, a workshop identified crucial barriers to the implementation of the strategy, e.g., underdeveloped health infrastructures and the scarcity of valid data as well as a lack of implementation of antibiotic stewardship (ABS) programs in medical curricula. Here, we show that interprofessional learning and education can contribute to the optimization of antibiotic use and preserving antibiotic effectiveness. We have initiated interprofessional rounds on a medical intensive care unit (MICU) with a focus on gastroenterology, hepatology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, and liver transplantation. We integrated ICU physicians, hospital pharmacists, nursing staff, and medical students as well as students of pharmacy to broaden the rather technical concept of ABS with an interprofessional approach to conceptualize awareness and behavioral change in antibiotic prescription and use. Methods: Clinical performance data and consumption figures for antibiotics were analyzed over a 10-year period from 2012 to 2021. The control period covered the years 2012–2014. The intervention period comprised the years 2015–2021, following the implementation of an interprofessional approach to ABS at a MICU of a German university hospital. Data from the hospital pharmacy, hospital administration, and hospital information system were included in the analyses. A specific electronic platform was developed for the optimization of documentation, interprofessional learning, education, and sustainability. The years 2020 and 2021 were analyzed independently due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the care of numerous COVID-19 patients at the MICU. Results: Implementation of an interprofessional ABS program resulted in the optimization of antibiotic management at the MICU. The suggestions of the hospital pharmacist for optimization can be divided into the following categories (i) indication for and selection of therapy (43.6%), (ii) optimization of dosing (27.6%), (iii) drug interactions (9.4%), (iv) side effects (4.1%), and (v) other pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and pharmacoeconomic topics (15.3%). These suggestions were discussed among the interprofessional team at the MICU; 86.1% were consequently implemented and the prescription of antibiotics was changed. In addition, further analysis of the intensive care German Diagnosis Related Groups (G-DRGs) showed that the case mix points increased significantly by 31.6% during the period under review. Accordingly, the severity of illness of the patients treated at the ICU as measured by the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II increased by 21.4% and the proportion of mechanically ventilated patients exceeded 50%. Antibiotic spending per case mix point was calculated. While spending was EUR 60.22 per case mix point in 2015, this was reduced by 42.9% to EUR 34.37 per case mix point by 2019, following the implementation of the interprofessional ABS program on the MICU. Through close interprofessional collaboration between physicians, hospital pharmacists, and staff nurses, the consumption of broad-spectrum antibiotics, e.g., carbapenems, was significantly reduced, thus improving patient care. In parallel, the case mix and case mix index increased. Thus, the responsible use of resources and high-performance medicine are not contradictory. In our view, close interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaboration between physicians, pharmacists, and nursing staff will be of outstanding importance in the future to prepare health care professionals for global health care to ensure that the effectiveness of our antibiotics is preserved

    Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater: what normalisation for improved understanding of epidemic trends?

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    SARS-CoV-2 RNA quantification in wastewater has emerged as a relevant additional means to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the concentration can be affected by black water dilution factors or movements of the sewer shed population, leading to misinterpretation of measurement results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of different indicators to accurately interpret SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater. Weekly/bi-weekly measurements from three cities in France were analysed from February to September 2021. The concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 gene copies were normalised to the faecal-contributing population using simple sewage component indicators. To reduce the measurement error, a composite index was created to combine simultaneously the information carried by the simple indicators. The results showed that the regularity (mean absolute difference between observation and the smoothed curve) of the simple indicators substantially varied across sampling points. The composite index consistently showed better regularity compared to the other indicators and was associated to the lowest variation in correlation coefficient across sampling points. These findings suggest the recommendation for the use of a composite index in wastewater-based epidemiology to compensate for variability in measurement results

    The p53 Family of Transcription Factors Represses the Alpha- fetoprotein Gene Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Background: p53 deletion and mutation as well as upregulation of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) are hallmarks of hepatocarcinogenesis. p63 and p73 belong to the family of p53-related transcription factors expressing a variety of isoforms. The expression of dominant negative (ΔN) p73 is related to the reduced survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In this study, we characterized the interaction between p53 family-dependent signaling pathways and the regulation of AFP at the gene and protein levels as essential determinants of therapeutic response and prognosis in HCC. Methods: Putative p53-, p63- and p73-binding sites within the AFP gene were identified in silico. Hep3B cells were transfected with plasmids encoding for p53, p63 and p73 to analyze the interplay of the p53 family with AFP. AFP transcription was determined by RT-qPCR. Protein levels of AFP, p53, p63 and p73 were analyzed by Western blot. Results: Underlining the importance of the crosstalk between the p53 family-dependent pathways and AFP regulation we identified eight novel putative binding sites for the members of the p53 family within the introns 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 12 of the AFP gene. Accordingly, full-length isoforms of p53, p63 and p73 efficiently downregulated AFP both on mRNA and protein level. Thus, the p53 family members were identified to be major regulators of AFP repression. Of note, p63 was characterized as a novel and p73 as the most efficient repressor of AFP. Conclusion: p53 mutation and upregulation of AFP are essential oncogenic events in the development of HCC. Here we show that AFP gene regulation occurs via a combined action of the p53 family members p53, p63 and p73. All three tumor suppressors reduce AFP gene and protein expression. Thus, our findings reveal a novel interaction of p53 family-dependent signaling pathways and AFP regulation at the gene and protein levels in HCC

