57 research outputs found

    Akademik kütüphanelerde kaynak yönetimi

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    Kütüphane hizmetleri en genel haliyle, teknik hizmetler ve kullanıcı hizmetleri olarak iki ana koldan oluşur. Kullanıcıya sunduğumuz tüm hizmetlerin teknik hizmetler tarafında bir hazırlık süreci vardır. Bu hazırlık sürecinin başlangıcı kütüphane kaynaklarının verimli yönetimi ile doğrudan ilgilidir. Kaynak yönetiminde kullanıcıların bilgi gereksinimlerini karşılayacak nitelik ve nicelikteki ürünlerin belirlenmesi, sağlanması, sunumu ve erişimde sürekliliğin korunması için ciddiyetle oluşturulmuş bir stratejik plana gereksinim vardır. İyi tanımlanmış, değişen ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda güncellenen bir koleksiyon geliştirme politikasının varlığı kadar, politikanın hayata geçirildiği iş süreçlerinin de iyi tasarlanmış olması; sürecin girdilerinin, çıktılarının, değerlendirme kriterlerinin, birbiriyle ilgili ve etkili faaliyetlerin, ihtiyaç duyulan mekanizmaların da net bir şekilde belirlenmesi gerekir. Üniversitelerin bütçelerinde kütüphane bütçeleri önemli ve özel bir yere sahiptir. Bütçe, kütüphane hizmetlerine verilen önemi gösteren, dolayısıyla da bu hizmetlerin kalitesini belirleyen en önemli öğedir. Kütüphaneler kendi satın almalarını kendileri yaparlar, devlet ve vakıf üniversitelerinde farklılıklar, bürokrasi vb. etkenler olsa da bütçelerini kendileri yönetirler. Satın almanın her bir adımı ve kaynak yönetimi süreçleri kütüphane tarafından takip edilir. Burada hangi fakülte için ne kadar bütçe ayrılacağı, elektronik ve basılı kaynakların yönetimi ile doğrudan ilgilidir. Fakültelere ayrılan bütçelere karar verilirken; hangi dillerde eğitim veriliyor, en çok basılı mı yoksa elektronik kaynak mı kullanılıyor gibi sorular sorulmalıdır. Ancak bu ve benzeri soruların doğru olarak yanıtlanmasından sonra fakülte bazlı adil bir dağılım söz konusu olabilir. Akademik bir kütüphane olarak Özyeğin Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi, kaynak yönetiminde Üniversite’nin öğrenim, eğitim ve araştırma programlarını temel alarak hareket etmektedir. Kaynak dağılımını yaparken elektronik kaynakların yıllık kullanım istatistikleri değerlendirilir; basılı kaynakların ise kullanım oranları göz önüne alınarak kopya sayısının artırılması ya da yeni basımlarının koleksiyona dâhil edilmesine karar verilir. Birincil ders kaynaklarının alımı için akademik takvim başlangıçları göz önüne alınarak belirli bir miktar ön görülerek ayrılması gerekmektedir. Birincil ders kaynaklarının alınması süreci, hem geçmiş yılların kullanım oranlarına hem de dersi alan öğrenci sayısına göre yönetilmektedir. Akademik kütüphanelerde kaynak yönetimi kritik adımları olan bir süreçtir. Hem mali anlamda adil bir dağılım yapılmalı hem de alınan kaynakların kullanıcılara en verimli şekilde kullandırılması gerekmektedir. Alınan her bir kaynak üniversitenin akademik birikimine bir yatırımdır; tüm seçimler bu yaklaşım çerçevesinde yapılmalıdır.Publisher versio

    Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC) Treatment in Chronic Central Neuropathic Pain and Fibromyalgia Patients: Results of a Multicenter Survey

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    Central neuropathic pain is difficult to treat, but delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-THC) may be a promising therapeutic agent. We administered in 172 patients on average 7.5 mg delta 9-THC over 7 months. Of these, 48 patients prematurely withdrew due to side effects, insufficient analgesia, or expense of therapy. Thus, 124 patients were assessed retrospectively in a multicenter telephone survey. Reported changes in pain intensity, recorded on a numeric rating scale (NRS), Pain Disability Index (PDI), Medical Outcomes Short-Form (SF-12), Quality of Life Impairment by Pain (QLIP), Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), and amount of concomitant pain medication were recorded. Psychometric parameters (PDI, SF-12, QLIP, HADS) and pain intensity improved significantly during delta 9-THC treatment. Opioid doses were reduced and patients perceived THC therapy as effective with tolerable side effects. About 25% of the patients, however, did not tolerate the treatment. Therapy success and tolerance can be assessed by a transient delta 9-THC titration and its maintained administration for several weeks. The present survey demonstrates its ameliorating potential for the treatment of chronic pain in central neuropathy and fibromyalgia. A supplemental delta 9-THC treatment as part of a broader pain management plan therefore may represent a promising coanalgesic therapeutic option

