5,441 research outputs found

    Fraunhofer line discriminator Final report

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    Airborne Fraunhofer line discriminato

    Zeros of the Jimbo, Miwa, Ueno tau function

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    We introduce a family of local deformations for meromorphic connections on the Riemann sphere in the neighborhood of a higher rank (simple) singularity. Following a scheme introduced by Malgrange we use these local models to prove that the zeros of the tau function introduced by Jimbo, Miwa and Ueno occur precisely at those points in the deformation space at which a certain Birkhoff-Riemann- Hilbert problem fails to have a solution.Comment: 59 page

    Deformations of Fuchsian Systems of Linear Differential Equations and the Schlesinger System

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    We consider holomorphic deformations of Fuchsian systems parameterized by the pole loci. It is well known that, in the case when the residue matrices are non-resonant, such a deformation is isomonodromic if and only if the residue matrices satisfy the Schlesinger system with respect to the parameter. Without the non-resonance condition this result fails: there exist non-Schlesinger isomonodromic deformations. In the present article we introduce the class of the so-called isoprincipal deformations of Fuchsian systems. Every isoprincipal deformation is also an isomonodromic one. In general, the class of the isomonodromic deformations is much richer than the class of the isoprincipal deformations, but in the non-resonant case these classes coincide. We prove that a deformation is isoprincipal if and only if the residue matrices satisfy the Schlesinger system. This theorem holds in the general case, without any assumptions on the spectra of the residue matrices of the deformation. An explicit example illustrating isomonodromic deformations, which are neither isoprincipal nor meromorphic with respect to the parameter, is also given

    Interpreting Results of a State-Wide Highway Transport Survey

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    Optical alignment system Patent

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    Electro-optical/computer system for aligning large structural members and maintaining correct positio

    Ethnic Sensitive Social Work Practice: The State of the Art

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    The social work literature of the past ten years has paid increasing attention to the ideological, theoretical and practice issues related to ethnic sensitive practice. Major focus has been on the life styles, needs and oppression of people of color, with minimal attention paid to other ethnic groups. A literature focused on adapting prevailing practice modalities to work with diverse groups is beginning to emerge

    The Boson peak in supercooled water

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    We perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of the TIP4P/2005 model of water to investigate the origin of the Boson peak reported in experiments on supercooled water in nanoconfined pores and in hydration water around proteins. We find that the onset of the Boson peak in supercooled bulk water coincides with the crossover to a predominantly low-density-like liquid below the Widom line TW. The frequency and onset temperature of the Boson peak in our simulations of bulk water agree well with the results from experiments on nanoconfined water. Our results suggest that the Boson peak in water is not an exclusive effect of confinement. We further find that, similar to other glass-forming liquids, the vibrational modes corresponding to the Boson peak are spatially extended and are related to transverse phonons found in the parent crystal, here ice Ih.We thank S. V. Buldyrev and S. Sastry for helpful discussions. The simulations were in part performed using resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at the NSC and HPC2N centers. LGMP, KTW and DS were supported by the Swedish Research Council. KTW is also supported by the Icelandic Research Fund through the START programme. PK acknowledges the support of National Academies Keck Future Initiatives award. HES thanks NSF Grants No. CHE0911389, No. CHE0908218, and No. CHE-1213217. (Swedish Research Council; Icelandic Research Fund through the START programme; National Academies Keck Future Initiatives award; CHE0911389 - NSF; CHE0908218 - NSF; CHE-1213217 - NSF)Published versio

    Social Work Practice in Health Care: An Ethnic Sensitive Approach

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    The relationship between ethnicity and modes of response to illness has been well documented. One example is stoicism as contrasted with volatile behavior in response to pain of different groups. Another is increasing awareness of the fact that non-traditional healers (eog., espiritistas, cuaranderos) are used extensively by members of various ethnic groups. Insufficient attention has been paid to how such knowledge can be incorporated in social work practice. This paper reviews prevailing social work interventive procedures and skills and suggests needed adaptations if social work practice is to be more sensitive and responsive to different health behaviors and beliefs of various ethnic groups. Consideration is given to various views of illness causation, response, cure and death. In this context the potential for varying modes of cooperation with nontraditional healers is explored
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