58 research outputs found
Zagađenje pesticidima gajenih riba – putevi izloženosti, bioakumulacija i rizik za potrošače
U današnje vreme, globalno, proizvodnja u akvakulturi pokriva oko 50 % konzumirane ribe. Sa porastom obima proizvodnje u akvakulturi i porastom korišćenja biljnih sirovina u proizvodnji hrane za ribe, postoji potencijalni rizik od ostataka pesticida u jestivim proizvodima od ribe. Međutim podaci o monitoringu ostataka pesticide u komercijalnoj hrani za ribe uglavnom nedostaju, a potencijal prenosa ostataka pesticida sa useva na jestiva tkiva riba bi trebalo da bude bolje osvatljen.
Predstavljen je simpleks pristup za procenu maksimalnog opterećenja pesticidima u hrani za ribe. Dat je pregled aktuelnih istraživanja o obimu i tipu rezidua koji se mogu pojaviti u jestivim proizvodima od riba izloženim pesticidima.Today, aquaculture production provides roughly 50% of the worldwide consumed fish. Due to the increase in fish farming and the increase in use of plant commodities as a source of feed, there is a potential risk for pesticide residues in edible products in fish. However, monitoring data on pesticide residues in commercial aquaculture diets are mostly missing and the potential for transfer of pesticide residues from crops into edible tissues in fish needs to be further elucidated. A simplex approach for the estimation of the maximum burden of pesticides in compound feeds for fish is presented. An overview of current research activities on the extent and nature of residues that may occur in edible commodities of fish exposed to pesticides is provided
Solid-phase microextraction for bioconcentration studies according to OECD TG 305
An important aim of the European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use is the identification of (very) persistent, (very) bioaccumulative, and toxic substances. In other regulatory chemical safety assessments (pharmaceuticals, biocides, pesticides), the identification of such (very) persistent, (very) bioaccumulative, and toxic substances is of increasing importance. Solid-phase microextraction is especially capable of extracting total water concentrations as well as the freely dissolved fraction of analytes in the water phase, which is available for bioconcentration in fish. However, although already well established in environmental analyses to determine and quantify analytes mainly in aqueous matrices, solid-phase microextraction is still a rather unusual method in regulatory ecotoxicological research. Here, the potential benefits and drawbacks of solid-phase microextraction are discussed as an analytical routine approach for aquatic bioconcentration studies according to OECD TG 305, with a special focus on the testing of hydrophobic organic compounds characterized by log KOW > 5
A critical assessment of different transmethylation procedures commonly employed in the fatty acid analysis of aquatic organisms
Several transmethylation procedures have been used for fatty acid analysis of aquatic organisms although the suitability of the applied procedures has rarely been tested. The aim of this study was to demonstrate how different derivatization procedures can affect the result of fatty acid analysis. Different transmethylation procedures based on the acidic catalysts boron trifluoride, concentrated sulphuric acid and anhydrous hydrochloric acid were applied to cold-pressed copepod oil and Atlantic salmon flesh lipids rich in wax esters and triacylglycerols, respectively. The results show that 1) the use of unsuitable catalysts and/or incubation conditions may influence the data obtained which can lead to inaccurate conclusions about the presence of fatty acids in aquatic organisms/ecosystems 2) different derivatization procedures based on the same catalyst can produce diverging results and 3) the efficiency of a selected catalyst/procedure should be verified (e.g. by thin-layer chromatography) to ensure the complete transmethylation of fatty acids
Incorporation and metabolism of fatty acids by desaturation and elongation in the nematode, Panagrellus redivivus
The free-living nematode Panagrellus redivivus can be mass produced in monoxenic solid culture on Saccharomyces cerevisiae and therefore could be useful as a live food for marine fish or crustacean larvae in the rapidly expanding aquaculture industry. However, this will depend on their lipid and fatty acid composition and so this was investigated in mass produced P. redivivus grown on S. cerevisiae in three different media. Live nematodes were also incubated with [1-14C]-labelled fatty acids and their desaturation and elongation determined. The combined results from the growth trials on different media and the metabolic studies with labelled fatty acids indicated the presence of Δ9, Δ12, Δ6 and Δ5 fatty acid desaturase activities, and elongase activities active towards C18, C16 and shorter chain fatty acids. The presence of Δ15, and therefore the ability to produce n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, was suggested by the compositional data, but could not be conclusively established from metabolic studies
In vitro biotransformation assays using fish liver cells: Comparing rainbow trout and carp hepatocytes.