    An interlaboratory comparison on the characterization of a sub-micrometer polydisperse particle dispersion

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    The measurement of polydisperse protein aggregates and particles in biotherapeutics remains a challenge, especially for particles with diameters of ≈ 1 µm and below (sub-micrometer). This paper describes an interlaboratory comparison with the goal of assessing the measurement variability for the characterization of a sub-micrometer polydisperse particle dispersion composed of five sub-populations of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and silica beads. The study included 20 participating laboratories from industry, academia, and government, and a variety of state-of-the-art particle-counting instruments. The received datasets were organized by instrument class to enable comparison of intralaboratory and interlaboratory performance. The main findings included high variability between datasets from different laboratories, with coefficients of variation from 13 % to 189 %. Intralaboratory variability was, on average, 37 % of the interlaboratory variability for an instrument class and particle sub-population. Drop-offs at either end of the size range and poor agreement on maximum counts of particle sub-populations were noted. The mean distributions from an instrument class, however, showed the size-coverage range for that class. The study shows that a poly-disperse sample can be used to assess performance capabilities of an instrument set-up (including hardware, software, and user settings) and provides guidance for the development of polydisperse reference materials.Drug Delivery Technolog

    Review of: Verein Dokumentation lebensgeschichtlicher Aufzeichnungen (Hg.): Ledige Mütter erzählen. Wien u.a.: Böhlau Verlag 2008

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    Im vorliegenden Band werden in autobiografischen Aufzeichnungen von dreizehn Österreicherinnen die Lebenswelten von Alleinerziehenden in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wieder lebendig gemacht. Ergänzt wird jede dieser – teilweise gekürzten – Erzählungen durch einen vorangestellten Regest, im Vorwort werden die einzelnen Geschichten zusammenfassend in die österreichische Sozialgeschichte eingeordnet. Im Anhang finden sich ein Glossar sowie Fotografien aus dem Privatbestand der Autorinnen. In gelungener Weise wird hier populare Autobiografik mit den Mitteln kritischer Quellenedition präsentiert. Der Sammelband ist daher sowohl interessierten Laiinnen und Laien als auch für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit zu empfehlen.The volume at hand brings to life the lives of single parents in the first half of the twentieth century based on autobiographical sketches of thirteen Austrian women. Each of these (sometimes abridged) narratives is preceded and supplemented by a register. The forward places the individual stories within a summary of Austrian social history. An appendix contains a glossary as well as photographs from the private collection of the author. The volume successfully presents non-literary autobiography with the means open to a critical reference edition. The collected volume can therefore be recommended to interested laypeople as well as for scholarship