    Bacterial Infection of an Alveolar Echinococcus Cyst from C. perfringens Septicemia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Background and Objectives: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a highly variable disease able to present as structurally diverse cysts in different organs based on the host’s immunological state as well as the time between diagnosis and the primary infection. Bacterial superinfections, especially with anaerobic pathogens from the Clostridiaceae genus, can further alter the radiological findings due to pneumobilia, newly formed abscess formations, and inflammatory changes. Materials and Methods: We present a case of a 71-year-old Caucasian male admitted to our intensive care unit with septic shock, pneumobilia, and a complex cyst of the liver with calcification, as shown by an initial CT. Because of the septic shock, the patient was started on broad-band antibiotics. Clostridiaceae infection was considered an important differential diagnosis due to the presence of pneumobilia observed in the initial CT, without a history of previous endoscopy. Furthermore, serology for echinococcus was positive, and blood cultures showed growth of C. perfringens. Therefore, the patient was additionally treated with albendazole. After recovery, further staging was conducted, showing complete remission of the cyst and a left-over lesion classified as Alveolar Echinococcosis Ulm Classification (AEUC) V. In summary, the patient had a pre-existing, controlled AE infection that became superinfected with C. perfringens, likely attributable to the anaerobic necrotic tissue, leading to septicemia. Results: The anaerobic tissue within the AE cyst provided an ideal medium for C. perfringens to replicate, leading to cyst infection, which subsequently caused septic shock and pneumobilia. The initial findings from CT and MRI were confounded by the superinfection, demonstrating the diagnostic challenges of AE, especially when presenting with complications. Conclusions: Diagnosing AE remains a demanding task, even with the excellent tools available through serology, coupled with CT, FDG-PET-CT, and MRI. Notably, older superinfected cysts can pose difficulties when integrated into the appropriate diagnostic context. Prompt diagnosis is critical for the accurate treatment of echinococcosis and its complications, such as bacterial superinfections. From a clinical perspective, septicemia from Clostridiaceae and infections with C. perfringens—pathogens capable of inducing pneumobilia—should be regarded as significant differential diagnoses for pneumobilia in the absence of a recent history of endoscopy

    Hepatic perfusion as a new predictor of prognosis and mortality in critical care patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure

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    Background and aims: Liver diseases are frequent causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Liver diseases can lead to cirrhosis, with the risk of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). For the detection of changes in hepatic hemodynamics, Doppler ultrasonography is a well-established method. We investigated hepatic hemodynamics via serial Doppler ultrasonography to determine the predictive value of changes in hepatic perfusion for the outcome in patients with severe liver diseases compared to established prognostic models such as the MELD (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease) or CLIF-C (Chronic Liver Failure-Consortium) ACLF score. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, hepatic perfusion was quantified at baseline before the initiation of treatment and every third day by means of serial measurements of the hepatic artery resistance index (HARI) and the maximum portal vein velocity (PVv) using Doppler ultrasonography in 50 consecutive patients with severe liver diseases admitted to a medical intensive care unit (MICU). The recorded hemodynamic parameters were compared to the MELD score, and the CLIF-C ACLF score to analyze their utility for the prediction of the outcome of patients with severe liver diseases, liver cirrhosis, and ACLF. Results: The changes (delta) obtained by serial measurements of the MELD score, HARI, and PVv were analyzed through scatter plots. Bivariate correlation analysis yielded a new positive linear correlation between the delta-HARI and the delta-MELD score (r = 0.469; p < 0.001). In addition, our data revealed a new negative linear correlation between delta-PVv and the delta-MELD score (r = −0.279, p = 0.001). The leading cause of MICU mortality was acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). A subgroup analysis of patients with liver cirrhosis revealed a positive linear correlation between the delta-HARI and the delta-CLIF-C-ACLF score (r = 0.252, p = 0.005). Of clinical relevance, non-survivors of ACLF exhibited a significantly higher mean value for the delta-HARI (0.010 vs. −0.005; p = 0.015) and a lower mean value for the delta-PVv (−0.7 vs. 1.9 cm/s; p = 0.037) in comparison to survivors of ACLF. Conclusion: This study shows the prognostic value of the assessment of hepatic perfusion in critical care patients with severe liver diseases by bedside Doppler ultrasound examination and its utility as an accurate predictor of the outcome in patients with ACLF. Increasing HARI and a decreasing PVv are predictors of an adverse outcome. Delta-HARI and delta-PVv are new biomarkers of prognosis and ACLF-related mortality in patients with liver diseases. Delta-HARI and delta-PVv may be helpful in guiding clinical decision�making, especially in catecholamine and fluid management
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