4,282 research outputs found

    Seasonal and interannual variations in total ozone revealed by the Nimbus-4 backscattered ultraviolet experiment

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    The first two years of Backscattered Ultraviolet (BUV) ozone data from the Nimbus-4 spacecraft were reprocessed. The seasonal variations of total ozone for the period April 1970 to April 1972 are described using daily zonal means to 10 deg latitude zones and a time-latitude cross section. In addition, the BUV data are compared with analyzed Dobson data and with IRIS data also obtained from the Nimbus-4 spacecraft. A harmonic analysis was performed on the daily zonal means. Amplitudes, days of peaks, and percentage of variance were computed for annual and semi-annual waves and for higher harmonics of an annual period for the two years. Asymmetries are found in the annual waves in the two hemispheres, with a subtle interannual difference which may be due to changes in the general circulation. A significant semi-annual component is detected in the tropics for the first year, which appears to result from influences of the annual waves in the two hemispheres

    Interpreting Results of a State-Wide Highway Transport Survey

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    Optical alignment system Patent

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    Electro-optical/computer system for aligning large structural members and maintaining correct positio

    Nimbus 7 Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) spectral scan solar irradiance and Earth radiance product user's guide

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    The archived tape products from the spectral scan mode measurements of solar irradiance (SUNC tapes) and Earth radiance (EARTH tapes) by the Solar Backscatter UV (SBUV) instrument aboard Nimbus 7 are described. Incoming radiation from 160 to 400 nm is measured at intervals of 0.2 nm. The scan-to-scan repeatability of the solar irradiance measurements ranges from approximately 0.5 to 1 percent longward of 280 nm, to 2 percent around 210 nm and 4 percent near 175 nm. The repeatability of the Earth radiance values ranges from 2 to 3 percent at longer wavelengths and low zenith angles to 10 percent at shorter wavelengths and high zenith angles. The tape formats are described in detail, including file structure and contents of each type of record. Catalogs of the tapes and the time period covered are provided, along with lists of the days lacking solar irradiance measurements and the days dedicated to Earth radiance measurements. The method for production of the tapes is outlined and quality control measures are described. How radiances and irradiances are derived from the raw counts, the corrections for changes in instrument sensitivity, and related uncertainties are discussed

    Ten Years of Solar Change as Monitored by SBUV and SBUV/2

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    Observations of the Sun by the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) instrument aboard Nimbus 7 and the SBUV/2 instrument aboard NOAA-9 reveal variations in the solar irradiance from 1978, to 1988. The maximum to minimum solar change estimated from the Heath and Schlesinger Mg index and wavelength scaling factors is about 4 percent from 210 to 260 nm and 8 percent for 180 to 210 nm; direct measurements of the solar change give values of 1 to 3 percent and 5 to 7 percent, respectively, for the same wavelength range. Solar irradiances were high from the start of observations, late in 1978, until 1983, declined until early 1985, remained approximately constant until mid-1987, and then began to rise. Peak-to-peak 27-day rotational modulation amplitudes were as large as 6 percent at solar maximum and 1 to 2 percent at solar minimum. During occasional intervals of the 1979 to 1983 maximum and again during 1988, the dominant rotational modulation period was 13.5 days. Measurements near 200 to 205 nm show the same rotational modulation behavior but cannot be used to track long-term changes in the Sun because of uncertainties in the characterization of long-term instrument sensitivity changes

    Vector-coupling approach to orbital and spin-dependent tableau matrix elements in the theory of complex spectra

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    The power of the Young tableau scheme for labeling a complete spin-adapted basis set in the theory of complex spectra lies in one\u27s ability to evaluate matrix elements of irreducible tensor operators directly in terms of the tableau labels and shapes. We show that the matrix-element rules stated by Harter for one-body operators can be easily derived from simple vector-coupling considerations. The graphical method of angular momentum analysis is used to derive closed-form expressions for the matrix elements of two-body operators. This study yields several interesting new relationships between spin-dependent operators and purely orbital operators. © 1977 The American Physical Society

    Comments on a new mathematical technique in the theory of complex spectra

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    A large body of work on the algebraic properties of the Gelfand labelling scheme for atoms with several electrons has recently been synthesized by Harter (see abstr. A31652 of 1974) into a compact procedure for the construction of total angular momentum eigenfunctions and the evaluation of angular coefficients. Certain ambiguities in the procedure are removed. Also, an improved method for the diagonalization of the angular momentum matrix in the Galfand basis set is presented. As an example, the doublet states of the f 3 configuration are discussed

    Spin-orbit parameters by the Gelfand-Harter method-a test calculation

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    The spin-orbit parameters for the sextet states of the f5 configuration are computed using the Young-tableau techniques developed by Harter. The conceptual and computational advantages over traditional methods are discussed. © 1977 The American Physical Society

    Non-Schlesinger Deformations of Ordinary Differential Equations with Rational Coefficients

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    We consider deformations of 2×22\times2 and 3×33\times3 matrix linear ODEs with rational coefficients with respect to singular points of Fuchsian type which don't satisfy the well-known system of Schlesinger equations (or its natural generalization). Some general statements concerning reducibility of such deformations for 2×22\times2 ODEs are proved. An explicit example of the general non-Schlesinger deformation of 2×22\times2-matrix ODE of the Fuchsian type with 4 singular points is constructed and application of such deformations to the construction of special solutions of the corresponding Schlesinger systems is discussed. Some examples of isomonodromy and non-isomonodromy deformations of 3×33\times3 matrix ODEs are considered. The latter arise as the compatibility conditions with linear ODEs with non-singlevalued coefficients.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Prospects for the Characterization and Confirmation of Transiting Exoplanets via the Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect

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    The Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect is the distortion of stellar spectral lines that occurs during eclipses or transits, due to stellar rotation. We assess the future prospects for using the RM effect to measure the alignment of planetary orbits with the spin axes of their parent stars, and to confirm exoplanetary transits. We compute the achievable accuracy for the parameters of interest, in general and for the 5 known cases of transiting exoplanets with bright host stars. We determine the requirements for detecting the effects of differential rotation. For transiting planets with small masses or long periods (as will be detected by forthcoming satellite missions), the velocity anomaly produced by the RM effect can be much larger than the orbital velocity of the star. For a terrestrial planet in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star found by the Kepler mission, it will be difficult to use the RM effect to confirm transits with current instruments, but it still may be easier than measuring the spectroscopic orbit.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, one table. Minor changes. Accepted to ApJ, to appear in the Jan 20, 2007 issue (v655