    Event building in Neulerchenfelder Church in Ottakring

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDie Neulerchenfelder Kirche befindet sich im 16. Wiener Gemeindebezirk Ottakring in der Neulerchenfelder Straße 47. Das Einverständnis zum Bau einer Kirche in Neulerchenfeld, einem neuen Vorort, der sich östlich von Ottakring und westlich der Wiener Gürtelstraße gebildet hatte, wurde von Propst Ernest von Perger gegeben. Der Kirchenbau wurde von Andreas Perthold begonnen und 1753 fertiggestellt. 1945 wurde die Kirche, bis auf die Hauptfront samt den Türmen die nur beschädigt wurden, durch Bomben zerstört. Den Wiederaufbau 1955 plante und leitete Karl Raimund Lorenz. Die ursprünglich römisch-katholische Pfarre wurde auf Beschluss der Erzdiözese Wien 2013 aufgelöst. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt wird sie von der serbisch-orthodoxen Gemeinde genutzt. Mein architektonischer Entwurf setzt vor dem Zeitpunkt der Kirchenschenkung ein und sieht eine Umnutzung des Sakralraumes zu einem Konzertsaal vor. So soll dem meist leerstehenden Raum eine neue Aufgabe zugeordnet werden. Durch einige gezielte Um- und Zubauten der bestehenden Struktur und einer Revitalisierung der bestehenden Räume soll das Objekt zu einem funktionierenden Veranstaltungsgebäude umgebaut werden. Das Konzept soll dem aufstrebenden Bezirk Ottakring ein identifikationsstiftenden Standpunkt geben und für unzählige Veranstaltungen als Ort zu Verfügung stehen. Die Eingriffe sehen eine Neuorganisation der Infrastruktur mit einem neuen zentralen und barrierefreien Eingang vor. Der neugeschaffene überdachte Innenhof soll als Empfang und als zentrale Verteilungs- und Erschließungsfläche dienen. Diese Lösung soll als Entwurfsvorschlag für die oftmals nicht mehr benötigte Fläche der Religionsausübung und vielen leerstehenden Kirchenflächen dienen.The Neulerchenfelder church is located in the 16th district of Vienna, called Ottakring, in the Neulerchenfelder Street 47. The consent to build a church in Neulerchenfeld, a new suburb located east of Ottakring and west to the Vienna belt street was given by Propst Ernest von Perger. The building was finished under the control of Andreas Perthold 1753. In the year of 1945 the whole church was nearly demolished by bombs, except the main facade including the two towers. 1955 the rebuild was planned and guided by Karl Raimund Lorenz. The parish´s original use as a Roman Catholic Church was suspended due to the archdiocese’s resolution. Since this time the church is used by the Serbian Orthodox community. The design of my architectural conception starts before the donation and provides the conversion of the sacred space to a concert hall as a consequence to the little used building. So the abandoned space gets a new function. Through some specific interventions and revitalization of the existing building structure, the building should be converted into a new performance building. The new concept should give the whole district a new identity and work as an interesting place for all kind of events. The procedures provide a reorganization in the infrastructure with a new central accessible entry. The new generated roofed courtyard works as an entrance hall and central circulation space. This solution should fulfill the problem that these days there´s too much space which isn´t necessarily needed to exercise religion.14

    Development of a Maturity Model for the Enterprise Risk Management

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in engl. SpracheDie Standortbestimmung vorhandener RM-Fähigkeiten stellt einen wesentlichen Schritt in der Verbesserung und Anwendung des Risikomanagements in Unternehmen dar. Das erste Reifegradmodell im Risikomanagement war das Risk Maturity Model (RMM) von David Hillson aus dem Jahr 1997. Darin werden 4 Reifegrade wachsender RM-Fähigkeiten beschrieben, namentlich -Naive-, -Novice-, -Normalised- und -Natural-. Das Verständnis eines unternehmensweiten Risikomanagements im Sinne des COSO II-Rahmenwerks ist darin jedoch nicht Gegenstand der Betrachtung. Dabei wäre es für eine wertorientierte Unternehmensführung von großer Bedeutung, Synergiepotenziale jener RM-Funktionen im Unternehmen zu nutzen, welche in der einen oder anderen Weise mit für den Umgang mit Risiken verantwortlich sind. Auf Basis des Capability Maturity Model Integration der Carnegie Mellon University wird ein Reifegradmodell für das unternehmensweite Risikomanagement (ERM) entwickelt, in dem alle wesentlichen RM-Funktionen eines Unternehmen berücksichtigt sind. Die Anwendung dieses ERM-Reifegradmodells ermöglicht Unternehmen somit die Beurteilung einzelner RM-Bereiche, wodurch Fehlerquellen gezielter aufgedeckt und entsprechende Verbesserungspotenziale abgeleitet werden können.An essential step in the improvement and application of risk management in companies is to define, if there are already existing risk management capabilities and how they are worked with. The first known maturity model in the field of risk management, the Risk Maturity Model (RMM), was invented by David Hillson in 1997. In this model Hillson describes four levels of maturity which are named -Naive-, -Novice-, -Normalised- and -Natural-. The enterprise-wide risk management based on the COSO II framework is not part of this model. Although it would be of great importance for profit-oriented management to make use of synergetic potential of those areas in a company, where risk is worked with. Based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), developed by the Carnegie Mellon University, an enterprise-wide risk maturity model (ERM) can be generated, where all different areas which are relevant for risk management are included. The application of this ERM-maturity model enables companies to evaluate individual risk management areas. With this approach it is easier to find sources of error and identify potentials of improvement.7