Biotransformation assays using primary hepatocytes from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were validated as a reliable in vitro tool to predict in vivo bioconcentration factors (BCF) of chemicals in fish. Given the pronounced interspecies differences of chemical biotransformation, the present study aimed to compare biotransformation rate values and BCF predictions obtained with hepatocytes from the cold-water species, rainbow trout, to data obtained with hepatocytes of the warm-water species, common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In a first step, we adapted the protocol for the trout hepatocyte assay, including the cryopreservation method, to carp hepatocytes. The successful adaptation serves as proof of principle that the in vitro hepatocyte biotransformation assays can be technically transferred across fish species. In a second step, we compared the in vitro intrinsic clearance rates (CLin vitro, int) of two model xenobiotics, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and methoxychlor (MXC), in trout and carp hepatocytes. The in vitro data were used to predict in vivo biotransformation rate constants (kB) and BCFs, which were then compared to measured in vivo kB and BCF values. The CLin vitro, int values of BaP and MXC did not differ significantly between trout and carp hepatocytes, but the predicted BCF values were significantly higher in trout than in carp. In contrast, the measured in vivo BCF values did not differ significantly between the two species. A possible explanation of this discrepancy is that the existing in vitro-in vivo prediction models are parameterized only for trout but not for carp. Therefore, future research needs to develop species-specific extrapolation models
Test Facility for Research on Advanced Green Propellants under High-Altitude Conditions
A test facility for research on green advanced
propellants under subatmospheric conditions has
been designed and built at test complex M11. The
facility is capable of testing various green
advanced propellants for satellite and orbital
propulsion applications with focus on research
requirements. High flexibility in using different
propellants and propellant combinations, in control
and measurement equipment and in test
conduction are key aspects for operation of the
test facility. An overview of the test facility itself and
the conducted tests are given
Hepatocytes as in vitro test system to investigate metabolite patterns of pesticides in farmed rainbow trout and common carp: Comparison between in vivo and in vitro and across species.
In vitro tools using isolated primary fish hepatocytes have been proposed as a useful model to study the hepatic metabolism of xenobiotics in fish. In order to evaluate the potential of in vitro fish hepatocyte assays to provide information on in vivo metabolite patterns of pesticides in farmed fish, the present study addressed the following questions: Are in vitro and in vivo metabolite patterns comparable? Are species specific differences of metabolite patterns in vivo reflected in vitro? Are metabolite patterns obtained from cryopreserved hepatocytes comparable to those from freshly isolated cells? Rainbow trout and common carp were dosed orally with feed containing the pesticide methoxychlor (MXC) for 14days. In parallel, in vitro incubations using suspensions of freshly isolated or cryopreserved primary hepatocytes obtained from both species were performed. In vivo and in vitro samples were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography with authentic standards supported by HPLC-MS. Comparable metabolite patterns from a qualitative perspective were observed in liver in vivo and in hepatocyte suspensions in vitro. Species specific differences of MXC metabolite patterns observed between rainbow trout and common carp in vivo were well reflected by experiments with hepatocytes in vitro. Finally, cryopreserved hepatocytes produced comparable metabolite patterns to freshly isolated cells. The results of this study indicate that the in vitro hepatocyte assay could be used to identify metabolite patterns of pesticides in farmed fish and could thus serve as a valuable tool to support in vivo studies as required for pesticides approval according to the EU regulation 1107
Gajenje slatkovodnih riba u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi: potrebe za istraživanjem i razvojem
Gajenje slatkovodinih riba ima veoma važnu ulogu za stabilizaciju biodiversiteta, resursa podzemnih voda, klime regiona kao i za snabdevenost hranom u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Velika konkurencija cena ribe na međunarodnom tržištu i promene u navikama ishrane ljudi pojačavaju pritisak na mala i srednja preduzeća u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi koja se bave gajenjem ribe i mogu da ugroze predeo oko uzgojnih jezera. Da bi povećali vrednost svih karika u lancu proizvodnje slatkovodnih riba, naučnici i proizvođači su identifikovali uobičajene i potencijalne izazove. Da bi se procenile potrebe sektora akvakulture u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi, sprovedeni su polu strukturirani intervjui sa proizvođačima i prerađivačima ribe i udruženjima u Poljskoj i Češkoj, u okviru projekta SIAD i FP7 EU projekta TRAFOON. Takođe su održane radionice sa istraživačima u sektoru akvakulture duž svake karike lanca proizvodnje riba u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Različite interesne strane su identifikovale nekoliko izazova koji ometaju razvoj slatkovodne akvakulture u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Razvoj akvakulture zahteva postojanje harmonizovanog regulativnog/pravnog okvira. Razmena znanja bi imala pozitivan uticaj na razvoj uniformnih standarda za održivost, i pomogla bi stvaranju pravnih procedura za izdavanje dozvola i licenci. Potrebno je izvršiti ekonomsku procenu usluga koje ekosistem ribnjaka pruža. Poboljšana tehnoligija koja je povoljna po životnu sredinu i sistemi za upravljanje kvalitetom u proizvodnji i preradi su neophodni da bi se obezbedila ustaljenija ponuda proizvoda od ribe viskog kvaliteta. Potrošači treba da budu bolje informisani o funkciji koju slatkovodna akvakultura i njeni proizvodi imaju za životnu sredinu.
Da bi došlo do održivog razvoja sektora akvakulture i da bi se izgradilo poverenje javnosti, veoma je važno podstaći društvene inovacije koje su primenljive na pojedinačni sektor ili pojedinačnu teritoriju. Da bi došlo do održivog razvoja sektora slatkovodne akvakulture potrebno je razviti strategije makro regionalnog razvoja koje su prilagođene određenim tržištima, uslovima životne sredine, ponašanju potrošača, kulturi i tradiciji i koje nude potencijal za razvoj izvan granica jedne zemlje. Razvoj i adaptacija ključnih tehnologija potrebni su da bi se stabilizovala konkurentna i održiva proizvodnja i prerada ribe u čijoj su proizvodnji resursi efikasno iskorišćeni
Erratum to: Bioaccumulation in aquatic systems: methodological approaches, monitoring and assessment
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